When did you realize being a Republican was a joke?

When did you realize being a Republican was a joke?

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believing in a republic is what real men live and die for.

Believing in Fox news is what the rest get to do while that happens.

About 20 years ago. That's why I became a Nationalist.

wow what a meany

When did you realize you're gay?

Fuck. Time to back our bags shills.

She is unironically my news-fu

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This. I realize the only way forward is through a stratocracy where fat people are forced to be skinny, ugly people forced to take care of themselves, and creepy jews and their cultist friends don't have religious freedom

nice taste faggot

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When did you realize shilling for shareblue is profitable

This is why it should be illegal for women to make jokes.

liberals would be outraged if she shot herself in the head.


>and creepy jews and their cultist friends don't have religious freedom
Ahhh Byzantium

That's funny but what point was she trying to make by doing it?

Go away fbi

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>trying to figure out right wing nonsense
She said she was doing it to “trigger the libs”? I dunno, your guess is as good as mine

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>When did you realize being a Republican was a joke?
When I started reading books

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If we’re making fun of libs that makes them the joke user.

what is this

Asking that question is like asking 'When did you realize the sky is blue?'


Back in 2003 when I was baking in a desert and watching retards making policy decisions in a vaccuum, all thinking they were just like their heroes in those WW2 magazines fighting evil and giving no quarter while we in the field spent our days fighting that great menace to America: Achmed the Goat Farmer who has never been twenty miles from the farmhouse he was born in.