Climate Change

Why don't you right wing retards believe in climate change????

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it's just an excuse for more demographic replacement for the european genocide

Because it isn't real.

And even /ourdownie/ knows it, you nigger.

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Attached: tktl,l8l6.png (829x493, 134K)

You WILL eat the bugs!


we are with you comrade Greta

/ecofash/ gang rise up

Climate changes. Everyone knows that. We aren't saying it doesn't. We are saying there's nothing this little girl is going to do to change it. Nobody is. It's not a high priority. Not driving cars and going vegan won't do anything. Also she never blames factories in china or India. She's a plant. Get a clue, dummy.

I do. Only, there's a problem.

Climate change is primarily caused by large concentrations of people i.e. cities & urban areas, and major unsustainable population growth. This is a major redpill.

Think about the trend in urbanization & global pop. growth vs the trend in CO2 emissions. This is something the left doesn't want to own up to. Think about who lives in cities, and who lives closer to nature...

>mighty eagle
>.. liberator from the north
no is not you