Are you aware of how fucking lucky you were by not being born in a shithole?

Attached: 1515102480684.jpg (643x720, 76K)


Whoops sorry , memeflag

Kind of.

Attached: zonanorte.jpg (3024x4032, 1.43M)

At least she's not an obese creature

is that a VPN you using or is that really in the states? if states I put my money on texas/arizona

White people:
>work hard and apply intelligence to create civilization free from toil

>eat bugs from dirt and contribute literally 0 to progress for 100,000 years

What's luck got to do, got to do with it?

Luck has nothing to do with it, atheist scum. America is a White Christian Nation and our parents and grandparents sacrificed so we could remain the greatest country in the history of civlization.

Unfortunately I live in a shithole and it is not cool.