Calling all MAGAtards

Why do you support Trump in 2019? It was fun around 2015, but Trump has turned out to be a disgrace let's be real

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Conservatives remember you conserve nothing!

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Fake and gay.

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No one woke on the JQ would actually support this Jewish dick sucker.

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good luck finding unironic supporters here. we are done.

Everyone else running is somehow worse and accelerationalism does not work

Because I don't have a better choice.

Checked. OP is a faggot.

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thats what he's gonna realize on election night unless he rapidly deports a bunch of orcs between now & then.

If you shills think you're changing the minds and votes of Trump supporters, you're delusional.
You discord tranny shits are only making us more resolved in our support of him.

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Trump's only chance is electoral

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Cognitive dissonance is a SOB. Get help faggot

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Let's vote in someone who will rapidly accelerate the demographic decline of the country and raise our taxes to pay for it just because they don't like Israel as much as the other guy! I don't mind going to jail for saying mean things to niggers on the internet as long as Bibi gets a stern talking to!

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Funny, I got a phone call from cnn today to do a phone survey. I completely skewed their poll. The chick couldn't understand my answers and asked me at the end if I'd be willing to be interviewed by a reporter. I told her when they actually found one, I'd be happy to.

You people man... peep the pic faggot. Migration has never been higher

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>Fake and gay.
It's a fake but accurate joke.

>Everyone else running is somehow worse and accelerationalism does not work
No because he wants to do everything the uniparty wants to do or he's being forced to. If they act like they are slightly worse it's not really true. It's just that otherwise they cannot pretend to have two parties.

>It was fun around 2015, but Trump has turned out to be a disgrace let's be real

He is still way, way better than any option out there.

evangelicals unironically think israel is the holy land that must be protected from any middle eastern aggressor even if that includes another iraq, he's doing great with white boomers

gen z is like 15% of the voting block tops lmao

>Migration has never been higher
Which is not Trump's fault considering that is known that democrat have been helping them to get in the country.
Explain how voting for the ones causing the problem and promising free health care to illegal that will be paid with your money + indiscriminate inmigration is gonna solve the inmigration proble,

b-but he got tax cuts for corporations that pay no taxes!!

Only reason I'll probably vote for him is to replace RBG. Don't care otherwise. If Sanders won the DNC nomination (fat chance I know) I'd actually probably vote Dem for the first time in my life.

Read more instead of using exploitable screencaps. Most effort has been in convincing other netions to not allow migrants to the US and denying refugee status. Those lowering inherently decreases deportation numbers. Plus appeals courts have been fighting every single deportstion he has attempted since assuming office, forcing him to utilize the processing 'camps'.

130,000 migrants in the month of may. A record

The lesser of two weevils is still a weevil.
I'm staying home. He'll do fine w/o me.

Cope. Most migration ever no wall tax cuts Iran escalation Israel loving COPE

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I'm convinced it's a handful of people because they always sound exactly the same with the same exact responses.

I don’t know who’s jewing who anymore

There can't be many Trump supporters on Jow Forums by now they should know his bs

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listen man. Nobody is saying vote for democrats. You dumb asses always go to this line of talk. Nobody is supporting democrats. Nobody wants to support Bush 3.0 either. It's just more neocohenism and more of the same corruption. Two wings of the same bird. Trump was supposed to be different but he's not. That's the point and that's why he's going to be a 1 term president. I am very confident he has lost the silent majority.

READ nigger, the article specifically said the tarriffs were threatened in May, forcing Mexico into action.

Plus those were 130000 apprehensions in May, so is he apprehending them or not?


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I like how you ignore why it's increasing and how you're avoiding to explain how voting for the ones pushing for open borders and make you pay for their shit is gonna solve the problem.

>sound exactly the same with the same exact responses.
It's true but it's because they're people like OP always post the same shitty memes all the time with the same "arguments" and because they never have actual way to refute the responses.

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then who should I vote for then?? If I don't have a candidate to vote for there's nothing I can do & thats just giving up.
vote for the lesser evil & blame the democrats when the country collapses & pat yourself on the back for voting republican, you did your best alright goy.

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Don’t you remember how he demolished the uniparty? Why have you become so demoralized?

Criticizing Trump's love for kikes and Israel only makes him suck kike cock even harder which makes people criticize Trump's love for kikes and Israel even more which makes Trump suck kike cock even harder and so on

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That's the nature of the con my friend. Welcome to America. You have no choice.

