Women don't have a wall you misogynists


Incels BTFOed.

Attached: Screenshot_20190907-150031~2.jpg (1080x1652, 221K)

Did she do it to get in the Guinness Book of Records?

indians are degenerate whores

Indians are the medical anomalies of the world

Attached: 1567865854813.jpg (540x528, 64K)


It proves that the Bible is real

She may look 73 but shes actually 28.

Well there's 1.3 billion of them, there's bound to be some anomalies

Attached: poo on the moon.png (594x380, 280K)

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Hot e girls and traps are waiting for you there! Di

Either its a hoax or the babies are premature as fuck and will be dead in a week.