Peace talks called off! BASED
Can I get an awoo

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Yaaaay more money for pissrael

/ptg/ is sliding this as usual

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Yes remember there is a big difference between the GOP and the Dems guys. Trust the system :^)

>Yes good goy, there's no winning side
Imagine hating yourself so much that your only argument is to say that your enemy is one of your own.

Nigger this is fucked.

Bad decision made by Trump.

>Afghanistan would be paradise without Afghanis

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Is there a particular reason why they have to kill innocent people constantly? couldn't they just chill for a bit. Get the soldiers out of their country THEN go back to their savagery?

It's a psy-op to keep away the peace talk.

And there goes his election lmao

I'm not saying they can't keep slaughtering each other, I'm just saying chill for a few months, get soldier fags out of your country then go back to mindless murder. It makes more sense then dealing witth drone strikes and shit constantly.

Trump made the right decision.
It was an act of disrespect towards us. We should drop a couple thousand bombs on their heads then resume peace talks

If there is a winning side it is absolutely not the Republican party of the Democratic party.

How bluepilled in every sense of the word does someone have to be to not understand that?

or the*

Nice slip.

Yeah, more tax money for the MIC and troops to remain forever instead of doing something useful with their time.

It could easily be considered a correct way to phrase it.


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If that's what it takes to keep the Taliban down, I'm for it.

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You're obviously being dishonest here: Retaliating against attacks IS something useful.

They're always going to be doing attacks as long as there are US troops as an occupation force, regardless of how bad the taliban may be they're not in any way a threat to the US.

How about take those troops and put them on the border or start using them to shut down sanctuary cities which are full of cartels? Oh wait, that won't happen because the CIA is in bed with those cartels, which is also part of the reason there are troops guarding opium in Afghanistan to begin with. The whole thing is crooked and an unjust use of taxpayers money.

Don't negotiate.
Just pull out.

More promises kept! MIGA!
(But seriously, he's going to have to withdraw anyway to avoid major casualties)

"B-But Trump, that's what the cia told us to do...?"

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The US doesn't do 'total war' now though does it? It just sits around creating a perpetual mess in order to justify more money to the MIC over years and years.

If this was about defeating the taliban or anyone else it would be over by now, the US is the most powerful military force on Earth. Instead it's some half baked meme about 'democracy and freedom' that's never ever going to happen and no one even believed that from day one.

There's nothing to negotiate.
It's the right thing to do.


Based and Marspilled

Evac civilians where possible.
Tactical nuke.
Hey're banned. Want more?

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i believed trump to be an outsider who didnt believe we belonged in these shitfest wars in the middle east at all. i wish that were true

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>Imagine hating yourself so much that your only argument is to say that your enemy is one of your own.
This is how stupid Mexicans are and why their shithole will always be ruled over by corrupt castizos.

>regardless of how bad the taliban may be they're not in any way a threat to the US.
They're not a direct threat to the US in the sense that they're not going to destroy us... but they can damage us and kill our people and they can damage our economy that relies on peaceful transfer of goods throughout the world.

They need to either be reformed into a proper governing body that can be negotiated with, or they need to be destroyed. If not by us, then by somebody else.

I'd rather have the Taliban and no poppy fields than a bunch of ugly old statues.

Goods like opium?

>but they can damage us
speak for yourself, Chaim

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You know that opium is legal in the US if the doctor prescribes it, right?

>admitted to killing people
>who were attacking their country
umm, you're supposed to do that!
>inb4 but they wuz murrican
but they wuznt in murrica, you demented orange nigger!

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you have a good message. its too bad you are being manipulative and hiding your flag so i have to completely ignore everything you have said and now actually feel like the opposite is true. oops!

daily reminder

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the taliban dindu nuffin

>King of the Jews
Wasn't that supposed to be Jesus? Help us out here Trump supporters.

>You know that opium is legal in the US if the doctor prescribes it, right?
Yeah, and how many deaths have prescription opioids caused? How many Pajeet pushers posing as doctors are there? How many pill mills churning out product?
I guess it's fine if it's legal, just like invasion, baby murder, and, one day, pedophilia.

