It's time for Jow Forums to decide

Who do you stand with?
>Obama and Iran
>Trump and Israel
The choice is clear and stark!

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Other urls found in this thread:

False premise. You've not given other options

I have
If you weren't such a lazy daytimer snoozer you'd have clicked it and seen it for yourself!

They both rejected Christ.
Get burnt.

Attached: quote-everything-in-the-world-is-exactly-the-same-kanye-west-63-63-84.jpg (850x400, 54K)

Kanye rejects Christ too.

Not a lot of love for Trump + Israel so far. OY VEY!

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Ron paul and north korea

his newest album is titled Jesus is King
Shut the fuck up retard

I wonder who Dick Cheney prefers...

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juche gang

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ronpol doesn't believe in juche
he believes in (((trade)))

fuck libertardians

SOCIALISM is the essence of NATIONALISM!


Obama and Iran non ironically. Obama even deported more people then Trump. I Can't even think of one positive thing trumps done

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>Implying Obama really wanted to make friends with Iran
>Implying the JCPOA wasn't meant to weaken Iran and pull it from Russian/Chinese Orbit
>Doesn't understand this isn't so much as Iran vs Israel, as it's Russia vs US.

Best Fucking Post

>Russia vs US.
So Jew vs Jew? Oh boy it's the cold war all over again.

Then why did Russia and China take part in the process, retard?

It was the
(Murrca, RUSSIA, CHINA, France & Britain)
>+ 1
>+ 1 more

negoitating with Iran. And they all came to an agreement, much to the chagrin of Bibi Netanyahu, Donald Drumpf, John McCain and Chuck Schumer.

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Russia and China want to peel Europe out of Atlanticist sphere of influence for their Eurasian integration. The dems wanted Iran to placate Iran and integrate it with Europe and to be used against Russia/China. The Libtarded factions in Iran, US, and Europe wanted this, whereas the "hardliner" factions in Iran want to integrate with the East. The Republicans are just a bunch of butthurt assblassted retards, and in Russia's case, useful idiots.

Russia is now supporting Iran's nuclear program because it's using Iran as an excuse to pull Europe into itself and China. You can see the effects of the JCPOA being ripped apart now.

End all US involvement in zionist wars. Israel on subsistence charity only.

Half of all US charity sent to Israel now mandated to be given to the victims of US/Zionist sponsored terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Egypt.

20 homeless veterans kill themselves every day
Flint still doesn't have drinkable water

Yet Drumpf and Congress decide to give more money to the Pentagon
to Israel
bombs Syria with 59 tomahawk missiles, each costing $1.6 million = 94 million dollars


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Only six of you faggots voted Trump? Kill yourself.


ron paul and nk support iran


>Obama and Iran

Attached: Obama Israel.gif (858x570, 1.52M)

>I Can't even think of one positive thing trumps done
BTFO'd the heck out of libtards maga style.
Now that is based.

*miga style

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Ron Paul and America as a 3rd choice. Nice try OP

Jesus and the Archangels
The End is Nigh

Ron Paul supported Obama's Iran Deal

nice try, fucking kike. you've been exposed.

Attached: Ron-Paul[1].jpg (947x567, 50K)

I am forced to stand by israel because of blackmailed US politicians

I don't think they're as blackmailed as you think. Obama stabbed Israel in the back twice and he's walking around safe and sound. I think most of your politicians just love Israel that damn much.


Uh oh, this ain’t lookin good for the MIGAniggas

Holy shit that image really sums up the different between based Obama and Zio Don.

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The sad truth that most americans don't know is that collaboration with Iran would be significantly more beneficial for the US than collaboration with Israel or Saudi arabia. Iran has great scientists and engineers on top of being oil rich.

I'm just gonna say, Jews are white, they got their own ethnostate, they are good. If they stay where they belong we should have no problem with them.

I don't want Iran to get on good terms with USA. There are a lot of resentful Iranians like me who are not willing to forgive USA at this point, and we would prefer war rather than to become friends. What would be most preferable is USA stops sanctioning Iran and leaves the country alone. I dislike how much media attention the country receives, and I would prefer a sense of distance and indifference to occur rather than one of either hostility or friendship.

I think Obama (Deep State, Globalists) and Israel really want a belligerent Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

Israel probably has a lot of nukes. Some analysts estimate that they probably have at least 200 warheads. One analyst at the US Naval War College thinks that if they produced steadily since the late 70s then they could have 800 nuclear bombs! Only a few would be on missiles, the rest would be carried as bombs on jets and as battlefield tactical artillery warheads (good for killing troops and tanks).

Why is an Iranian atomic bomb desired by Israel? When Iraq and Iran went to war, the formidable Saddam Hussein Iraqi military could not overwhelm the Iranians. The Iranians sent out enormous numbers of soldiers in suicidal waves against Saddam's modern tanks and weapons. The only way to stop a million troops on a battlefield is tactical nukes. Tactical nukes are ready in Germany as a measure against Soviet military incursions.
So it is official NATO doctrine.

So a possible scenario is:
Iran detonates an atomic test blast,
tension ratchets up in the Mid-East,
the media will play up fears of a atomic strike by Iran,
a "Israel-bound missile" (a dummy fired from a Israeli sub
in the Strait of Hormuz?) is detected by the Saudis/Turks/US,
the 'atomic' missile is intercepted,
Israeli jets scramble to nuke Iranian nuclear facilities, missile sites and military barracks,
Iran is no longer a military threat (and no longer a Shia threat to Saudi Arabia).
Israel is the pre-eminent military power in the Mid-East. The Greater Israel plan is go.

I choose Iran over Israel

>4D chess

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I would prefer anti-Iranian sentiment to increase than for USA and Iran to ever normalize ties. I would like Iran's image in USA to plummet so much that Americans would never invest in it.