New Study on race and intelligence (n=8580)

Why is nobody talking about this study? I know we are all race realists here, so it might be preaching to the choir. But this study, I think, is more definitive than any before it. First of all, the first objection most people bring to such studies is
>muh sample size!
But this study has a sample size of 8580, with 5183 European-Americans, 3155 African-Americans, and 242 biracial African-European-Americans.

Also, this study included data on appearance such as skin color and eye color, to test the model of "colorism", i.e. the idea that darker appearing black people are more discriminated against than light-skinned black people. For example, some black people with a lot of European ancestry will, by genetic coincidence, be more dark-skinned. Intelligence was found to correlate more tightly with ancestry than with skin color, which seems to be a pretty definitive blow to the colorism hypothesis.

>Our data are compatible with a between-group heritability (variance explained by European ancestry) of between 50% and 70% depending on the model chosen.

Attached: psych-01-00034-g003.png (3551x3504, 2.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Clarification: this study is not evidence against colorism in general, but it is evidence against colorism as an explanation for the IQ gap.

Interdasting thanks for posting
It has been added to my collection.

I just think it’s funny there are “self-identified” mulattos that test 100% white lmao. Talk about white guilt.

Glad to be of service :)

Yes, those are the Rachel Dolezals, I suppose. However if you look closely at the red cloud there are some blue stragglers who identify as mono-racial European American, but only have about 10% European ancestry, which I find equally hard to explain. Not as many of them as all those white "mulattos" though.

...does that graph show that there are basically no pureblood africans in the US, instead all of them have some european ancestry?

niggers have 17% euro ancestry
>who knew?

African Americans are smarter than African Africans thanks to race mixing.

they have euro gene admixture and they're still braindead retarded holy fuck
the africans are sometimes better disciplined though

It’s hilarious when African Americans go to Africa to “discover their roots” only to kiss the soil when they return.

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They aren't as numerous as you might think, but if you look along the "0%" line you will see some red circles.

whats the y-axis?

g-factor? iq? difference of 1 point?

what are we looking at?

y-axis is g-factor. Sorry, I just saved a copy of the figure and that left out the caption.

IQ, difference of 1σ or 14.72 points.

It's standard deviations so, 15 IQ points.

Look at those whites self identifying as Negro plus European, what is wrong with Americans?

me on the left
feels bad man

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How the fuck can there be over 5 people with less than 30 IQ (converted) in this data set?

African Americans owe their superior intelligence over African Africans to slavery.

I don't know what the first tweet is referring to, I hope nobody's privacy was violated. A lot of the other tweets are basically just saying "it's racist, therefore wrong." I know it's basically impossible to condense a counterargument into a single tweet, but these seem kinda pathetic, and don't link to any more detailed argument on another site anyway.

oh yeah

they mad

g as z score with the white mean as 0.

>Intelligence was found to correlate more tightly with ancestry than with skin color, which seems to be a pretty definitive blow to the colorism hypothesis.
Yeah, colorism was and is always a proxy used for ancestry. A white-looking person will most likely have more European blood than a black person for example.
This is a very interesting study, and it is astounding how far reached the leftist propaganda is that most people will never know about this.

>I know it's basically impossible to condense a counterargument into a single tweet
just type the n-word and watch everybody start a riot

Maybe they visited a mental ward just to be thorough

Mostly in the 100-115 IQ range makes sense, truly the most annoying drones out there.



Does it really though? Were the participants equal in education and age? Was it a truly random sample? If all of the answers are Yes then hooooboy

This seems to indicate that white Americans are not mutts

Memes aside, this is why American blacks are so violent - more violent than most Africans. The same is true in South Africa, where mixing has created a terrifying race of Uruk-hai called 'coloureds'.

Basically, Euros are very aggressive. Sure sure the sistine chapel and Van Gogh and Mozart, but in fact Europeans have a crazy propensity for violence - look at imperialism, the two world wars, and even the 21st century with Iraq, afghanistan, etc. Endlessly brawling. Shit, go to a pub in Ireland or the UK on a friday and you'll 100% see some violent altercation.

