
why does trump keep getting BTFO by everyone in the world

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Why do you think Greenland isn't ours already? We have the only military there and have even dumped nuclear waste there. The Danes can eat a dick with OP.

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Because he's a fucking embarrassment.

So we are going to buy Greenland and by the way WHO is going to pay for that ???

Attached: DONALD-TRUMP-MOCKING-DISABILITY.jpg (2048x1536, 142K)

nobody in america is white

Attached: trump-played-by-taliban.jpg (606x511, 65K)

Trumptards believe that pic related is the President of Venezuela.

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The immense natural resources in the Arctic and on Greenland would easily pay for it. These deals take time. Seriously, he lives in your mind 24/7.

Art of the Deal, inbound:
Danish PM: Trump’s idea of buying Greenland is ‘absurd’

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