What happened, Jow Forums?
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fuck off CIA niggers.
literally both posted at the same time
Mine's real
>flags are so new there are creases in them
activates my almonds
propaganda victory considering hindsight.
>traffic to altright websites up 47%
>approval of altright still hovering around 10% in america
>nationalist politicans still popular
Someone died
Propaganda happened.
How so?
CIA nigger military operation in which some CIA nigger drove a car into a crowd and assassinated two state police officers by downing their helicopter because they witnessed the switch with Alex Fields and the CIA nigger.
Will right wing politics recover, do you think?
Some rightwingers showed up to keep a Robert E. Lee statue from being town down. At one point, a kid's car got attacked and a fat woman nearby had a heart attack. Progressive propaganda however will tell you that it was the Battle of Bull Run meets the D-Day landing.
It hits me close to home.
there was never anything to recover from, no one cares. It was just globohomos and progs circlejerking themselves into a frenzy.
Never took a dent, read your own thread traffic went up by 47%, must be black pilling for communist faggots, glad I am not one.
An extremely experienced pilot "crashed" and no one ever mentioned it
Do people from Lithuania even speak English,
Some Newport sucking butter huffing ham planet was, through shameless Talmudry, turned into a martyr.
LEOs let the globohomos run rampant and people got hurt. Then propaganda went into overdrive and some partially Jewish kid was railroaded in some very underhanded ways to a lifetime in prison.
Blow me nigger
Didn't that kill 4 people?
They memory-holed that the same day it happened.
Funny how the one guy with a swastika flag was never doxxed
Also the Heaphy Report rightly places blame on the city and the police for actively pushing crowds together and ignoring a legally permitted event
Suddenly, a Challenger appears
>Literal who
Left and right people protested. A kid got surrounded by lefties in his car, tried to get away in fear of his life and bumped into a fatty who had a heart attack. He gave a dozen people scrapes and booboos. Now he's got life plus 419 years, had to plead guilty to 29 hate crime charges to avoid the death penalty.
Protesters would never have let them speak, anyway.
I know what fucking happened, retards
ah that fresh out the package swastika flag with noticeable creases, being held by the one dude who never got doxxed... totally not a glow nigger.
>What happened, Jow Forums?
I know what fucking happened, retards
Seriously, how about you kill yourself?
When Jow Forums talk about low IQ, damn
Well the rest of it isn't interesting at all. Why ask?
No seriously I mean it, kill yourself
Wow you're mad Lithuania.
ah bloobloobloo poor disgusting landwhale
OP is a schizo.
Wow you are gay and your thread is shit
The police and city government set a trap. Jewish propaganda machine then went into maximum overdrive. FBIniggers then persecuted people who defended themselves from actual international terrorists.
Seems like Charlottesville was the turning point. There were all these groups that were coalescing at the Unite the Right Rally. And then it ended up in tragedy and someone died. Since then it's just been mass shootings spreading white nationalist ideas. Seems like the alt-right will never again be able to have a public face. The doxxing afterward wouldn't have been as powerful if Heather Heyer hadn't died. I wanted to get Jow Forums's opinion.
The Jews and Feds faked a "white supremacist" hate attack to further the demonization of WN as terrorists
A fat bitch is dead. Who cares?
You already exposed yourself as schizophrenic please seek medical help or kill yourself as soon as possible
Choke on those black pills, yeah
The real question is why Trump and his DOJ haven't indicted Virginia's governor Terry McAuliffe and other officials for federal civil rights violations resulting in death. Those are serious federal crimes, but Trump is terrified of going after the powerful Democrats who committed them. The specific charge would be civil rights intimidation under color of law, which occurred when McAuliffe illegally ordered that state police shut down the rally in order to suppress the 1st amendment rights of the lawfully-permitted rally.
Where is Trump on this issue? Where are the prosecutions?
No matter how many times you niggers spam these threads the fat land whale will never come back
The one needing pills is (you)
Ask Richard Spencer and others that attended it. They'll give you an honest account of what happened. They have plenty of video of it.
>And then it ended up in tragedy and someone died.
Lol that shit was funny as fuck. You sure you aren't a shill?
This is just my point. Protesters in Charlottesville called themselves alt-right. Now you're afraid of calling yourself that because of all the bad press from the killing.
Always remember to iron your iron flag. Or for gods sake spray it with a little water and throw it in the dryer for a couple minutes. Magic! No wrinkles. Other than that, props (ebonic word) to the dude with the swastika flag. Someone’s gotta do it. Fuck yeah.
Bunch of Nazis who protested against "cultural marxism" aka Trotskyite nazi meme that was made when Trotskyite faggots when they escaped USSR thought it would be a good idea to put the blame of Germans suffering on to USSR, like seriously, did you know how many Jews were in the Wehrmacht?
What happened?
Wrong. The "alt-right" was a term created by the left and popularized during the 2016 campaign by the Democrats and media. "Alt-right" was used by the opponents of the right to describe those on the right who do not fall into the "conservative" right or Republican party. I never called myself "alt-right" only you shills do that. Niggers like you seem to think the opposite is true and that is common for those who rely on sources within the US corporate media and political left for what they believe
Both sides belived the media's lies that Trump was some kind of white suppremist which resulted in a death and a young man spending tje r3st of his life in prison.
This belongs in federal court. But the DOJ has been completely silent in terms of going after leftists. It's a disgrace.
Oath Keepers are traitors.
The alt-right was co-opting the term.
If conservatives really were more honest and not just stupid maybe I would be one
Excellent point actually
t. absolute imbecile
Any thoughts?
You are both wrong and stupid with every post you make. The "alt-right" was political term intended as a kind of pejorative but is only ever used by morons like yourself. Also, you goddamn niggers would fit perfectly with the do nothing conservatives and neoconservatives. The death of conservatism and neoconservatism is just as politically useful to me as it is to you niggers on the left
Take some time and read through the neoconservatism wiki to count the number of Jews involved from the founding of neoconservatism to modern day "conservatism"
>controlled op "nazis" and guys who got baited got into a street battle with antifa
>antifa landwhale gets run over and killed
>a helicopter crashed, but it got memory holed
>cops break it up
>MSM tries to frame Charlottesville as the final defeat of the 'alt right' and frame the landwhale as myrtr, but it doesnt catch on
whites chimpped out, thats all you need to know
I think I have upset the OP, now who would get upset from holohaux pictures?