Brave AND powerful

You know, dumb nazi incels, this wouldn't have happened if you just stopped trying to take control of a WOMANS BODY
She could've had a safe abortion and moved on with her life
Nope! You stupid nazi misogynistic fucks caused this. You are evil.

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Wouldn't have happened if she wasn't a murderous psychopath and just gave it to an orphanage.

Where were this girls parents. Having a kid in high school then killing it and buried in the familys home backyard??

Why are you even still posting here. This board is dead. Go to the incel forum on voat or wherever you virgins congregate at.

there are hundreds of products that could have prevented this.

>Brooke Skyler

The ultimate basic white girl name

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I like her. The state is mad because she took away one of their cattle.

Probably a niglet. Roasties fear being labeled a mudshark.

Nobody has a better moral compass than female high schoolers

She probably had a good reason.