The west needs White Sharia or Christian equivalent to pure tradition and conservatism

The west needs White Sharia or Christian equivalent to pure tradition and conservatism.

There is no other way to put it.

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Truth. Islam is based.

It is undeniable that it is Islam that makes Khabib so humble and classy, even though he's one of the most (if not the most) dominant fighters we've seen in MMA yet.

I might have misheard but I thought I heard him say he's giving his purse to Poirier. What greedy American fighter would ever do that? And not to mention comparing Khabib's demeanour and humility to gutter trash scum like Conor.

>I might have misheard but I thought I heard him say he's giving his purse to Poirier.

Yep. Why he's doing that though? I thought Khabib was from a poorer background.


>j-just turn america into a shitskin hellhole!!!

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that fucking ape-like manlet
look at that fucking face, low forehead, ears...and plus he is muslim
if there ever was a subhuman...

t. 56%

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Sharia is just an excuse to control and hurt others. System through intimidation isn't value, its intimidation.

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>most dominant
The UFC of today is probably at it's worst level of athleticism in its history. High level MMA just isn't possible without some sort of PEDs and USADA put an end to that (for most people).

>I might have misheard but I thought I heard him say he's giving his purse to Poirier.
Nothing suspicious about that and the finish to the fight.

Imagine what Khabib getting KTFO in front of his only fans with money would do for the drawing power of the Connor-Khabib rematch which is the only real match casual fans of the UFC want to see. It'd destroy the UFC financially.

I don't take anything against Khabib as an athlete and a fighter, but the UFC is a circus just like Pride and ever other MMA promotion is. Some times what you see is real, other times it's fake.

Khabib is strong because he trains a lot and he's humble because he had a good upbringing you fat cuck faggot. Huge props to Dustin, he fought his heart off.

>High level MMA just isn't possible without some sort of PEDs and USADA put an end to that (for most people).

Stopped reading there.

>Khabib is strong because he trains a lot and he's humble

Which comes from culture. That's all I'm saying.

>casual fan with an opinion
Thanks for the (you)

>only way to make my sport great is allow roids lol

Get outta that here, "expert".

Yeah it comes from culture, not from Islam you dumbass! I was born in Dagestan, we do have a warrior culture but it's not because of Islam. The Avar people(Khabib's and mine ethnicity) have been fierce warriors for millennia. We have been mercenaries and warriors before Islam was even invented. That's why our culture is tough. Now about Islam, cagefighting is haram in Islam for sooo many reasons. 1.punching in the face is not allowed in islam(except for war of course)
2. Women duh
3. Crowd of alcoholics and again women
4. Wearing small shorts

When MMA was at its peak in terms of competitiveness and depth of competition EVERYONE was taking PEDs.

USADA has killed the HW and LHW divisions in the UFC today. This says a lot about what can and can't be done without PEDs in MMA.

I don't know why I am even trying to convince you of this. If you knew anything about the sport you'd know the history.

He said he was going to sell the shirt and then donate the proceeds to Poirier's charity, NOT his purse.

Should just have two leagues.
One for clean people and another where anyone can use whatever they want to get a lead.
I wanna see combat stimmed cyborgs kill each other.

Whew buddy, why do so many kikes live in Canada? As if you are so high and mighty and not hurting anyone in your satanic way of living. Jews get the gas.

"Do as I say or else." is the reason why Christianity is so fucked up in the west to begin with, you fucking retard. The only reason it works so well with the bombistanians is because they're literally fucking inbred.

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I bet Don could still take him out old and broke down as he is

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>j-just turn america into a shitskin hellhole!!!
user I...

Reported to the RCMP for islamophobia

Shut the fuck up leaf, our problem is letting heretics run amok and spread their sin. Authority and law isn’t the problem, and you would know that if you submitted to Christ already. No wonder you’re hopeless up there.

you are an Afgan LARPer

write something in Avar or fuck off

it comes from being Chechenyan. Do you think some english incel turns into a caucasian mountan warrior just because he converts lmao
those guys in the mountain regions down there are a special kind of people

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Daaamn IT FEELS GOOD TO BE A MUSLIM RN ALHAMDULILAH! Never felt so good since Mctapper got raped. The Christcucks last hope in UFC is a foul mouthed ego maniac spic HAHAHA HAHAHA

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> uk convert.jpg

God, I would love to remove that kebab.


fug, these shills are funny.

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