Essentially, when you combine the low IQ of amerindians or blacks with the extreme propensity for violence of whites, you end up with these nightmare mutt breeds. Look at Mexico, Colombia, or any US city.

Mixing whites with darks doesn't just raise the dark IQ's. It also gives them unholy vigor, the ability to plan and execute attacks succesfully, and very very high levels of aggression.

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Sean King is the best example, he's whiter than my Irish father

to control for education level would most likely reduce the predictive validity for the general populace since education selects for intelligence to some degree.

Yes they are there are a lot of 97%-ers. One drop rule buddy.

The point is that:

1) Leftists: society discriminates by skin color resulting in performance gaps between skin color

2) Reality: gaps in performance are due to genetically-rooted-ancestry rather that outward appearance


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These genome datasets are closely guarded for the most part. One of the authors tried to get access to addhealth but couldn't and was told this is because of political concerns. It's plausible that the guy that got access to this dataset wasn't perfectly upright about his intentions but maybe the twitter guy just lies about this.

A shitstorm could undermine the funding for these genome databases so the gatekeepers are pretty careful with this stuff.

What a pseudo scientific nonsense.

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Why do the actual good studies never included Middle Easterners, huh? Almost every study on IQ stats for Middle Easterners is bullshit and poorly constructed, but when an actual IQ study with real controls and more comes out, Middle Easterners are never included. It just pisses me off.

Is 'psych' a reputable journal? Can I show this to my bluepilled friends without being accused of biased sources? Is it peer-reviewed?

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World IQ literally can't decrease; it's defined to be 100.

Ignore typos*

yeah, you didn't know that? shit I thought it was common knowledge that almost all blacks in America are mixed up with euros.

on the other hand, I'm actually surprised at just how purely European the average European-identifying American is. I could have sworn I see more mutts than that; guess it's just bias on my part

What defines general intelligence?

>the Africans are sometimes better disciplined though
That's because they have to be high iq, motivated, adaptable and successful just to migrate to the USA legally.


>World IQ literally can't decrease
It "literally" can if you set the benchmark to the beginning of the data.

America doesn't have enough of a varied sample size of Middle Easterner Americans to be conclusive.


There's the Gullahs in the Carolinas and Georgia, who are cool as fuck, speak a creole, and live like Amish. That's about it to be honest.

What about various West Asians or Middle Easterners? Why do these graphs of IQ-related Gene Variance never include West Asians or Middle Easterners? Also, is there any calculator I can check to see if I have these IQ-Related Gene Variances? I have my raw autosomal DNA from Ancestry DNA.

What makes you think only one of these hypothesis is true? Anyone arguing for pure nature or pure nurture tends to be a retard who oversimplifies things.

pic related

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Stupid toothpaste just because you aquafresh faggots are docile homosexuals doesn't mean that real whites aren't aggressive

you know within the next couple of decades we're going to have identified the genes that correlate with intelligence, and we'll be able to see their distribution across populations. what will they say then? I'm seriously wondering what the state of society will be like at that point.

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It presumes that there's a correlation in the ability of individuals to execute different cognitive tasks and they test it by comparing how much the test correlates to all other cognitive tasks.

>That's because they have to be high iq, motivated, adaptable and successful just to migrate to the USA legally.
you're 100% god damn right, thanks for reminding me, few people understand this fact

Yes, it does, faggot. There are at least 1-2 million Iranians, even more Lebanese, and much more, and they are all model minorities. You are trying to destroy our global image, and I am sick and tired of how all these good studies actually ignore us. Almost every study in West Asia is being done poorly and based on poor metrics like GDP estimate or just focusing on shitty rural areas.

Couldn't those anomalies be people just making a stupid mistake filling out a form?

I agree, but a lot of middle-easterners are mixed in all sorts of ways with north-Africans and Southern Europeans, on account of trade and cultural exchange in the Mediterranean. Furthermore their skin color is kind of on a gradient of light browns, hard to distinguish with admixed members of other groups, unless you are well-versed in the subject.

