Russia to issue first-ever Russian-Soverign bond in Chinese Yuan
Russia to issue first-ever Russian-Soverign bond in Chinese Yuan
And they wonder why they have 30% tariffs coming there way. Fuck China, and fuck the treasonous pieces of shit in our government who would let this shit continue unabated.
Two commie nations attempt their 639th attempt to overtake the dollar
Who the fuck would but that? Russians pay history with shitty Yuan... sweet.
What will the FED ever do?
>Financial Shitstorm 2020 HERE WE GO!
This, it happens every year and nothing ever happens
If the US is good at anything it’s killing commies.
>inb4 Vietnam
They’re still deformed to this day so... lol no
Breaking, mods are terrorists.
and what would you do? die in radioactive zones? china fired a icbm over the united states that landed in the atlantic under obama. it was a test
you know what the difference between chinas government and russias is? china doesnt have any delusions of the west ever learning common decency. assume you are forced to share space with annoying uncivilized people who cant keep their hands to themselves but at the same time dont have the guts to start a war. given enough time you will nuke them. its considered a accepted fact in china that they will nuke america and european allies of america (france, germany, the UK)
i am russian and i dont trust the chinese.
No source, kys via fire
You are a kraut and you suck ass
>in another country's currency
Don't forget dying for israel
You are are chmpions at that
jesus fucking christ
russia will become an even greater mutthole while chinks are gonna be (((nwo))) hq 2.0
Sucking kike cock beats out killing commies.
> assuming his opinion matters
Umm mutt? Vietnam is the top spot for vacations now thanks to the japs building them up with huge investments.
>jews and chinks teaming up
no suprise
Good, fuck the federal reserve
Russia is so small it has nothing against dollar. The biggest competitor is euro and even that is not marketed aggressively enough for oil trading etc.
Most jews escaped from Russia to America. Your country is filled with vermin wake up
He can't see the truth, he dont know most of russian jews live in israel and america, the oblong box consumed his brain long time ago.
between this and crypto, it's time to wager that the jew is fucked
Oh no! That that massive, roaring Russian economy!
It's just posturing. No one uses the Yuan, and it's never going to be a reserve currency. Not even if they lie about gold convertibility. The dollar will die sometime after the restructuring during the next global economic crisis, but before then the dollar will only become stronger. When there is a new system of international trade established it sure as hell won't be the PBoC's toilet paper.
Russia is the 5th biggest economy in the world and China is the biggest
I was told that Putin was controlled by Jews guess not quite
In other words, Russia takes another step towards becoming a Chinese colony.
California has a bigger economy than Russia. Even with China's bullshit numbers it's still pretty far from the biggest. This is all inconsequential, though, because the game of numbers isn't going to matter in the long run. It's all about what you actually have and what kind of force you can project.
the Russian Ruble in the trash since the annexation of Crimea peninsula.the value of the ruble has gone down
Gambling on continual sovereignty of the current Russian government and Chinese market staying solvent over a period of decades might be the single-worst investment that a bank could make.
My only question: how worthless would these bonds be on an open market?
T. Fixed income trader
based as fuck
>curry jew flag
>tries to project jewry on China
every time
>Russian-Soverign bond in Chinese Yuan
what does that mean someone explain the significance of it
This is obviously Drumphf's fault for putting tarrifis on chinese slave goods. I bet Putin told him to do it! Praise Antifa who bash literal Nazis, when gommunism gomes I will be the soviet uniform designer, everyone will wear assless chaps.
Check their MREs, all i will say
By God, how i hate lefty/pol/ faggots
why does he do that, why does he humiliate himself with that penis cap on his head
yeah, but, you're a flip
to show submission to his masters
he should have spit on the jew faces
>issues bond in yuan
>china prints all the money
>gets bonds for free
bibi would not allow him to lead russia if he disrespected us
Putin stopped all the money laundering from Russia into Israel and threw the biggest Jew in prison.
This is a bad investment
And God fuck 'muricuh
>all the seething mutts itt
No jew petro dollar, back to gold standard. Do over
Rod them, all dams and power sights drone spray all their ag sights with roundup and wait to see how many of us are vaporized. It's worth it to wipe the Chinks off the map.
This and India is also moving to Russia. Holy shit, we're done.
>china fired a nuke over the U.S
I hate Obama but I need fucking citation on that bullshit claim real quick m8.
Itt: retards that dont understand what makes the US Dollar so strong and the de-facto world currency.
Hint: it has to do with why we outlined every single other country in the world in military.
Putin literally banned jewish banking. He doesn't hate Jews as a regular lucky go person. He just hates the kabal and the bankers. He's a pretty lit guy compared to the rest of the world.
>t. Brainwashed by RT
The only respectable answer ITT
issuing bonds in currnecies other the US dollar or whatever your national currency is, is not uncommon
>Oh nooo!!! Thet are going to issue bonds in chinas fake money instead of our fake money!!!!!
lmao where've you been faggot we've been financing commies, including russia and china.