>That's the point and that's why he's going to be a 1 term president. I am very confident he has lost the silent majority.
I really don't know how anyone could seriously believe that any of the democrat seems to have any chance of winning seeing what's currently happening. More and more people show to his rallies and the distaste for the left seems to be growing, most americans seem to disagree with the open borders/anti white bullshit.
To each their own, i lose nothing if Trump loses, you will be the ones getting even more fucked and my country is going to hell anyway.

More minorities than ever support a republican president
>lost the silent majority
Kek. You’re not paying any attention

Yeah you've got a good point they are all lame ducks. I mean if it's going to be Biden it's just a zionist vs another zionist. I wouldn't be surprised if all these people are just there to take the fall because the jews like their current race horse.

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No wall he had control of Congress for more than a year NO WALL


Wow it's almost like both parties are EXACTLY the same bullshit.

jeez i can't believe trump tweeted that

great detective work.

>Don’t you remember how he demolished the uniparty? Why have you become so demoralized?
He's paying his influencers to try to convince us to support gun control and other shit and promoting H1B, promoting rabid jew worship, and letting his supporters get kicked off websites without really attempting to do anything.

Working with Tech companies. Talking about using them to try to spy on people and do pre-crime to take guns.

Lots of other shit. His response to us being BTFO'd off social media was "you guys should just be more nice".

Only got mad when that faggot Watson was kicked off. But that's yet another one of those "look goy, you can be loud and speak some truths occasionally, but only if you are a faggot!"

Also he basically declared that all countries in the world must embrace homosexuality and he praised LGBT.

Mate. I know it's not Trump per say but higher finance, capitalists, which Trump has been been extremely nice to, his whole cabinet is filled with wealthy capitalists, both left and right in Congress are bought by THESEE same capitalists. I want Trump out and Kamala in so WHITE can wake the fuck up. Trump placated them all

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Name a candidate that is not a jeiwsh puppet.
Biden has decribed himself as a Zionist, Bernie is an actual kike that praises China, Tulsi has shown multiple times his support for Israel, same shit with Harris and Warren.

>Don’t you remember how he demolished the uniparty? Why have you become so demoralized?
So basically, summing up all I said in the other response, he is the uniparty.

Trump has been more anti-white than Obama. His DOJ as cracked down harder on far right dissidents then Obama it's funny look into the RAM case total bs

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>Don’t you remember how he demolished the uniparty? Why have you become so demoralized?
Additionally, it seems like he has fucked up a lot of foreign policy by having had to ally with Israel and do their dirty work, threaten allies (Turkey) and then get shown up by India.

Also, helping your country out may have made you like him, but all that turned into is that now you guys feel emboldened to fuck over our other ally in the region (Japan) for some fucking reason.

So even that didn't work out well for us.

>He's paying his influencers to try to convince us to support gun control
Where? He has onlye said "yea
h we gonna do something after shootings" but keeps ignoring the gun control bills that the democrats are pushing.
>and letting his supporters get kicked off websites without really attempting to do anything.
Google and Facebook are getting hundreds of antitrust lawsuits

>Working with Tech companies. Talking about using them to try to spy on people and do pre-crime to take guns.
Never happened, It came from a random with no source.
Someone would believe that the anons here would be better informed regarding fake news.

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I would not call having RINO party traitors there being in 'control'. Between that and the courts, he legitimately keeps being fucked over by those around him

Because Democrats are FAR worse.

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RINOs and Never Trumpers like John McCain were against him. McCain changed his entire policy when Trump got elected. Either your being disingenuous or you're a retard

>it seems like he has fucked up a lot of foreign policy
>Peace with north Korea
>Avoided war with Iran
>Preparing for peace talks with Iran
>Trying to remove armies from the middle east
>Nice relationshiop with Japan

I don't know how that changes anything of what i said.

Now you understand that democracy and capitalism is a hoax. Go far right or go home you have choice if you're white

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This is mostly why I’m angry

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This is the only answer.

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I'm showing you without the hassle of typing on this shitty old android. How much of a cuck he is.look at his cabinet. All jews and high finance cucks no swamp drained

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i know. i am sorry. i made a terrible mistake supporting this zionist. that's why i went full on antisemitic and racist and became a natsoc.

