What German words do Americans use?

I read schadenfreude, Angst and kindergarten a lot. What German words do you else use?

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What's the German word for migrant rape baby?



Its closer to frisian and dutch

(kaputt in German apparently)

Migranten Vergewaltigungs Baby

braut and sauerkraut

Kanake, Arschgeweih, Hingucker... honestly, it's like you people are taking over.


I've used 37 of these at one point or another.

Kindergarten is the first stage of our public education. Hence k-12

This. And verboten. And "verstehen Sie?"

I like Rockstar games, there are always German word games like Pisswasser piss water.

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chutzpah, bupkis, klutz, putz, schmaltz, schmuck, schtick,

Neue deutsch if I'm not mistaken

That's yidspeak.


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>verstehen Sie
never heard that one before, but verboten is a good one

Are you daft?

Yeah I guess it's Yiddish. It's actually a pretty funny language. Some mix between German,polish and Hebrew.
Sounds super stupid but funny af.

Can you understand it? It seems like it's just german spoken in a whining, grating voice

Weltanshcauung, but only I use that.

Dachshund those little weiner dogs

doppelgänger is another good one.
wanderlust is fairly common too, but mostly used by roasties justifying their cool wine Aunt fantasies, so that one usually leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Is Budweiser a kraut word?

Blitz, hamburger, lugenpresse (not commonly), automobile to name a few

I like to say nein

Yeah Yiddish language is like 70% German. It sounds super funny, like some retarded child trying to speak proper German.


Translates to "do you understand?"

If an adult said this to you as a child you were in deep shit.

Just got home from our fall time weekend Saufen Spiel celebration in Johnsburg, IL (settled by Germans) Tonight was banjo beer night, red neck as fuck, tractor parade tomorrow.

I like to use Weltanschauung on occasion. In general, no one knows what it means though.

Budweiser is a town in Czech Republic. But when they started brewing beer there it was a part of Germany. BTW nobody drinks Budweiser in Germany. But Americans like this beer somehow.




Old English is a Germanic dialect thatcwas spoken by the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. Christian monks then introduced Latin words into the language. Even later the Norman invasion brought French words into the language. Modern English is a mix of German, Latin, and French.


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I only hear chicks say that. Not a complaint.


My granny used to say "Die Juden ist verboten." I think it means "I love you." Or something.


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kitsch, wanderlust, doppelganger, zeitgeist, hinterland

I didn't even know angst was a german word, it's pretty common in english. Kindergarten is also the term used for the grade level before first grade in elementary school.

not many, but sections of pennsylvania that were settled by german immigrants WAY back still retain a fair bit of german.

We call them mutt

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I don't think you realize how much more insulting to you than to us that that was


English is a Germanic language you dumb sand-nigger.

I like Ewige Blumenkraft. It's groovy man.

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Many popular beer brands here were first made by German immigrants. Adolphus Busch and Eberhard Anheuser started brewing Budweiser after a trip to Bohemia, and Adolph Coors (Kuhrs) and Friedrich Muller learned to brew before they each came here.

No it isnt you fucking retard! Thats what we call rapebabies like you

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>I read schadenfreude, Angst and kindergarten a lot.

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Sauerkraut, brats, uber, honestly that's it besides what you posted. Might see wunderkind to refer to someone precocious but very rarely

American budweiser and czech budweiser are two completely different beers, the Czech beer from the town of budweis is the shit.

The Germans & English are responsible for the building of most industries within the Americas & South America.

That's cute, coming from a g*Rman. How many times did the red army violate your großmutter? You slavic rape baby. The blood of the prussians runs thin in your veins

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I repeat anything Rammstein says.

du hast

nazi, volkswagen, bundesliga, and I say 'ach' a lot lately, I don't know why

German words: nigger, negro, faggot, kike, shill, jew, cuck

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If you see a girl you like call her Miss Gestalt. You will get laid 100%

I use Zeitgeist when I can to make me sound intelligent. It doesn't work

>gymnasium literally means to exercise naked

Jow Forumsfags still think they aren't gay