The Sahara desert, on the other hand, makes for a fairly clean geographical divide between populations, and the sub-Saharans look quite different from Europeans. Also the intelligence gap is larger and therefore easier to measure. These make it a lot easier to study.

Why make people feel bad for what race they are ? That's no better than the black supremacists on YouTube

Pretty brave not to include Asians in the study. It's a good way to avoid accusations of white supremacism.

100% this gets shut down HARD by the 'anti scientific racism' gang.

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And pol jumps the shark again.

>caring about hurting feelings
Stop being such a faggot. If it's real and has real-world implications; we should discuss it.

Only Gulf Arabs like Omani, Saudis, and etc. have substantial nigger admixture. Most other Middle Easterners have little to no nigger.
Also, no one gives a shit about niggers. The modern age is defined by hatred to Middle Easterners, not niggers. No one since ancient times gave a shit about niggers. They are not even human beings. They are entirely a different subspecies that Egyptians, Persians, and even Bedouins (before mixing with niggers) mocked. No one but libtarded Whites give a shit about niggers.


The dollar can not depreciated, because one dollar will always be one dollar.

>Anyone arguing for pure nature or pure nurture
Hello based centrist
We are trying to determine the MAJOR or "main" cause, as in, which factor contributes to the majority of the Gap. Indeed, we are ranking nature and nurture, rather than deny one or the other.

Currently society believes the science is settled on nurture. Friend, how could this be accurate if, in environments with different socioeconomic factors, the gaps remain the same? Truly, there is some factor that transcends the socioeconomic factors, since while varying the conditions of nurture, the result remains MOSTLY constant?

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>they are all model minorities

Tell that to Europe.

In addition, most of America's "middle eastern" immigrants are from well-to-do families who could afford to come here in the first place. It wouldn't make for an accurate sampling whereas America's ethnic whites/blacks have been here for centuries already.

It's a little strange how high the mixed race people are scoring in this study desu.

>The whites’ IQ scores were set to 100. The biracials averaged 98 and the blacks 85.3 on a scale where the standard deviation was set to 15.


>Self-identified blacks in this Philadelphia-area study averaged 19% white by genetic ancestry, self-identified biracials averaged 80% white, and self-identified whites averaged 98.6% white


If the 15 point gap between whites & Af-Ams, who are about 80% black, is all genetic, then gap between whites and biracials (who are 80% white) should be 3.75 IQ points. Instead, it’s 2.0.

I was pretty sure the current gap in iq between whites and blacks in the USA was close to 100 percent mediated by genetic differences but this study suggests that the gap is around 60 percent genetic. I'm not sure I believe that since the white-black gap has only close by about 2 points in 70 years but hey this is a good step in the right direction. Just more evidence that the gap can't be explained by environment alone and that euro ancestry predicts higher iq.

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This study wasn't about the existence of differences it was a a test of the hereditarian hypothesis on the causes. US doesn't have that many middle easterns so they're naturally not included. The supplemental material has data on hispanics tho iirc.

I don't know much about the quality of ME IQ research and if investigations of measurement invariance for these nations exist. There is some stuff on non western immigrants in the Europe tho.

Here's the most complete and up to date dataset on national IQ in existence:

Published version (somewhat out of date):

>Some people responding may not understand the words being used, but may wish to avoid the embarrassment of admitting this, or the poll mechanism may not allow clarification, so they may make an arbitrary choice. Some percentage of people also answer whimsically or out of annoyance at being polled. This results in perhaps 4% of Americans reporting they have personally been decapitated[18] or that "lizardmen are running the Earth".[19]

it's gonna be NUTS
leftists and chritcucks will still deny.
they'll say the genes are genetic trauma from slavery and holocaust

see: article "ptsd remains genetically in generations of holocaust survivors"

the ride never ends

only genetic engineering of human embryos will put an end to the delusion

it truly is all so tiresome

America was the one that armed and backed ISIS, Al-Nusra, and opposed secular Assad. This led to ISIS intermingling with the regular folk, and they even gave fore notice about doing this before EU opened its borders.
You are a dumb faggot and not looking at this stuff impartially. I want a similar study done on Middle Easterners in developed URBAN areas, not broken-down rural areas. I've traveled to Deep South of USA, and most of the Whites there are double-digit IQ. They are not reflective of the average White who lives more in suburban or urban areas.