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>Go far right or go home you have choice if you're white
And voting for the psudo commies or risking letting them win by not voting is going far right?

>but Trump has turned out to be a disgrace let's be real
Sorry user you need to be at least 18 to use this board

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Don't vote at all. Or vote for the biggest idiot. I want Kamala to win. That way White people will WAKE UP

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Holy cope he's been a DISASTER on foreign policy my goodness

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>If I don't have a candidate to vote for there's nothing I can do
Jesus christ this is pathetic.

>17 posts
This faggot has been on this board all day shitting and spewing TDS.
Have sex, incel.
Triple checked and saged.

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But the wall is currently being build, he hasn't gonne to war with Iran, Epstein got arreste under his presidency, he cut rates for everyone and not the 1%, PP was actually defundm Pedogate has actually been at full force this year, Fisa is coming, the voter fraus is actually being investigated and Google&Facebook are getting antitrust.
You can't blame him for Whites not having more kids and you already admitted that the increase in inmigration is not his fault.

I like how you keep posting shitty memes and not giving actual arguments

As I sat yonder by the gazebo built by sir Heinrich of nuhrmundee (normandy) I gazed upon a troubled brow. It was my fair maiden gazoontight. I approached thy sweet and supple tenderness and embraced her with my most nourishing warmth. She replied “ichbin louden cummeraud ift ach fichen donair”. I gave her a bewildered look and realized she was not in control of her faculties. So I took a moment to reach my inner sanctum and realized what I had to do in that moment. I went over to the rubble and picked up a most sturdy brick and proceeded to cave her fucking head in. The moaning and grunting serenading my ears gave me inner peace and reminded me of just how mentally ill I was, something we had in common since our inception on this decaying and rotting edifice we called home.

thanks for being honest with your agenda. rabbi.

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Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. If you don’t see what he’s doing, I can’t help you.

actually the chance is based on which candidate that can suck israel's dick the most

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Fags don't understand that that politics in america is an illusion

There's nothing wrong with this thread concept OP, but your material is so fucking boring.

Does anyone have the version of this image where zion don's facial features have been photoshoped to look even more jewish???

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You never supported him.

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Now here you are going nuts over a guy who makes it known he is not a politician. Why do people on your side and many never Trump establishment folks absolutely refuse to allow that reality sink into your heads? The same goes with the swamp dwellers, neocons, low-end political scrubs we currently employ whom occupying our house and senate. These are the dipshits responsible for spending house and home on inane budgets enabling their legacy and their legacy only. The reality is that majority of our house and senate don't care about illegals, citizens Americans or otherwise. They do however care about their payout after they leave Washington. They are in for the Benjamin’s baby and **** their ulterior motive.

Trump is an asshole and I get it. But he's the only guy have ever seen in history to shake up this Washington can of shit and put the status quo on notice. His execution is awful but for me to watch the shit birds from both sides of the aisle expose their true selves is worth the eight year investment. To watch our holier than thou news source get swallowed up by the best media driven device on this planet commonly known as Twitter, has been incredible. News programs and production are obsolete and to watch the MSM and Fox go into overcompensation mode has been a joy. No longer do they have the luxury to command the audience. The audience now has their news hours and perhaps days before production can wrap things up and attach their narrative. It’s a golden age for the consumer :)

The stain on American excellence is those life long appointed senators and congressmen who have fucked this country beyond repair. Don't blame a two and a half year termed president for the ills of this country and why he should somehow conform to some retarded standard set before him? POTUS from the past have been proven philanderers, misogynists, racists and bigots. The US has dropped the ball on presidential purity test of ethics long ago.

wow you goys just can't stop (((winning))) amirite???

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Holy cringe and slander

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>accelerationism doesn't work
We're justing getting started friend

I can’t wait until he blows his brains out.

If Accelerationalism worked, Brits would have done fucking SOMETHING once they found out about a paki pedo ring raping their children for over a decade and the police doing nothing about it. But they didnt and that incident was effectively time-hole'd. There is no 'waking up' as the average persom will continue down the path of least resistamce until the barrel of the gun is directly pointed at their own head.

There is no current political solution what do you want me to say

And what makes you think that the people will actually do something? look at how things are going in Aussiland or Europe

I'm a realist. I see the situation currently as no way out until things get bad, how bad? Pretty bad, things are too comfy. I just don't see a fascist getting voted in unless unemployment is horrific and people finally get fed up