Study: “Unmarried women see lack of economically attractive men”

Translation: “Used up unmarried roasties see a lack of beta providers that they can marry and then divorce rape.” Wouldn’t this be considered oppressive and sexist if a man wrote it? People would be calling for a lynch mob to kill the author if it were titled “Men see lack of economically attractive females.”

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why do incels come to Jow Forums to cry about women? real low t behaviour

>95% of the women are absolute trash and a drain on society.

Womrn are both the niggers and kikes of gender.

The little boys who come here to complain about women haven't realised their world revolves around women.

They whine, moan, call them all the names in the book. They're obsessed with hating them. If not that, they're jerking off to them or constantly thinking about them. Or alternating between the two. They actually think themselves to be superior. Their whole life is for talking about women.

God why cant Canada have a nuclear wildfire!?


(((economically attractive)))

Meanwhile, men continue to marry women with massive debt loads and no career prospects.

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Women are a cancer
I wish I could quit my job and find work at a company that doesn’t hire women.

Beta bucks

Alpha fucks

Scientist could learn a lot here

>economically attractive men

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write one that says men see a lack of prime aged available women and you will see comments from a bunch of mid twenties single mothers and over 30 wine aunts/catladys reeeing.

women are destroying western civilization. Got live in Afghanistan turd

the only good women have is in their holes and reproduction. when that function is no longer there they no longer matter. the only difference is if those women reproduced and are in the efforts of helping the next generation secure mates and helping to raise their childrens offspring.

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t. roastie

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>"economically attractive"
This right here should tell everybody with two functioning brain cells that putting women in the workplace was a mistake, let alone actually fighting for them to earn the same. Women are not fit to adapt to such a world, and it's questionable if they ever will be, more likely they follow millenia-old instincts which they themselves made obsolete and even harmful in modern society.

amen bro. the amount of women that are actually useful at work is pathetic

The opposite sexes are natural attracted to each other. Procreation is how the human species survives. We are currently in the midst of a (((gender war))). (((They))) want to destroy white men and all of their strongholds by subverting the white women. Women are taking (((their))) bait, hook line and sinker. Now (((They))) are also attacking patriarchy and masculinity. (((They))) want to destroy the nuclear family and traditions of all races.


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Based money worshiping roastie whores in based money worshiping faggot cuck west

Anything to topple this fuckery faster.

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we've always needed women more than they needed us. What are you going to do if you want kids, go to the egg bank, jerk off in a tube, and a year later get your child delivered by Amazon ?

Will 69ing myself on a folding chair really reduce my back pain?

>says Dr. Goldsteinberg
this has to be a parody.


this. they demand equality, but still want some rich guy to take care of them. the two are mutually exclusive. Modern women are insane

They're not so 'economically attractive' themselfs with all that dick milage they've clocked. Clunker cunts.

I just feel bad for them really. They were scammed by 3rd wave feminism to believe their life was less than that of a mans. Then they became men and realized it's not so glamorous.

It's actually really sad, I'm sure most of them are starting to realize money isnt everything but it's already too late for them to start over and learn to be a tender loving women a man desires, their biological clock for kids would be up by then.

It's really depressing, and we shouldn't direct our hate towards them, they are just victims of the Jews and 3rd 2ave radical feminists

All of the women in my dating pool (women who make about equal or less money than me in my age range ~32; e.g. nurses, teachers, counselors, etc.) always seem to be broke because they waste their money on European vacations every year.

being a gold digger is perfectly fine if you were born with a vagina. you disagree? well that's because you're a fucking loser! let someone else leech off of your efforts or stay lonely, loser

I have a house, car, passive income, no debt, and a career. I'm 30 and I don't want to risk losing any of that because of some vapid whore.

they have destroyed the nuclear family. people aren't getting married anymore. Marriage for a man is a game of russian roulette these days with half the chambers loaded.

Even tho the media constantly talks about these people, no self respecting white man should care what niggers do, and no self respecting man should care what women over 25 do.

They're both worthless as a whole and of no value, the exceptions popping up once in a while just proving the rule.

Yes women play a very important role in society that's why they were targeted and degenerated first.

A man with an income is willing to support a woman with no income. Never the other way around.

Only a true beta blames women for his lack of ability to control them. Would you blame an undisciplined child or a stray dog? of course you would, because you're a cuck.

you guys realize the point is to get them to lezz out for the cult, right?
>look at Black America ti reference how this op is run

yo what if all the women are taking the good jobs and have to marry neets now because a science report will surface showing the benefits of stay at home parenting lmfao then yang becomes president and we all get a free lb of weed a month

they also look down on actual labor jobs and instead want the super rich lawyer or ceo and don't want to settle for middle class

t. roastie whore


>hurr durr
>Whilst being on a website entirely dedicated to men bitching about lack of virgin/conservative females
t.Seething poorfag

i’m sorry, but COME ON. you really expect me to want to marry a man who doesn’t make a good salary every year? you really expect me to want to have children with a man who may not be able to sufficiently support both himself, me and the children? because i’m not planning on choosing to work men’s jobs over choosing to stay home and take care of the house and children. you want women to stay home, you want women to fill traditional female roles, but you’re not okay with them wanting to marry someone they know will be able to sufficiently support them? you can’t have both.

