We finally did it lads, nearly 80% of prime age women who should be at home and doing the most important job necessary to maintain a civilisation AKA raising children are now doing spreadsheets for some corporate Jew. All Hail Trump who made this possible

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where would we be without trad conservatives saving the west from those commies

money is the most important

That sucks. I hate cold hearted bitches who put the baby in day care for 10 hours a day. Eight babies two teachers, Do the math, they don’t get picked up most of the day. It’s sickening

>implying any of those 80% of modern women are worthy of motherhood
the jewrman strikes again

With mass birth rates and closed borders.

This. Jews are truly our greatest ally!

kys doomer

In all honesty, is the wage growth correlated to a population that is growing less rapidly?

I know in the late 90's and early 2000's we had an [illegal]immigration wave who's[illegal parents] anchor babies are in the work force now.

I honestly wonder how much higher our wages would be if it wasn't for illegal immigration.

She's another Zionist schill like Farage. Avoid. Low IQ ppl on the right like her

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So in other words, all the people most likely to chimp out when the gavel falls on 120k+ sealed indictments will have to be at their jobs or kicked out of their apartments rather than burning down the cities.
Then family leave starts to get rolled in and people start getting non-jewed data about reality and they all start making smarter choices rather than chasing the carrot Jew on a stick.

>sealed indictments

Gonna need a source that isn't (((Q)))


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Trump has been a massive failure dorito skin cock sucker

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Based snowman.

I heard it on Tuxker the other night.

(((Ktie Hopkins)))

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fucking monkeys is shameful


>it's drumfs fault!!12
it's all the fault of you zog pozzed boomers and zoomers. stop lying to yourselves all the time.

Trump is the king of zog pozzed boomers

How ignorant you are

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and just like that you forget all the other presidents. somehow you dumbass mutts have been losing all these decades before trump, but israel has only been winning. when will you connect the dots?


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Forgot to include that higher percentage of workers hold multiple jobs that ever before and the housing crisis :^)


Working nigs and spics are better than non-working nigs and spics at least. Show me the "no-nigs" vote an ill cast it, okay?

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Yes! More people are working for their billionaire overlords, this is EXCELLENT news!

>Wage growth at 3%
Before or after adjustment for inflation?

It's true. My wife ran a home daycare before we had too many of our own kids to do it (county ratios of kids under 3 to adults taking care, etc). She was open from 7am till 6pm Mon to Fri. She had this one couple who dropped off at 7 and were late to pick up every day, and the kids bedtime was 8 so during the week they saw their kid maybe 30 minutes in the morning on a car ride, maybe an hour and 30 in the evening car ride, dinner and bedtime. 2 hours per day with their kid 5 days per week in it's formative years and people wonder why some families fail to forge strong bonds. It's really sad. They didn't need to do it either by my estimate. The father makes 6 figures, I think the mom was just afraid of being a mother.

% of women in work

>>This is a good thing for you goy

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>not being a man and making a modern women your wife then unprogramming the jew lies from her while she runs the household and takes care of the kids
It is you that are the filthy jew, probably too cowardly to even wait in a Finnish bus line!

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ur a kike bro


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>t. shlomo circumcisowicz
thank you, I will consider your offer

This is peak Boomer - close to the truth but will never wake

not me, DT being president cost me money, and I have seen zero improvements in opportunity for improvement.

When you running nigger?


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