Redpill me on the Masons

I've hearing more and more how the British government is controlled by the Masons and their plot is to destroy Christianity on both our Islands.

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Yes goy those tricky masons have a plan to enslave all humanity.


it's just a social club for old men


>Pic from /x/ related

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>shabbat slide
Fuck off moshe.

yup only white men. community leaders such as politicians, business owners, policemen seem to be the ones who reach the highest degrees. this is why they permeate an illusion of world domination

This thread already exists >>

Even if you assume everything masons say about themselves is true, it still doesn't make sense

> Claims to promote liberal, democratic, egalitarian, secular values in society
> Uses an esoteric, exclusive, secretive, hierarchical mystery cult to acheive this.

Freemasons promote levelling political movements to weaken traditional and aristocratic social forces, then step in and fill the void with their financial power. Like during the American and French Revolutions, the richest colonists (who were Masons) used liberal arguments to convince people to overthrow the King, after which they became the most powerful members of society.

Since we're talking about Masons... I live in a very small town and we have a "very symbolic" synagogue here that the Jews hold high because it symbolises how far they reach or some shit. But the whole city block is that synagogue, and surrounding buildings are all Mason buildings. Nicest and biggest buildings in our little city and it's a whole block of weird satanic shit. How do we combat that?

This same thread every 6 hours.
Shift work or automation?
Masons aren't connected to anything other than themselves.

bomb shriners

Aren't Masons connected to Templars? Didn't Templars establish the first banks?

Parasites that have done more damage to society than any disease ever has, not including the jews. Also responsible for the French Revolution.

I think the first successful distributed ledger system was implemented by the Rothschilds.

Swiss bank is most succesful banking on earth. Swiss banks draw direct lineage from Templar banks

What made them the most successful?

Their white skin, obviously.

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Who happen to hold executive positions in ever major business, from boeing, to airbus, microsoft, etc? I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

nice id btw

I am actually a member of the masons.

It's a social club. In fact there are strict rules against members doing business together.

My old boss introduced me to it and I was excited to join this secret and influential club. In fact its rubbish. Old guys driving Mercedes gathering together in a room that stinks of piss. Total waste of time

I'd prefer to cross reference those masons accused of conspiring and see how many of them are Jews.

a sort of neo-initiaion cult that wishes to hide its occult nature in plain sight. They don't really control as much as you'd think but that doesn't mean they aren't a wing of the NWO or whatever.

It's not about sharing business. It's about sharing the same ideology. Are you such brainlets that you don't see this?

Hermeticist/gnostics wannabe with incomplete rituals.
Now, comped by the jews since weishaupt rebellion, though some claim they're backed by the jesuits or something, everything's fucky.

Now, small town masons arent worth shit, they just get high on getting DUI/high speed tickets dismissed and the ocassional rape.
On the other hand, lodges like B'nai B'rith pull the strings on the whole western world.

Might as well "buy local" tho, a little economic 69ing. If they were smart they would.


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This old guy I talked to was adamant that the UK gov is all mason for 100s of years.

Listen to this
Take notes
Start searching

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They build buildings and hospitals.
Study math, science and medicine.
They help people.
Then they blow up those buildings and hospitals.
Hide all the math, science, and medicine that they know from the public.
Then they control governments and run psy-ops on people.
Rinse repeat.


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69 is sodomy, so that's perfect for the masons

Freemasonry is kike occultism for goyim. Whoever practices it is a stooge of merchant. It was like that from the beginning, and always will be (until every single of them will be killed along with their masters of course).

When it seems Jews are to blame, these folks are opperating in the shadows

Its a corrupted form of Platonism.

Plato tried to warn us about the Demiurge and they embrace him.

A magazine called "One" from August 1958. This is a magazine of honest and open homosexuals, which was published in the city of San Francisco. In this journal of honest and open homosexuals, on the ninth page, it is quite frankly said: "Under the existing social and cultural systems, a homosexual automatically becomes a member of world Freemasonry." Here is the whole secret. Homosexuals themselves admit that Freemasonry is a secret society of homosexuals.
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Divide and conquer is my guess on what you would call destruction.

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Here's their manual by the way.

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Here's a successful person under masonic control.

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The Swiss banks are a safe haven for tax dodging rich people. Georg Soros has offshore accounts which are possibly Swiss banks...

On the Federal Reserve.

There were also Knight Templar's that allegedly worshiped Baphomet, and if you search for "Knight Templar pedo" or "Knight Templar Satan", you will get surprising results.

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