TIL the Muslim Brotherhood is British

>The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.

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>The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was a Freemason, Hassan al Banna, born in 1906, who developed from the influence of the three Salafi reformers, Afghani, Abduh and Rida. Banna’s father was as student of Abduh, and himself was greatly influenced by Rashid Rida. By age twenty-one, Banna was introduced to the leadership of Al-Manar, founded by Rida, and, beginning in the early 1920s, would often meet and discuss with Rida. Through Rida, Banna developed his opposition to Western influence in Egypt, in favor of “pure Islam”, meaning to the pernicious version of Wahhabism.

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>It was Montagu Norman, as Chairman of the Bank of England, who, from 1933 through 1939, met repeatedly with Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Economics, and a member of the Rhodes Round Table, to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime with British credit, and guided the strategies of Hitler’s primary supporters, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans.

>While Hitler cynically denounced the company as an “international Jewish organization,” Schacht nevertheless awarded huge contracts to produce munitions and chemicals for the German military buildup to IG Farben, the giant chemical firm, that ultimately produced the Zyklon B gas used in Nazi extermination camps. And, IG Farben and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm, having been merged in hundreds of cartel arrangements. It was led, up until 1937 by Rockefeller’s partners, the Frankist Warburgs.[2] After WW II began, Standard Oil pledged to keep the merger with I.G. Farben, even if the U.S. entered the war.

>The Nazis, created by the Illuminati, at the core represented an occult society that grew out of the associations around Jamal ud Din al Afghani and his H.B. of L. The Nazi Party was the result of a merging of the O.T.O of Crowley and the Thule Gesselschaft of Germany. The chief architect of the Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff, who had contact with Dervish Orders, and knew much about Sufism.

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>The doctrines of the Thule order were founded on The Coming Race by the Bulwer-Lytton, and the theory of the Atlantean origins of the Aryans race developed by Blavatsky. In 1919, the members of the Thule Society formed a political party named the “Germany Workers Party”. This was in turn was later renamed the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”, more popularly known as the Nazis, by Adolph Hitler in 1920, who became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and dictator in 1934. Also a member of the Thule Society was black magician, Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS, whose insignia was a Runic symbol, thought to represent the lost wisdom of their Aryan forefathers.

>These two factions, that developed out of Afghani’s influence, the Nazis and the Salafi movement, would eventually would work together to revive the ancient mind-control tactics of the Ismailis, to form a body of agent-provocateurs, more commonly known as terrorists. The name of this organization is the Muslim Brotherhood. Ultimately, however, following the example set by Afghani and Abduh, the upper leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood would profess Islam only to deceive, while in actuality they were members of the Illuminati, through their adherence to the Ismaili brand of Islam.

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>Assisting the Egyptians in coordinating with the Nazis was the CIA, headed by Allen Dulles. A 33rd Degree Freemason and Knight Templar, Allen Dulles was also a founding member of the CFR, an in-law of the Rockefellers, Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Prior to working for the CIA, Dulles was as a director of the J. Henry Schroeder bank in London, a prime instrument employed by Montagu Norman in his support of Nazi of Germany. Allen’s brother John Foster Dulles can be credited for having created the Versailles Treaty’s harsh terms against Germany. And yet, it was the two of them who secretly went to Hitler to confirm that the Illuminati bankers would back his rise to power. As partners in the Sullivan and Cromwell firm, Allen and John Foster also represented I.G. Farben, the Rockefeller-Harriman-Warburg combination.[11]

>Allen Dulles served with the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a Round Table creation that would eventually become the CIA, and of which he would become head. In 1938, US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, by agreeing to let the Special Operations Executive (SOE) control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General “Wild Bill” Donovan to London before setting up the OSS under the aegis of SOE-MI6. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA, have since worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute.

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>Miles Copeland, a former CIA operative specializing in the Middle East, revealed in his autobiography, The Game Player, that in 1951 and 1952 the CIA became interested in Nasser through a project known secretly as “The Search for a Moslem Billy Graham.” According to Copeland, who activated the project in 1953, the CIA needed a charismatic leader in order to divert the growing anti-American hostility that was dominant at the time. Copeland describes the first secret meeting he had with three army officers, including Major Abdel Moneim Ra’ouf, of Gamal Abdun Nasser’s inner circle.

