/neg/ New England General

Welcome to /neg/ New England General! This thread is for all politics related New England and current events.

>New Hampshire
>Rhode Island
>New York/Canada

These States make up New England, during the 1800's, New England almost declared Independence during the War of 1812.
Our region almost left, but we stayed in the union to fight. We are right wing, but not a CIA plant, nor alt-right. We disavow them, since they do not fit the typical New Englander.
Now it is our time to rise up with our voice, one nation, one New England.
Note* Independence is not granted at this moment, this is for all things New England.


>Brigadier General Heston honored with memorial walkway
>Plane lands with gear up at Nashua Airport; nobody injured
>Hurricane Dorian Grazes Cape And Islands On Its Way To Canada
>Officials: 5-year-old Sudbury girl in critical condition after contracting EEE virus

Unofficial Twitter: twitter.com/neindependence?lang=en
Unofficial Website: neindependence.weebly.com/
Anthem: youtube.com/watch?v=rASItf1Axug
Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/neg/

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Based, much love and support from Dixie bros, keep it up New England,

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These damn Kikes, what do they hate about this?
They can't even put up a fucking fight.
Just let us go, you said you don't even want us anymore

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>*appears in your port*
What do?

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Tea. Time.

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They fear the ancient power.

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Explain, what is the power?

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>Let's make a system when both people are happy and no one needs to fight anymore, deal?

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