Oh boy. Time to mine tranny tears.
Oh boy. Time to mine tranny tears
good fucking luck. Without cloudflare they have no protection against ddos attacks so it won’t be back for long
kikes wont let their favorite honeypot stay down for too long.
Trannies run every board on 8ch I don't know what you're talking about
If only there was a chan that is impossible to be taken down and impossible to be banned from and impossible to be censored...
oh thank fuck
Shhhhhhhh, for the love of God let the retards go away.
this dude is a retard who said the El Paso shooter posted his full PDF manifesto on instagram. no sorry retard only 8chode lets you upload fucking pdf files
My prediction is correct! Thank god guys . Hot wheels will pay for his subversion.
I've been hearing people talk about it, but there were also some complaints about security that I can't recall on the spot. I'm going to check it out anyway, but I'm dumpster diving for a new rig first. Until I build that trash computer I'm stuck with the other chans.
Good all these fucking refuges can go back
The complaints about security was that since its on the Blockchain, anything can be posted.
The default view is a moderated view where illegal content is hidden/never pulled from the BlockChain. You have to opt-out of manually by clicking a toggle in the ui of the moderated version to see flagged content. Illegal content is removed from IPFS where the actual images are stored (image pointer hashes are stored on the blockchain)
cloudflare is just a cdn, nobody needs fucking cloudflare
I hope so. /Leftypol/ has been shitting up the board with "Orange man bad" shit lately
There has been so much publicity it is going to end up just as shitty as Jow Forums now
Oh thank god. This place might be worth hanging around again.
Shooterchan might be back? I highly doubt it, it will be DDOSed to hell and back
Who is doing the DDoS attacks? Has anyone claimed responsibility/bragging rights?
>could be
What psyop
No worse a honeypot than this site.
You mean the tranny jannies that run the boards here?
I hate this site and I think it is a good thing
Fuck censorship
Nice try, KYS shill rat
Why do you feel this way? There are far more oldfags that post on infinity than on here. Are you only here for funny shitposts?
good. ever since 8gag went down the posting quality on Jow Forums has become even worse than usual
and fully owned and operated by the US govt for the sole purpose of entrapment
Yes but there were tons of degenerate boards on 8ch as well and in case you didn't notice all of the other Jow Forums's mods were tranny janny kikes shortly before the shutdown. That place was more of a shitposting cesspit than here.
>That place was more of a shitposting cesspit than here.
You must have a pretty retarded sense of what constitutes shitposting then.
This. You don’t need this extra service to run a website.
Why doesn't this place have a containment board for them?
>there were tons of degenerate boards on 8ch as well
They could create their own boards. Another cool thing about that site.
No, it really hasn't. There used to be regular Blacked threads here and the repetitive, bot-like threads are still prevalent. You, as a flag poster, are probably one of the of worst posters on this board.
I doubt it. They're likely lefties or progs/anti-whites that troll and try to subvert the board.
>I doubt it. They're likely lefties or progs/anti-whites that troll and try to subvert the board.
Why? Because they're not Trump cheerleaders?
They've substantially taken over board culture on most boards where you might spend a nontrivial amount of time commenting on politics, cluture, history or whatever else. I don't know how they think about it, but I don't see a whole lot of need for yet another board. They seem to like to set up a presence here anyway, so whatever. I'd rather lean lolbertarian when it comes to moderation anyway.
no wonder they were so happy with his cooperation
They're a fucking nuisance with all their retarded shit. At least on 8ch they kept to their board, mostly.
That's one of the reasons I see value in multiple chans. For instance, 420 has a politics board as well, but the userbase and community of the entire site is different, so naturally it has a different character and a different political bent. Jow Forums here has been much more like halfway /b/ 2.0 for the entire time I've been here (which is almost its entire lifetime) despite having some periods of unusually interesting and educational discussion.
the guy is bordline spinless both figuratively and literally. he has a new set of beliefs every time i hear him speak. it's no surprise he'd allow the site to compromised.
I got banned from 420 for my politics with one post lol.
Good riddance to the Qfaggots and pedos. Go home, niggers.
Yeah I got a lifetime ban there two last year when Jow Forums was down for a while. Granted it was an artistic shitpost in a thread where a banhappy mod was starting to get tested by the participants. But I wasn't quite expecting a permaban and a post delete instead of a slap on the wrist.
Good. You retards can all go back.
I had a fantastic 2018 so he got that right.
I must admit the discussions here seem more varied, but i miss my edgy bants. Don't like the flags & soundless mems but it aint too bad.
>has a pig farm
>looks like a pig himself