Yes, so a source that tells you that the dollar has decreased by 40% over 20 years without making the inflation distinction is probably a source who's scientific validity is most likely lacking

>what will they say then?
Genes are racist!

this is true

pure blooded 70 iq africans are mere pests, 85 iq mutt African Americans are the real threat

and don't even get me started on mestizos who are evne more cunning and vile

Imagine there only being like a thousand blacks who first came to America, most of the women raped by their owners, mixed children are created, those children have sex with other slaves, rinse and repeat. It's not like there were mass mixing of millions of people, it was a small size of slaves who raped and had mixed-race children who passed down the European gene.

>since the white-black gap has only close by about 2 points in 70 years
can you spoonfeed me? if not, I'll look it up myself later

it also seems that blackness is being gradually bred out of America's black population

Yes it is peer reviewed but it is very new (first non-special issue). But the publisher isn't high tier. Genomic investigations of group differences in behavior are hard to get into the highest tier journals. I would wait but this admixture stuff is great because environmentalists used to tout this line of evidence when it was in their favor (due to shit methodology and tiny sample sizes)

>US doesn't have that many middle easterns
Yes, they do. I just told you a lot of Iranians, Lebanese, and a few others live in USA, and they are model minorities. You people are so stupid.
>Here's the most complete and up to date dataset on national IQ in existence:
I already explained why those studies are shit. They are either go to broken down rural areas or just outright fabricate or form estimations based on GDP. I want a real CONTROLLED methodological study done on Middle Easterners. Not this Lynn/Vanhanen bullshit of half-assed research involving deliberate fabrications.

shit, I went to Russia and I kissed the soil when I returned.

>go to
going to*

Since the environment of a group is created by people with genomes which affects behavior, some environmental differences are, in fact, still due to genetics.

>I've traveled to Deep South of USA
the fuck were you doing there?

I actually have a pet hypothesis that American whites are subtly genetically distinct from European whites, due to selection biases, sort of in the same way that you describe for middle eastern immigrants. Many of the Anglo settlers left for reasons to do with religious freedom, for example, which suggests that they were probably more passionate about religion than average. What do we see today? America has the Bible belt, while modern Anglicans barely practice at all, and use religion more as a social function than as an actual theology. It's possible that American Anglos genetically inherited their religiosity from their pilgrim ancestors.

>I could have sworn I see more mutts than that; guess it's just bias on my part

I have looked at hundreds of my relatives DNA on 23andme and they are almost all 99%+ European that's after 400 years

"real white". Just because you are simple minded does not mean that reality is as simple as you think it is. You have not accounted for geography, technology, politics, culture, wealth etc. and what about Monoamine oxidase A. You "theory" is pure drivel.

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We already have a lot of stuff on this. See the study op linked and this:

The criticism of these PGS group diff. stuff are very theoretical and haven't been demonstrated to actually be a serious issue. The results for IQ SNPs are so consistent with the observed differences that many were and some still are skeptical because they're too good to be true. There are bigger issues with using PGS for group differences in height - doesn't seem to apply to the IQ stuff.

No one cares about you guys, why are you goat fuckers always so proud and self absorbed.


Go do your own IQ tests then, you lazy goatfucker.

It's not about caring about us, you dumb fucker. It's about being IMPARTIAL in studies about us. Lynn/Vanhanen are not impartial for reasons I gave. I want a real study done on our various ethnicities and more. I also want IQ-Gene Variance map of us too (check here: )

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>White people stay white
>Blacks desperately trying to steal white genes
Nothing surprising really.

Shut the fuck up, you snow nigger trash. I probably have way higher IQ than you. Iran is going to decimate both your shit country and Israel. Bring it on, snow nigger. Go ahead and underestimate us, and be prepared us to send you the preserved eyes of kikes.
