So why did all of the terrorist attacks in Europe suddenly stop?

I remember there was like a whole month where day after day the media would report some new attack in Europe
did they get what they wanted or something?

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they've been faking WN shootings instead of fake terror attacks.

>tfw pic related is Jow Forums since the election

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right, now it seems to be WN terrorism season

Because ISIS started taking in all the radicals so the only people left in Al Qaeda are the drug runners and arms dealers. International "terrorism" groups have more in common with Mexican Cartels than anything else. Why waste your time attacking targets internationally when you are better armed than the local government security forces and making fat stacks of cash?

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Yo mexianon. How you feel about the El Paso shooting and your people being gunned for being Mexican ?

There are still pretty frequent attacks with only one victim, or thwarted bomb plots-- but honestly I blame it on the rise on right wing terrorism. I mean for the past 10 years they had zero consequence but now people are taking revenge on their religion and shooting up mosques, so terrorism no longer does islam any favours

was that the motive? I remember reading that it was some guy that was sincerely whack and mexicans just happened to be the ones around

Didn't you read his manifesto ? He hated you guys for being invaders supposedly.

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>New wave of terrorist attacks possible before end of year, UN says

What do you mean? The entire point of terrorism is to inflame your enemy into indiscriminately attacking everyone in your group, guilty or not, and that's the strategy ISIS used in Iraq and Syria: blow up a Shi'ite mosque, wait for the Shi'ites to retaliate against innocent people, recruit from that pool of victims, rinse and repeat until the security structure in your country completely disintegrates and then create a nation in the vacuum. In letters to Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi outlined this strategy of "awakening sleeping Sunnis"

I didn't read the manifesto. 2bh I don't care, I think nothing about mexicans abroad and in a single day we kill more of our own anyway

It's still happening. The jewsnews media just doesn't want the goyim knowing.

>In letters to Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi outlined this strategy of "awakening sleeping Sunnis"
A strategy that ultimately backfired because they failed to take into account the sheer bloodlust of the American people. If 9/11 taught radical Islam one thing it's that Americans will murder fucking anything anywhere if they feel even remotely insecure. The US military comes into Afghanistan, burns everything, kills everyone they can, then invades Iraq over imaginary WMDs and does the same thing. It's just not economical to fuck with Americans directly.

Ironically, it was Obama's particular brand of the War on Terror that caused Al Qaeda to manifest itself stronger than ever. His hands-off policy of drone strikes and no ground presence caused the resurgence of their power structure. No boots on the ground means no American soldiers giving water to little kids and no American doctors treating Afghani people.

It really is that simple, soldiers have a dual purpose: To kill the enemy and to empathize with the local population. Drones do one but not the other and with less discretion. The day we stop paying for the war with blood is the day al-Zarqawi's strategy becomes viable.

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I really like that image.

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"Secure the mideast for Israel goyim!" Fucking kike Obama drone striked like crazy. Your whole "boots on the ground" mossad BS GTFO.

Implying El Paso was ever white, did he say this for bants?

Nigger please, both wars were entirely purposeless in the long run. The only truly appropriate response was to embed intelligence operatives into Afghanistan and Pakistan then hit targets of opportunity with helicopter raids. This is called counter-terrorism and, surprise, it's essentially just terrorism itself and that's fine.

You're so busy screeching about Israel you fail to see that there is a scale of failure here. Sending American soldiers in to fight a conventional war was a lot more successful overall than the long term occupation and drone strike bullshit that came after. Suck my dick kneejerk faggot.

What's the situation like these days? I went to Cabo in 2015 it was pretty safe but I read it is one of the leading murder cities now.

Fucking retard. The pass is how they get in legally so they can help with illicit activities

tourists are always spared in touristic zones, always ask the cab drivers where's the best place to go and stay out of any ghetto

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Probably just stopped reporting it. They are focusing on all these obviously fake/false flag shootings