Nationalism Summarized: We humans all belong to the same species ... but people who are from a different country than mine are not really human. It's okay for me to kill people who are on a different "team" even though these "teams" are established by ruling elites and have no biological basis.
Is nationalism irrational?
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>We humans all belong to the same species
Maximum kek; sides in orbit
Country is not nation brainlet, a nation is a people
Go move to Somalia then
>no biological basis
ok retard
Nationalism is not about other countries, it's about you own
>you are the same as these
telling me this makes you the enemy
>Actual science is laughable.
I guess science is a Jewish conspiracy eh?
>1 post by this leaf
>nation is a people
... who have just decided that they are the center of the universe for arbitrary reasons.
Not until they get out of debt slavery.
>Chart does not include Jews.
I wonder why.
When nationalism leads to war, it becomes about other countries by definition.
What Americans did at Abu Ghraib was worse.
You've only made one post.
careful, graphs are probably to complex for this leaf
>Africans have somewhat different DNA, therefore, they are all rapists who eat fried chicken.
>Africans have somewhat different DNA,
Nigger, they aren't even the same species according to science.
Retard nigger BTFO
>they are all rapists who eat fried chicken.
Cited your statement for faggot.
Retard leaf eternally BTFO.
Nationalism is about your nation, not your country. Your nation is your people, the country is the territory that people lives in. The people create a state to govern the country and pursue their interests, this is where politics begins, and as the saying goes - "War is the continuation of politics by other means." But all countries have interests, and the greediest and most brutal are those without the well-being of their people in mind. After all, nothing destroys a nation like war.
The nation is to a family what the country is to a home. Not all nations are unified, and some nations overlap with their neighbors quite a bit more than others. Nationalism does not mean "it's ok to kill the other, dey subhumans hurr durr," it means "my family is important to me, I should act in its interests." Race is biological enough that a DNA test can accurately determine what part of the world your ancestors lived in, it's biological enough that different races are more prone to different genetic diseases, it's biological enough for babies to recognize children of other races as foreign, etc etc. I could tell you there are apes smarter than certain peoples, or that other peoples are more genetically similar to chimps than they are to people supposedly of the same race, or any number of such things, but you aren't likely to change your mind, so I'll just leave you with something to ponder. Hopefully this article from Germany's Office of Racial Policy can shed some light on Nationalism's true stance on race.
Globalism is even more absurd than nationslism you kike.
>Hurr durr we live on the same planet we are all the same
>nationalism bad
Ok. Abolish Israel.
I'm white and don't feel any connection to ypipo
Globalism is irrational.
>billions of people, thousands of different languages, ethnicities, religions, customs, cultures, traditions, values, and belief systems
>lol we are all the same and should put forth as much effort to diversify all nations instead of embracing our people and communities as unique and special
>if you exhibit any sort of nationalism, we will bring our superior globalist ideology to you by force, and we don’t give a shit how much it costs or how many people die
>We humans all belong to the same species
Stopped there
>Killing people is bad
Wow user, you nailed this one. So high IQ. I can't believe I never thought of that before.
>emotional and blood connections are an arbitrary reason
That drawing is senseless.
Nationalism in based on the principle that people differ biologically and culturally based on geographic origin, and that through collective action they will be able to ensure regional peace and prosperity. The alternative is our current system, which has only worsened the problems you're talking about. We've entered the era of conflict without borders.
>we are all the same species
Stopped right there
the war in the middle east was conceived and executed by the jews
>but people who are from a different country than mine are not really human. It's okay for me to kill people who are on a different "team"
That isn't the definition of Nationalism, leaf, and you know it. Simply having a nation state (e.g Switzerland or Iceland) is not in and of itself a bad thing.
Nationalism is simply a wish for sovereignty - a wish for the nation state to exist - for self-determination.
People want relatively-local politicians to address the issues they face. They prefer that to having rulers far away who are unconcerned with them and their local experiences, who feel no kind of loyalty to them. This is why nation states come into being in the first place.
What the Left (and OP) call "Nationalism" is very often actually Chauvinism and/or Imperialism. Nazi Germany was both National Chauvinist and Imperialist. Nations don't have to be either of those things, and very often are not.
Nationalism is the reason there are countries.
You’d have to make the argument that countries are a bad thing
>who have just decided that they are the center of the universe for arbitrary reasons
another (probably deliberate, given your flag) mischaracterization.
All humans have self-interest. You have loved ones, a family, therefore you have an interest in the environment where they live. To not know this is to not know the first thing about humanity. Expecting people to have an exactly equal amount of care for complete strangers living on the other side of the world as they do for their loved ones is irrational and unrealistic.
Boarders equal freedom. If everyone is grouped together then their diversity of opinions all gets ironed out flat for the sake of fitting together. If all the different people have their own space where they can rule themselves then they can truly be free.
A fucking leaf.
assinine judean shit tier cartoon go home mossad
So you support ethnonationalism then?
Is it science, or (((science))). Real science doesn't cave to the whims of politics or popularity.
>preferencing one's own is arbitrary and not a common evolved trait in practically all mammals and avians
>Africans have somewhat different DNA, therefore, they are all rapists who eat fried chicken.
Pretty much, yes, those differences in DNA result in differences in cognition, hormonal levels and behaviors relating to either or both factors.
You're getting warmer, but polarizing the result.
Africans developed in a specific environment, and their biology is specific due to that. Said biology affects the entirety of their social and intellectual lives. They have a mind that is unique to their biology and we would serve ourselves well to act accordingly.
>>Africans have somewhat different DNA, therefore, they are all rapists who eat fried chicken.
I wouldn't argue that all, or even most, will be rapists. However there is strong evidence from a number of European countries that people from Africa and the Middle-East commit sex crimes at much higher rates than the native European male populations of those countries. (see pic example)
Given that there is no perfect immigration policy that could weed out these individuals, the safest thing for a European nation to do if it doesn't want more of it's citizens assaulted than otherwise would be, is to block entry to all people of those backgrounds. It is the only sure guaranteed way, just as Poland's almost complete lack of an Islamic population means it doesn't face the same social problems that France & Britain do with Islamism.
The Left & Liberal argument for that migration is that those extra rapes and sexual assaults are an acceptable price to pay to diversify nations that are "too-white". It is the "to make an omelet you must break a few eggs argument" applied to the safety of European women and children.