" if you come to take muh guns we’ll fight back! "

Why are Americans such cowards and c.u.c.k.s?

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post the full link pls

> Right wingers have guns seized
> Armed left-wing groups allowed to flourish
It's almost as if...

Good. Get the guns out of citizens hands. Resort to knives if you must.

and Antifa complains that the FBI is run by white supremacists. utterly delusional.

Taking away a marines guns because he shit talked Antifa faggots on the internet.
This is only going to make the marine super pissed off and you know that guy can probably just get a fucking gun anywhere anyways.
Now you've got a super pissed off marine angry at Antifa and the FBI who can easily obtain any weapon.

How fucking stupid.. Is this bullshit fake news or is this real?

Think anons

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>it's unrealistic that some random non-shill guy is asking a genuine question
why are you then bragging sayin "from my cold dead hands" when your men are such cowards?

are using this "jew shill meme" as an excuse to avoid admitting that you're cowards?
all bark no bite, little dog

is it the worst institution in the US?

That much has been obvious for months. Sometimes I wonder if the retards responding are bots.

oregon has gone communist
we should kick it out of the union and conquer it with the armed forces
then put in a puppet government

why on earth would federal agents enforce state law

Some of the replies are unquestionably chat scripts. The shills also operate in teams to give their shit threads the illusion of some activity. Once it starts moving they leave it up to the cancer of Plebbitors from le_dolan to keep it moving.

You can post the most tired, lazy, retarded bait on Jow Forums and still get 200 replies. The discord trannies have plenty of time to fuck this site and still go dilate.

good job cutting off the screenshot.

"A former Marine who said at a protest that he would “slaughter” Antifa members in self-defense, if attacked, recently had his five weapons confiscated by the FBI, according to reports."

yea, if you start running your mouth about how you plan to kill people, the police will take that seriously

antifa and fbi are jewish organizations

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we're not the ones who've been promisiing brutal communist takeover for decades but never doing shit other than subverting offices and writing rules that people happily skirt and ignore. but i do hope the next job finds you.

>When Oregon entered the Union in 1859 — it did so as a “whites-only” state. The original state constitution banned slavery, but also excluded nonwhites from living there.

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What's worse? To always have lived under a nogunz regime, or to have had guns and let the glownigs take them away without resistance?

"if attacked"
"if attacked"

so you cowards are like canadians now, you dont even have right to self defense anymore.

pathetic. your guns are useless if carried by a bunch of c.u.c.ks.

americans CONFIRMED for being weak cuucks


its funny but its easy to make a gun and bullets, and if you had common sense, dont even need blueprints

collecting your urine to make gun powder is easy


Come to the house, you can have whatever you can find. I'll be looking for your family after your done.

This, if they come and catch me napping they may take my guns before I have a chance to fight. They may throw me in jail too, but they also radicalized me beyond redemption at that point, and the liberals made sure I'll get out eventually.

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>Why are Americans such cowards and c.u.c.k.s?
After 50 years of tv/movie programming, Boomers are waiting for the Good Guy hero to show up and lead them to victory.

And they have determined he is Trump.

If they ever do it, this would be the model. Don't do it en masse, single people out and do it individually.
People less likely to organise and fight back that way.

I still can't figure out why federal agents would enforce state law. Seems completely ridiculous for the state to be able to pass a law and get the federal government to pick up the tab for enforcement.

Some Mutt earlier told me that death threats are not against the law lmao

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we need to strengthen the first and second amendments if state law can override them
we need to make sure the states aren't undermining the Constitution behind our backs