>no u

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>Yeah, and how many deaths have prescription opioids caused?
give me a break. Cars cause way more deaths.

>The US doesn't do 'total war' now though does it?
Only because the DNC and RINOs like John McCain are still trying to outlaw it. The elephant in the room that everyone's scared of is Iran, which has been supporting and funding terrorists around the world, from Hamas to ISIS. The original WoT was supposed to end with US tanks in the streets of Tehran, but Dubya got intimidated into not completing the pincer attack until Iraq was a fully modernized Judeo-Christian democracy with rights for women, minorities, and the entire LGBTOMGWTFBBQ spectrum. Then Obama spent his entire Administration bolstering the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, so now Trump will probably have to start the whole thing over again from square one next time we get 9-11ed.

This is true. There are some absolutely gorgeous mountain ranges and views out here and the weather is divine.

good. we should eradicate afghanistan

A good day for the defense contractor I work for, hopefully a raise soon.

>The elephant in the room that everyone's scared of is Iran, which has been supporting and funding terrorists around the world, from Hamas to ISIS
Iran is based and you're a lying Jew.

If terrorists don't give up then troops shall stay, simple as that



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Good. Let’s kill them all.

i hate trump except for shit like this.

obama, bush, clinton wouldn't give two shits about this and the meeting would be on like donkey kong.

I'm not a big fan of wasteful automotive culture either.

I wonder how many US troops will get killed so that Mr. America First can look "tough on terrorists" for the low-info base.

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Well, blowing shit up during your peace talks isn't very peaceful, is it?

Just nuke the shithole and be done with it.

there was never a meeting're being gaslight again by the Liar-In-chief

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I trust you mr trump maga


Any red-blooded American should be.



AMERICA FIRST. I fucking can’t stand how Trump says all this great shit but literally refuses to pull us out of that sandbox they call a country.

"how many more decades are they willing to fight?"

a lot fucking longer than Americans...Go read up on the VietCong

>Unbeknownst to almost everyone
>almost everyone
This is key. Who knew of the meeting? Is there any public evidence that the Taliban actually admitted to killing the 12 people? It seems it may be a smokescreen and that Trump is actually trying to weed out traitors that are not interested in peace, but we need more info.

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>how many more decades are they willing to defend against foreign invaders

>he doesnt know they are still at it since mongol times

/ptg/ niggers were bragging about Trump going to get out of there a few weeks back. Now they're saying staying is the best choice.
How many time has Trump promised to withdraw Troops then backed out at the last second now? I'm up to 3 times but I might be missing some.

Netanyahu probably farted when he found out there was such a meeting planned

Trump is just a shitshow. American troops will NEVER leave Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. Feel free to screencap this, NEVER.
"They" will never let the USA's ZOGbot army leave the Middle-East.

Reminder that the MIGA posters are anti-trump leftists and Zionists.

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muslims are mentally defective because of their lack of a proper diet during their formative years (as they have to fast for their gay prophet during some holy month)
they are basically non-human

If true. I agree. Trump has honor. Only whites and japs have honor.

Nuclear war with North Korea soon, r-right guys? I bet you're all democrats now, fellow pollians

good luck on your blood test

We've seen this pic before

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also found these from that party

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MFW I'll never bone Valerie Jarret wearing nothing but body paint.

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this is good news. an endless war is actually really good for the USA. it keeps our soldiers prepped with combat experience and gives us the opportunity to field test new weapons and tactics. this is why we would dominate any other conflict against a nation state. the rest of the world has an army with zero combat experience. this is the real reason russia is constnatly trying to start shit with the former soviet states, because they know their military has no real experience anymore

Jarret and Obama?

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>How many decades are they willing to fight?
All of them. It's their home.

I think it might be.

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So what stopped Russia in the 80's? Russia has been the country least concerned by collateral, so what stopped them from greasing every village?

What was that shit again? frotting?

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Imagine believing this

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Communism nigger duh

>and Zionist

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