>In March 1952, Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt, grandson of President Roosevelt, who headed the CIA Near East Operations, had begun a series of meetings with Nasser that led to the coup four months later. When Nasser wanted to overhaul Egypt’s secret service, he turned to the CIA. However, the U.S. government “found it highly impolitic to help [Nasser] directly,” Copeland recalled in his memoirs, so the CIA instead secretly bankrolled more than a hundred Nazi espionage and military experts to train Egyptian police and army units in the mid-1950s.[13]

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>The plan was to employ the age-old indoctrination methods of the Ismaili Assassins, to continue to create mind-controlled agent-provocaeurs, more commonly known as “terrorists”. In 1952, Dulles founded Banque Commerciale Arabe in Lausanne, Switzerland, representing a pact between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood, which is comprised of Saudi royal family members.[27] The bank was co-founded by a longtime British intelligence agent, Benoist Mechin, a protégé of Jack Philby.[28] Dean Henderson, author of Geopolitics: The Global Economy of Big Oil, Weapons and Drugs, summarizes the nature of this relationship:

>Part of this Faustian bargain may have involved the House of Saud chieftains providing information to US intelligence on how to create mind-controlled assassins. The Muslim Brotherhood claims to have first perfected this technique during the 11th century Crusades when it launched a brutal parallel secret society known as the Assassins, who employed mind-controlled “lone gunmen” to carry out political assassinations of Muslim Saracen nationalists. The Assassins worked in concert with Knights Templar Christian invaders in their attacks on progressive Arabs, but were repelled.[29]

>With Skorzeny now on the job of assisting Nasser, Egypt became a safe haven for Nazi war criminals.[30] Ultimately, the Free Officers coup was the work of many foreign intelligence agencies, though especially the British, French and American, in collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood. However, tensions eventually grew between the Free Officers and the Brotherhood. Nasser emerged in 1954, naming himself prime minister, and when his government moved towards a confrontation with the British, the Brotherhood was directed to wage war against him. To that effect, the Brotherhood received assistance from Israeli intelligence, for which reason, among others, it was accused by Al Ahram, and other Egyptian press, as being the tool of imperialists “and the Zionists”.[31]

>So when Nasser threatened to nationalize the Suez Canal, so important as a conduit for oil cargo to Europe and elsewhere, the Rothschilds employed their assassins from the Muslim Brotherhood against him. The Rothschilds had maintained an interest in the canal, ever since Baron Lionel de Rothschild financed his friend’s Bejamin Disraeli’s purchase of the canal for the British government in 1875.

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>When Brotherhood members fired shots at Egyptian leader Gamal Abdun Nasser in 1954, the group was forcibly suppressed by the government, with thousands of members being imprisoned. Six of its leaders were tried and executed for treason, and many others were imprisoned. Interrogations revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood functioned virtually as a German Intelligence unit. As well, as divulged by Copeland:

>Nor was that all. Sound beatings of the Moslem Brotherhood organizers who had been arrested revealed that the organization had been thoroughly penetrated, at the top, by the British, American, French and Soviet intelligence services, any one of which could either make active use of it or blow it up, whichever best suited its purposes. Important lesson: fanaticism is no insurance against corruption; indeed, the two are highly compatible

>Fleeing members of the Muslim Brotherhood were then shuttled to the CIA’s ally, Saudi Arabia. When John Loftus, a Justice Department official in the eighties, was permitted to peruse classified government documents, he revealed that the British Secret Service convinced American intelligence that the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood would be indispensable as “freedom fighters” in preparation for the next major war, which was anticipated against the Soviet Union. Kim Philby, the Soviet agent who infiltrated the British Secret Service, and the son of “Abdullah” Philby, helped the US acquire these Arab Nazis, then being expelled from Egypt, who were afterwards sent to Saudi Arabia. There, according to Loftus, “they were given jobs as religion education instructors.”[33]

>Thus, beginning in the 1960s, the Salafi became more formally allied to the Wahhabis, who became the principal patrons of the Brotherhood, which set up branches in most Arab states. With the CIA’s tacit approval, the Saudis provided funds for Brotherhood members who joined the anti-Nasser insurgency in Yemen in 1962. “Like any other truly effective covert action, this one was strictly off the books,” wrote Robert Baer, a nineteen-year veteran of the CIA, in Sleeping with the Devil. “There was no CIA funding, no memorandum of notification to Congress. Not a penny came out of the Treasury to fund it. In other words, no record.” Describing the Brotherhood as a “silent ally” that provided a “cheap no-American casualties way” to do “our dirty work in Yemen, Afghanistan, and plenty of other places,” Baer explained, “All the White House had to do was give a wink and a nod to countries harboring the Muslim Brothers.”[34]

>In 1962, with CIA encouragement, the Saudis established an organization called the Muslim World League.[35] Underwritten initially by several donors, including Aramco, then a CIA collaborator, the League established a powerful international presence, with representatives in 120 countries.[36] It was headed by then chief Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed ibn Ibrahim Al al-Sheikh, a lineal descendant of Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab, and the presidency remains vested in the Saudi Mufti to this day.

>Included among its eight members were important representatives of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood: Said Ramadan, son-in-law of Hasan al Banna, Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, leader of Brotherhood offshoot, the Jamati Islami of Pakistan, and Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi, of India. “Moreover”, as Abul El Fadl describes,

>...the proponents of Wahhabism refused to be labeled or categorized as the followers of any particular figure including ‘Abd al-Wahhab himself. Its proponents insisted that they were simply abiding by the dictates of al-salaf al-salih (the rightly-guided predecessors, namely the Prophet and his companions), and in doing so, Wahhabis were able to appropriate the symbolism and categories of Salafism.[37]

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>but Jow Forums refused to change

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