How did George Soros come to be regarded as the evil mastermind of a global conspiracy?

Is Soros just a meme to galvanize right-wingers? He gave away $32 billion, how bad can he really be?

>In the UK, Soros is known as "the man who broke the Bank of England"
>The Hungarian emigre, who survived the Holocaust and fled the Communists, is thought to have made in total about $44bn through financial speculation.
>The vilification of George Soros has spread far beyond the US, to Armenia, Australia, Honduras, the Philippines, Russia and many other countries.
>Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Soros of being at the heart of a Jewish conspiracy to "divide" and "shatter" Turkey and other nations.
>In Italy, former deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini accused him of wanting to fill the country with migrants because "he likes slaves".
>The leader of the UK's Brexit Party, Nigel Farage, has claimed Soros is "actively encouraging people… to flood Europe" and "in many ways is the biggest danger to the entire Western World".
>Prime Minister [of Hungary] Viktor Orban and his populist nationalist government claim that Soros has a secret plot to flood Hungary with migrants and destroy their nation.

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it's a meme. George Soros is based and is unironically /ourguy/. only a retard would say otherwise

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How do I get Soros money for supporting leftism

it's his purpose as bagman to be a face

pic related

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How does that work?

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Hes an evil kike that makes money destabilizing countries. Look up some of the forex currency shit hes done. He should hang.

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