>NO WALL >INTERNET CENSORSHIP GOING INTO OVERDRIVE >NO LOCK HER UP >Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya >No repeal and replace Obamacare >Trump couldn't stop the caravan >Trump couldn't end DACA >Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act >Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship >Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law >Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood >Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture >Trump couldn't pass the travel ban >Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes >Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs >Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election >Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria >Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO >Anti bds law >Gave israel 38 billion >Increased the National debt by $2trillion >Gave the 1% a tax cut >Farmers bill >Omnibus bill >Amnesty bill >Crime 'reform' bill >No unclassified FISA >No Awan indictment >No Uranium One investigation >No voter fraud investigation >No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation >55k sealed indictments went nowhere >Hired a bunch of neocons >Continued middle eastern wars >Ramping up for even more wars >Global LGBT crusade
>he's trying to derail our attempts to derail trump support on the board and it was all so organic. like you mutant faggots have been posting here for years or something.
My favorite part is how buttblated they get. Could just have their fucking thread here and quit being a baby but instead they lose their shit. It’s fun.
>/ptg/ false flagging as trannies to confirm their narrative how pathetic
Nolan Bell
Juan Howard
>hey guys you should vote for the person all the Jews are voting for. Or not vote so the person the Jews vote for will win /leftypol/ not sending their best. Also you exposed yourself with that pic OP.
Bernie would gas the kikes for sure Dumb drumpf tards are too stupid to see it.
Julian Kelly
Same exact script and memes. You guys really haven't come up with a better strategy yet? Or do you just hate Jow Forums so much you just want to shit up the board and fuck with everyone? >Rent Free
I know it says “ptg hate thread” but we actually usually just shit on the orange man. I mean if you want to talk shit about ptg that’s fine it’s just kind a misnomer that the thread is titled that way.
Cheeky. Jow Forums managed to survive cuckgate, it survived various glows and (((jurnos))), it even survived coordinated attacks from the political establishment itself, but by god it couldn't survive a handful of retarded boomers
I type out and say the word nigger all day. Irl. on this board. with your mom while your dad fixes us breakfast. ALL DAY, SON. I don't do it flippantly in an attempt to subvert a taiwanese decorative fire forum. >NIGGER >do i fit in yet guise lol
Daniel Morris
This poster is underage.
Ian Hall
How new are you faggots. OP is clearly baiting /ptg/ since every criticism they recieve they tend to brush it of as "discord trannies". Lurk moar
Nathaniel Wood
>n-noo boomers have realistic opinions >you need to be blackpilled neonazi on Jow Forums xD >haha ROLCON
Aiden Powell
I know for a fact I'm older than you, zoomerxir. now go dilate.
Jose Gomez
Shut the fuck up. You don't know what your talking about.
William Ramirez
>when you are so assblasted you get mad at the people who pay you because bad cheeto hitler supports them
It really isn’t a wall, what Israel has is actually effective. See-through fences are always rusted which means they could end up falling apart after enough weight is pushed against them. And since most spics are fat, I’ll let you do the math.
>b-but the US can’t afford it Yet we don’t have any problems spending trillions on foreign aid. It’s strange we can afford that but not a wall on our southern barriers. Besides, most border patrol agents are spics who end up double crossing. It makes sense they would want the less superior design.
>Neonazi You reek of /new/, disgusting boomer. ANCAPS and Libertarians were all the rage back in the day Lmfao, seriously, how the fuck did you even fall for that. That's one of the laziest b8's I've seen. Fucking dummy
Easton Moore
I know walls don’t work, it’s those fucking drumpftards that think blocking someone’s path impedes their progress Just more dumdumdonny bullshit
Luis Thompson
>How do I edit my post? start by running a razor blade down the inside of your forearm.
Bugs are an excellent source of protein and the environment is important because we live in it.
William Walker
Brody Richardson
You must be really sad to believe that any of these buffoons could be "good" options and that the two parties aren't identical, minus a little flavor. How about hitting them where it hurts and voting 3rd party instead