Does anyone have the video of the tranny getting fucked?

A few days ago, someone posted the video of the tranny in this Webm getting pounded by a black guy, and I thought I saved it, but I can't find it anywhere on my hard drive. If any user bros want to help me out, that'd be awesome.

Attached: 1554328783612.webm (344x248, 2.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tranny getting fucked

Go on, I'm listening.

This does.. interest me.

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if that exists id legit waste a lot of time spamming the video to his dad

It's on /gif/ right now someone started a shit thread with it

so the black boyfriend was real after all?

fuck you fag


What do you mean?

How do you know it's him though?

Quaydarius. He's one of the good ones


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>unzips pants

Where is the video with sound?
YouTube link?

Wow, that was fast! I know this losers dad, and I want to send it to him.

Wtf was this? Is this a discord tranny?

Nobody can find the original.

Do you have some spicy stories for us, fren?

That an old person. The tranny your looking for is way younger.

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His mom and dad got a divorce, some time after this happened, I think anyway. He sold most of his shit, works at a Dollar General near my house in Atlanta, and lives in a destitute basement apartment between Bankhead, and Buckhead Atlanta. From what I've found, through sleuthing, his name is Craig, he spends all his money on booze, and can't hold down a job, without this webm eventually surfacing, either from a customer at one of the stores he's working at, or one if his coworkers bringing it up. He used to work at an O'Reilly's in Atlanta, and I saw him there too. He's so fucking pathetic, that I almost feel bad.

Nah. His son got fat. This webm is about three or four years old, and his son is whoring around, for now.

Pathetic. Makes us all look bad. Every good girl knows you clean up even if you don't like a2m, its just expected. And work on your fucking voice you cheap whore.
>t. literal transgirl

Can you post a photo of his face? I want to see how he looks like.

good god

Sweet mercy, that's bad. Do you have anything else good to share? I'm sure anyone else in this thread would die to know more about him. What's the son looking like now? How's his pathetic father doing? Can you interview him? Lol


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I have been searching for the tranny, but can't find him. I think he's been swallowed up, by the dark recesses of the city. I can try and get a pic of the dad, though.

Wait, how do you know his ex boyfriends name?

I mean... just suck his dick for a little bit. It's not that difficult.

Lol thats just some old used up crackwhore

You have his dad's contact info by any chance?

Poor little whiteboi

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But why would you want that?


Ahhh this larp copypasta again and suckas still fall for it cuz they wanna believe so hard

He's gone down hill, dude. I hear he's realizing he made a huge mistake. He used to date this soon to be successful football player nabbed Quaydarius Davis, and he cheated on him a bunch of times, and Quay dumped him, and his life has been in a spiral.

Goddamn you...

Post link to the copypasta then

Do the nigga is a faggot too?

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He's getting raped by nigs, his life is already bad enough. Don't traumatize his father with this shit.

>tranny literally getting raped by a negro..
>screaming like some old jew hag

actually chuckled a little bit.

Why would you harass him? Sounds like he's in a low place.

How do you know it's a tranny? It's a shit quality video and I can't see a dick there. Maybe it's a girl with a really raspy voice.

I ain't clickin that

>Maybe it's a girl with a really raspy voice.

Do women also get voice softening surgery in korea???

Things that didn't happen.

In an age of endless porn and fleshlights, why would this nog dip so low to fuck that little faggot? Are nigs that irrational?
>Inb4 yes they are

The weak shall fall before the sword.

It's a faggot, Korean man, that's all there is to it.

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I'm all for the Lulz but leave the old man out of it. He's probably ready kill himself. Fuck the trap. Do whatever to him but the old man has hurt enough.


I know...

Checked and true.
Dude sounds like he's living Hell on Earth.
I feel bad for him.

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Was it rape?

he just needs a little push to make life a whole lot more interedesting

Attached: the-joker-a-little-push.gif (500x211, 480K)

probably the power trip of knowing his raping a white beta male turned tranny

He allowed his son to do this. He's literally blowing all his money on booze, and he lives in a run down mold trap in a dangerous part of Atlanta, because he's given up. He could have fixed this before he wound up all over Jow Forums, and became the king of clown world.

This is a cheap old whore, the voice is ciggarrete roast voice

Poor man.

Yeah I don't get it, I feel bad for the dad when I watch the video and disgusted at the situation, but not angry. Don't ruin his life anymore than he already has.

