If Christianity is bluepilled why is it constantly under attack?

If Christianity is bluepilled why is it constantly under attack?

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Jews want to convince us it's bluepilled because they don't want us to be Christian. If they wanted us to be Christian they would be constantly telling the masses to be Christian and they'd support it just like they support all their other (((movements))).

This is the absolute truth of the matter. For those interested in objective historical documentation in support of this thesis, start with Red Symphony by Josif Maksimovitch Landowsky.

You have to admit, lots of chrisfags are bluepilled cucks.

because it has the *potential* not to be bluepilled and they are being careful. Any rational observer will tell you that modern Christcucks are by-in-large Jewish lapdogs. The fact that jews attack it does not change this. They even invented a new compound word to describe this special relationship, "Judeo-Christian"

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"In reality Christianity is our only real enemy, since all the political and economic phenomena in the bourgeois States are only its consequences. Christianity, controlling the individual, is capable of annulling the revolutionary projection of the neutral Soviet or atheistic State by choking it and, as we see it in Russia, things have reached the point of the creation of that spiritual nihilism which is dominant in the ruling masses, which have, nevertheless, remained Christian: this obstacle has not yet been removed during twenty years of Marxism."

if republican party is bluepilled, why is it constantly attacked?

>worship a dead jew to btfo the jews

Because it's weak and vulnerable. Which means those with insecurities, like the Muzzies who know full well they're backwards and barbarous, can torment them without having to worry about retaliation.

>If Christianity is bluepilled why is it constantly under attack?
The answer to that question i you searching the difference between Eastern and (((Western))) Muslim leaders.

Jews attack Christianity because they dont like white people appropriating their culture. White Christians are Jews in white skin. they attack christianity because they reject that christ was the messiah, and you white retards lapping as jews are trying to control their culture by acknowledging that Jesus is the messiah, and all the other retarded evangelical revelations based prophesies.

>White Christians are Jews in white skin
Then why aren't White Christians as degenerate and subversive as the Jew?


Jew nations are the banks.
They can't be the majority because of their modus operandi so they bash what's good, just like indigo children, but jews are literally super humans, sub-humans are those that defends no purpose fights

Yeah, that's the part where it gets a little tricky. There are huge parts of modern Christianity that they've subverted (the whole "Jesus was a hippy/socialist that did nothing but love other people and never said anything negative!" thing). They're worried that we'll find a way to go back to the old ways where heresy and degeneracy were not only to be shunned, but destroyed.

>not degenerate
do white christians not sacrifice their sons foreskin to YHWH mere minutes after birth?
>not subversive
pic related

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Christianity is a controlled demolition as was the Twin Towers

this. if christians ever get power again, they will murder their opponents and start a new dark age, effectively sacrificing humanity for Jebus. gg christians.

This, the church has been steadily infiltrated and weakened for decades now
Blame Israel
After the Holocaust the Jewish lobby spent millions trying to convince Christians that if they helped found and support Israel that it would help bring about the return of Christ
It's been decades and it ain't happened yet, I think we need to call on their bullshit

>After the Holocaust the Jewish lobby
lurk moar, look up the Balfour declaration. The eternal Anglo christcuck agreed to give Palestine to European Jewry in exchange for Americas entry into ww1. Britain is responsible for Israel. The holocaust didnt happen retard, Jews weren't put to death in masturbation machines and made into soap and lamps.

i want to travel back in time and nuke the desert tribes out of existence before they can start their shitty moron sand religions.