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>if only you knew how bad things really are

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White people deserve to be genocided desu

Americans are not human

Link big for true true

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Pics of corncob please stop teasing just post 'em.

>still using the honk meme
bye boomer

im trying to fap so im going to post my mediterranean feet here in the hope that someone will say they'er cute.

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Bet her mom is also fucking her killer
white women lmao


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These fucking liberal whites get what they deserve.

Spics and niggers killing them will wake the ones worth red pilling up, if their relatives dying at the hands of invaders dosent, I dont know what will.

I hope he kills her and the husband caters the funeral lunch with delicious tacos.

the proper place for corn is insertion inside an anus

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are Americans really this cucked?

Was all that corn stuff true? I've not seen it referenced anywhere beyond Jow Forums. Sauce?

Yes, yes they are.

It was reported in an ABC article (IIRC) and then quickly retracted. There's no reason to believe they simply made it up, but it clearly wasn't supposed to be reported on. Probably out of respect to the victim and her family... though I would assume also to protect MUH INNOCENT UNDOCUMENTED CITIZENS

so that's why it's called the corn hole.

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yeah. thanks for the century of unrelenting mental abuse.

she wants to get corned as well

Lefties are actively pursuing their demise, they got their heads pumped chock full of self-hatred, sold as "virtue". Just sad they're trying to take us sane people down with them. They are traitors and cancer and should be treated as such.

helps make KILLER tacos too!
worth it!

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Good desu. Dumb bitch.

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What goes through the head of the person involved?

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>black eyes
she wasn't even white

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Fuck off D&C shill

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It's a shame he didn't kill the father too

Virtue signalling and Stockholm Syndrome

my grandad is a detective for nintendo and got the police report from a buddy

Guess they'll be having creamed corn every night now.

kys faggot

>This is peak whiteness in muttland

You know damn well she's fucking that spic kid and they eat corn on the cob for dinner all the damn time and they talk about what happened to Mollie and they both get turned on

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It's just like pottery

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How hard would it be to actually have corn inserted into your ass like that? Might break the whole thing

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Did the police investigate whether her parents arranged to have Mollie killed? Something seems so off about this story...

Then they will move out of California to Arizona, Oregon,Nevada, Washington, Utah, Idaho ,Montana ,Colorado



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you are so cool!

You could say she's, asking for an earful

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Wew talk about taking the lead for your own beliefs! She's an example for all liberals to take.

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This corn isnt for EATING

>if only you knew how good that tacos are

checked, kek'd, and dead roastie storage.

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almost forgot....


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>the cobbing

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I used to live 30 min away from her town. You know what's a damn shame? Iowa is red as blood, and she just had to be blue.

I guarantee her goddamn neighbors and anyone that lived in Montezuma were Republicans. Most liberals live in Iowa city/des moines, while small towns like her town were republican.

this is swede tier SJWism

This is literally year old news.

it came out in the investigation the police also said she was stabbed with the knife in the butt

It's complete fucking bullshit. I was in the original thread where some guy created the corncob myth. It caught on because it's funny. But there's zero truth about getting a corncob shoved up her pussy/ass.

>Idaho girls make do

Reminds me of this; liberalism is a mental illness.

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Kek, this had me laughing pretty hard

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I heard the immigrant is a little on the husky side



Why is there clear anal liquid? Shouldn't it be kind of brown after sticking it in there? Guys don't exactly cum out of their ass. This anime is definitely not realistic, I refuse to watch it.

I feel like "honk honk" sort of undersells this one. I can't laugh at this

Jews created CornCob story to cover up far worse truths.

See recently posted vids of pitbull eating Mexican's genitals, but with Mex standing in for dog.

Note MSM and ZOG is shielding the Mexican from any reporters/interviews.


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Americans are jew slaves, not all white people are Americans desu

Believe it or not that man is polish

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It'll stop being used when the world becomes sane.

were talking really good tacos


yes, and commie these states into oblivion once they've settled there.

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glownigger doesn't like effective memes


>If only you knew how good the tacos really are

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Someone uploaded the WEBM of the video the spic took of himself raping Molly with the cob.

did this guy survive?