This is a /thread
Newfags, pay attention. This is what copypasta looks like.

I'm too afraid to watch this.
Somebody give me a rundown.

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Because it should teach a lesson to all fathers not to let their children fall for the tranny trap.

Make an example of a few...spare the many.

>king of clown world
not yet

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You sure about this? Post link to the copypasta then, please

Basically tranny in a bathroom getting aggresively fucked by a negro and some other brown dude...screaming how "her pussy" can't take it anymore, and then the black dude pisses a little bit on it.

that's not it.
That's a waman

It's gay sex on a toilet, everything legal, but disgusting nonetheless.

A nigger fucking a tranny up the ass doggy style, then demands a blowjob and the tranny refuses. Then the nig starts forcing him to suck his dick.

You like women with deep voices, don't you?

checked and keked'

Why do the mods let shit like this stay at the top? When it has fuck all to do with politics? Oh that’s right,mods are comped and are fucking kikes too. Like yourself. Gas yourself.

>Are nigs that irrational?

You'll recall that the average IQ of an african american is around 85. Recall also that the average IQ for mental retardation was considered to be 85, and that they changed it because it would make half of all nigs legally retarded. A person with an 85 IQ might be able to reason well enough to perform simple repetitive tasks under supervision.

So statistically, if you meet a nigger (all other variables not controlled) you've got around a 50/50 shot at them being so dumb that they can't really be considered rational.

Did'nt he suffer anal trauma that resulted in death?

Because this board has been compromised since fuck knows when user..

and infinity is down for good...

the least we can do is get some laughs at some tranny getting molested and absolute state of clownworld.

It didn't result in death. His vagina collapsed, and he almost died.

It has to do with many aspects of politics, boy, such as the destruction of the family unit through outside influence. Oh yes, you are an incel and won't give a shit.

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She sounds like an old gal from philly.

Did you bang her? Was "she" a man too?

>Because this board has been compromised since fuck knows when user..
>and infinity is down for good...
There is BlockChan frens

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Why my peeper hard tho

why'd you have to post a cursed image

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That some FBI run Chan with a cp board so that you get locked up automatically?

Yeah but if what OP said is true then he's already done that to himself. Pol is redpilled on this subject, harrasing him wouldn't lead to any more gain.

Miku is looking deep into your soul, fren

>not *unzips dick*
Fucking zoomers, I swear.

No, you are wrong on this.
Destruction can be a cleansing process, because it frees you from your bounds.

The man has nothing to lose anymore, but everything to gain.

Attached: Castellans_Own.jpg (1708x988, 795K)

>That some FBI run Chan with a cp board so that you get locked up automatically?
No, it lives on the Blockchain with images stored as IPFS hashes pointing to IPFS. Posts can never be deleted but images can (only illegal content is deleted). Users can never be banned. No way for users to be tracked

I meant gain in the sense of redpilling more people ie. he has already been used for that purpose.

I caught a shiny Sentret today.

Attached: Screenshot_20190907-220706_Pokmon GO.jpg (720x1280, 271K)

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>(only illegal content is deleted
That means some opinions will get deleted too in the future, once the SJWs infiltrate and get mod jobs or whatever.

There are never enough opportunities fren, he should feel confident and eager to redpill others with his failure as a father and head of a family.

>That means some opinions will get deleted too in the future, once the SJWs infiltrate and get mod jobs or whatever.
Text can't be deleted, it's not possible due to blockchain technology. Only images not legal under u.s. federal code will be removed.

while I'm pretty sure OP is full of shit if the video surfaces Colin Mochrie might kill himself

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>his vagina

The dad in the video (Craig) and the mom, had to show up to the hospital, and see that their sons vagina went full jazz Jennings.

As it so happens, I have it.

There's clapping of flesh and moaning. I know the one.

The thing about street fighting is having the will power to devastate your adversary as well as hitting the brakes when you reach peak blood thirst. A lot of muds will deny it but there is no one way when it comes to street fighting, you need to have a perfect balance.

>A few days ago, someone posted the video of the tranny in this Webm getting pounded by a black guy, and I thought I saved it
>and I thought I saved it

get aids and die in a fire, faggot

for real.?? pics or it didnt happen.

Craig. And do we also have a full name of Craig? :)

Why would you want that?