>they are just victims of the Jews and 3rd 2ave radical feminists
they will vote RaHoWa in. trust me.

unironically this
Men who are normal don't have problems pulling women or are in a happy relationship.
There's an easy to see line between 'wow these women sure are acting degenerate, we should fix this' and 'fucking roasties reeee'.

Misogyny breeds feminism and feminism breeds misogyny.

pfft I'll laugh in their face any chance I get. They need to know they're retarded and society already had this figured out.

Babylonian whores lament they are out of men to rob.
This is a lifestyle issue, prepare yourselves.

A woman will consider a man that makes an equal amount of money to be below her.

Woman only do this to themselves.

What's up with Jow Forums defending roasties?

Why not you do both? You have the kids and provide for them like a single mom but you're married

Hypergamy should be taught in schools. Stupid women priced themselves out of the market at the behest of feminism

It's the old ''women of my tribe can do no wrong'' instinct.

Have you read Orwellian Ireland OP?
It shows how the CIA and MI5/6 obliterated the IRA and our media without making a noise.


nigger they're getting their just desserts.
men and women will be less happy as a whole because of this. but men will simply soldier on, or kill themselves. women will go batshit insane. just utterly bonkers as they realize that they were lied to and instead of taking responsibility for themselves, which they almost never do, they will blame men and destroy our civilization since our ancestors had the wonderful idea of giving them equal rights. ofcourse, this has all happened before, and will happen again, the cycle of civilization is hilarious to watch once you can see it for what it is.

Fug wrong thread.

Dude if Brad Pitt can’t hold down Angelina, then what fucking hope is there for the rest of us? Even chads are getting ass raped. Bezos lost half his fortune

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Middle class can't afford European vacations every year so they can take a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Leaning Tower of Pisa, etc. to keep up with / outdo the Joneses on facebook/insta.

>everybody who calls me pathetic for being a pathetic beta is a roasite!!1
imagine actually being this low t

It's man's job to control women you cuck

if i do that, what is the point in even being married? if i wanted to have kids and provide for them by myself i would go to the sperm bank and do that, but that’s not what i want.

>why do people complain about the biggest issue in modern society

As a man who supports a stay at home wife and three kids I unironically agree with this statement. Why would a wife hitch herself to a man who can't provide for his family?

That said though, the article implied it wasn't women of child bearing age who were looking at settling down and raising a family but lazy older women tired of working pointless jobs who wanted to be pampered.

you saw my comment yesterday and now you are copying it

typical kike

There was also a reply that kikes are just sandniggers, so women are just the niggers of the 2 genders

You are not the alpha you're trying to project yourself as, leaf.

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So the only value you see in a husband is money. Not a good father. How self centered

men prefer debt free virgins without tattos

God yes

Unmarried women voted us into Clown World. They are not worthy of decent men.

at least be able to manage your own debt. It's not that difficult.

Yea nigger pay up

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>instead of taking responsibility for themselves
That's the issue. Never in history have women ever been responsible for themselves. Their care has always been placed with a man, be it their family or their husband. Expecting women to be responsible for themselves is why we have gotten to where we are now.

gynocentrism is jewish tyranny
you'll burn in hell with the rest of them you fucking nigger

yes, that is much different. i didn’t bother to read the article as i assumed that because the author was a woman, it would be biased. but when will these women realize they’re being fucking stupid? they shout for feminism and equality but go right back to sitting at home and getting fat when they receive some.

Its authored by a woman. I would read it if it were coauthored by as man as well. It’s like a white person telling a black person how to fix black problems. Women are single because they grew up in ‘muh independence and I don’t need a man’. And they’re right they don’t. They never needed men and men never needed women to get through this lifetime. It just makes it more pleasant, less stressful, and not so lonely. But no one ever told them that, so they never thought of it and now they’re out their competeing against younger women for rings from a small pool of men that meet their standards.

Nothing news. Modern women are bitches and whores.

I think we're fast approaching the point where men just want children and see women as a necessary evil. The moment that artificial wombs are largely viable is the moment women either change their tune or become nothing more than egg donors. If I could skip getting a wife and go straight to having children that are genetically mine, I'd strongly consider it.

Well, I find discouraging putting my my economic assets at the disposal of a used up whore with three blessing. Statemen pls halp!

In short

West is devolving

*women over 24


Women are only able to behave the way they do because poltroons like you allow them to do so

stop projecting

where did you see me say that? i even specifically mentioned in another reply that i did not want to raise children alone. you didn’t stop to think that i’m not looking for someone who is solely “economically attractive”, i’m looking for someone who would be valuable in a home life as well.

t. bitter old roastie whore with a diseased cunt

I know it is you fucking retard. But guess what? Bug daddy government is her husband and your just caring for her you disconnected moron.
I know it is. But this is the world we were given.

It’s because Men aren’t looking for a provider, but women are. That’s why this article was written and that’s why it makes sense. In an age where the majority of college grads are women, it makes sense.

Are you actually a real biological woman? How close are you to day of the barren womb?

why would a "economically attractive man" marry a used up roastie and wageslave for the rest of his live for her?

>crying on Jow Forums because you have no authority over whores
see speak for yourself retard

Stop accepting the world for what it is and start making it how you want it to be. No wonder the leaf is calling you a cuck.


i’m 22.

This needs to happen

t. bitter old roastie whore with a smelly diseased cunt

>indoctrinated, entitled women with useless degrees and debt
quite the prospect

Women won't date someone who makes less than them. This was (((their))) plan for pushing women into college all along.