Everyone outside brainwashed college kids hate trannies and always will. They've set gay rights back 40 years with their bullshit.
Trannies have jumped the LGBT shark
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Honk honk
This one unironically looks like Honkler.
Meme magic is 100% a real thing. We have straight up created reality.
Wtf I love trannies now
>tfw you'll be able to join the Moral Police in 20 years
Feels good
>They've set gay rights back 40 years with their bullshit.
i know its fun to say that, but it isnt true in the slightest
How can you look at that creature and not think demons are real?
Every single normie needs to be told what they are doing to kids in the schools. Normies don't like it when pervert freaks go after the younglings.
When I see LGBT handbills on campus corkboards I take a sharpie and add a P to them. To hell with them all.
Kekd checked and wrecked it’s only getting worse
Trannys are weird and chickfila tastes good and has good service. These truths drive the enemy crazy because they are plain to see.
He is lurking
They've demonstrably set gay acceptance back by at least 20 years.
That's what happens when you let "gender identity" take over your sexuality movement
t. zoomer
>They've set gay rights back 40 years with their bullshit.
Good; Now set it back 10,000 years
Absolutely. Frankly I don't think it's a bad thing either, whatever gets those freaks hanging from trees faster is 100% okay with me.
Also I must be a very bad goy because I'm having to solve upwards of 30 captchas per post.
Is that supposed to be some sort of argument or comeback? I'm sorry, I don't have the necessary brain damage to understand what the fuck your mongoloid ass was trying to say to me.
This board will unironically be responsible for me being murdered by a fat white supremacist in the streets for holding my boyfriend's hand.
(and that's a good thing!)
Imagine being triggered by religious freedom and sandwiches
I bet if they were muslims they would back off
yeah its an argument retarded twit
if you think gay rights or gay acceptance got recently set back by 20 years in canada, youre either a zoomer (aka you were not born 20 years ago), have a very crushing case of alzheimer or youre brain damaged beyond repair
Homos actually were starting to be seen as normal until the trannies came along.
Now not only are the trannies turning people off, the gays are too.
Why do dragfaggots all wear that same demonic-style of overdone makeup?
Literally look up the general attitude to gays over time as measured by any study you libshit fuckwit. Also go look up how to make a noose while you're at it because you're clearly a waste of human life.
>b-b-b-but I'm older than you
No you're not, guaranteed
>b-b-but muh corporate policy and muh libshit friends all love queers
Fuck off.
Keep protesting, you sick fucks.
Demonic possession. What you see is a full manifestation of the demon who possesses the person.
yes though trannies are a great recruiting toolfor the far right
Dave nigpell said it best if lgbt acceptance is a car load,trannies are making the trip take way longer than it should, and it’s mostly because we won’t call out AGP fetish freaks
look at this subhuman nigger unironically thinking agy acceptance got set back 20 years
you realize that canada official attitude toward fags was ''tolerating it'' 20 years ago? if you were gay in high school 20 years ago you got beat up on sight. why dont you fucking go outside sometimes and see the world you worthless basement dwelling reactionary trash
please blow a shotgun retarded zoomer
I think I found one mate the thumbnail looks demonic
>trying this hard
kys nigger
Give money to gook moot and get Jow Forums gold
The Gay Mutual Aids Society should send out social workers to talk to homos like this, "Don't do this anymore."
>by a fat white supremacist
>white supremacist
Let's be realistic here, you're going to get curb stomped by some nog
May your death be long, drawn out, painful, and messy, and uploaded to Liveleak.
>Expecting normal behavior from suicidal mentally ill people who don't even know their gender
I hope one pops up in neighborhood.
I think this was the plan. Accelerationism is truly part of the plan.
>gay rights
You have the right to STFU about how much you love the cock.
Here's a coupon for ass lube, now get the fuck back into the closet you freak.
