Is there a possibility we're already microchipped?

>be me
>facebook and google know what I'm thinking
>I get ads tailored to exactly what I was thinking

Imagine you had the technology to microchip everyone by drinking your favorite energy drink or what not. Nano technology is so small and so advanced you wouldn't even know you've been chipped. What if this is already a reality and they chipped every single one of us?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s call a “cellphone” and pretty much everybody already has one.

yup, that's why they have mandatory vaccinations in school. well in Canada anyway.

I get big tech is spying on each and every single one of us... It's no longer a secret but I have my phone turned off and I was just thinking about something random and got an add.

>also thinking I'ma destroy my phone and go caveman style.

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the chip

advertising profiles sometimes get lucky, but it's also likely you were looking up something in that vein or a similar search string not too long before or they are using analytical heuristics to pool you in with like-minded consumers

i get it all the time, even when i'm just musing about something. you need to remember that nothing is private anymore, practically speaking. if you say a word, your phone or tablet or smart television can actually record it temporarily and log it for short-term use. just think about these things, don't get loopy.

Without moving your cellphone at all, gontonyour camera and hit the rotate button.

Reminds me of those movies
- Enemy of the State
- Conspiracy Theory
I guess they were not kidding.

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Imagine that they have algorithms that could read your mind. Without reading your brainwaves. Like, they are just that good at predicting from past information. Sort of like that one algorithm that predicted women were pregnant before they took a pregnancy test.

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AAAAAAhhhh, it's all so confusing. I'm getting paranoid... lol

- The Conversation
"Enemy of the State" has Gene Hackman playing essentially the the same role as he did in "The Conversation"

The other day I was telling my friend a story about a dog barking at trashcans and then 2 days letter I get a targeted add to none other than doggy trashcans for your pet dog

I literally have zero pets and never have searched anything dog related. The ONLY way it would have thought to advertise such a retarded product if it was listening to my highly situational story


>Everything I think about is advertised
>I must be chipped
Nah. It just means you're a normie

While I've seen evidence of biochip technology as far back as 10 years ago, I don't believe so, no.

See, there's really no need for them to create biochips in our bodies when we carry our smartphones around on a daily basis, when there are cameras everywhere, when all data trafic is monitored and software are cataloging the shape of your very eyelashes. Fuck, you could walk around in a faraday cage and you'd still be found out by simply triangulating your position using everyone else's devices at any given moment.

The CIA alone has access to more than 720 million devices.
That'd mean everyone's device in Europe and USA
Or 2 devices per person in all of Europe with room to spare
Or 2 devices per person in all of USA with room to spare

There's no point in chips anymore.

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It's just mass illegal spying and data mining:

An algorithm predicted you would post that

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You do not have a chip
>cue elon musk nervous laugh
No but seriously they don't need to chip you. With all the data they collect on you they build a virtual model and then use that model to try and sell you shit.
>as above so below as within so without
You and the model exist in a relationship that is mediated by feedback loops. Gears within gears they change the model they chance you they change you they change the model.
Does it make sense? I fear I may be going schizo. Through memes, through tv and movies, they programing you like a computer. Symbolism is the language of the code.
They don't need implants your cellphone is enough.

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>also thinking I'ma destroy my phone and go caveman style.
When my 2012 phone dies, I am never getting another one. It is hacked to all hell, and google nor GPS nor any of the EMAS systems work. It sends and receives calls. I like many others am tired of carrying their data collection garbage in my pocket.

No, I’m convinced the AI in the internet has become telepathic.

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