>gay rights
Implying pedos have rights
thats not a tranny
It isn't acceptance you absolute mong, its fear of being brutalized by the system for not going along with it. I'm gay and fuck the rainbow, LGBTQ fag culture of daisy dukes and buttplugs. They make gay acceptance and coming out harder because no one wants to be associated with those dragqueen pedophile demons. Being gay doesn't mean being a mentally ill fairy, parading around like your sexuality is your whole identity. Barely anyone asks or cares who I'm in love with, because like many straight couples, I dont make my relationship a spectacle. P
Hahaha how fucked up do you have to be to do this to a person.
another zoomer who think its harder to come out as gay in 2020 because muh parade shit compared to the 90s where you had at least 25% chance of being disowned and 100% chance to be beat if youre in high school
I wasnt even speaking of the pinkfag culture not sure why you brought it up
>Barely anyone asks or cares who I'm in love with, because like many straight couples
yeah, because gay acceptance has massively increased. it wasnt like that 20years ago, zoomer
That sandwich is inside out, just like a tranny's genitals.
>white supremacis
Nah. You're going to get murdered by one of your diversity pets, assuming rectal trauma doesn't get you first.
Did I hit a nerve? Are you a skirt wearing flaming queer?
It has everything to do with the way they act and how the world looks at gays. It actually wasn't you little bitch boy because men still acted like men, even if they were gay.
Coming out these days means being a fairy princess, making sure everyone and everything knows you like cock or vag. People can like the same sex and keep it to themselves.
You and the rest of the left/LGBTQ just want the spotlight shone on you so you can spread your butterfly wings to show how brave and unique you are. It's a big "look at me" contest for you faggots. The LGBTQABCDXYZ is the most hateful, closed minded group for this reason and has pushed many gays, including myself to not be comfortable with who we are. You know who hasnt been though? The conversatives, Republicans, Trump supporters and church goers (all whom I associate with). They don't give a fuck and I dont need to throw it in their faces every chance I get. It's like vegans having to tell everyone how much better they are than everyone else for not eating meat.. quit wearing bondage gear and strapons in public, attempting to change the minds of children, bringing drag queens to read story books to libraries where kids are attending and MAYBE the rest of the public wont give a shit either. This has been the thing to push others to the side of hating homosexuals. Anytime the rainbows get a foothold, they try to make society gay with them.
>tl;dr kill yourself
makes sense that a homo doesn't understand the word 'responsible'
Damn. I could have an actual conversation with you on the subject. Not that you care but just so you know.
I am boycotting this restaurant if you eat there I will not be there to make feel physically ill. Sales up 115% cope harder.
but not for sucking shit off of a dick after having sex in your ass?
Please take back your McDonalds and give us based Chicken sandwiches instead
you're not special
They exaggerate the makeup to hide their Male features. Also, probably some dumb 'Christians call us demons? Well, let's be fierce demons!'
Your so mad right now though. lol
Can’t cope?
Wow, that spic dog did a pretty neat job. First time?
>Everyone outside brainwashed college kids hate trannies and always will. They've set gay rights back 40 years with their bullshit
Yep. Faggotism and trannyism should be death penalty offenses.
You should probably just kill yourself
the only thing worse than a boomer faggot is a millenial ~*FAGGOT*~. YOU just HAVE to have reality tv style drama over yourself or you feel terrible. To you, Bad attention is better than NO attention. You MUST get people's attention and you MUST keep it or you have no social value.
Just fucking neck yourself
I’ve pointed out for years that LGBT was the wrong acronym and movement for gays to rally around because the T stands for tranny. And at the end of the day do gays really want to be grouped together with trannies? They thought they did for some reason and now they’re rethinking that but it’s too late. Trannies will set gays back several decades
I noticed a lot of nigger twitter was dabbing on the faggots protesting chick-fil-A. Normies are realizing the left are just a very loud, persistent and annoying minority.
Based trannies. They destroy leftist arguments better than anyone on the right ever could.
You weren't even alive 20 years back
I do enjoy how they make dykes seethe, dykes have been needing a purging for some time so it's good to watch them flail and fail so horribly as they're forced to fuck fake women or whatever.