What did the Anti Defamation League mean by this?
What did the Anti Defamation League mean by this?
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There is no law stating you have to pay tax.
they showcase their true intentions here, it's pretty obvious they are just another arm for the state to persecute its opponents
>Arguments: "The Law That Never Was"
>As a result of these failures, however, the nature of the tax protest movement slowly changed. The more mainstream conservatives lost interest, while the hard core turned to other strategies. The emphasis shifted away from attempts to repeal the 16th Amendment; instead, tax protesters (often referring to themselves as "tax patriots") increasingly spent their energies coming up with various alternative interpretations of the 16th Amendment, the tax laws or other United States laws that would in some way nullify or defeat the imposition of income taxes. The pioneer behind these efforts seems to have been a Wichita, Kansas, building contractor named Arthur Porth who, in 1951, filed a claim to recover his income tax payment of $151. Porth argued that the 16th Amendment was unconstitutional because it placed the taxpayer in a position of involuntary servitude contrary to the 13th Amendment. Not surprisingly, the courts found little merit in his argument, but this failed to stop Porth, who embarked upon a long career of inventive challenges to the income tax laws. His most influential effort came in the early 1960s, when he filed a tax return that was blank except for a statement declaring that he was pleading the Fifth Amendment (i.e., claiming that filling out a tax return violated his right of protection from self-incrimination). Moreover, Porth became an activist; he traveled around the country distributing tax protest literature, including a book titled A Manual for Those Who Think That They Must Pay an Income Tax. Not surprisingly, Porth was convicted on various tax evasion charges and sent to prison, but he had already become a grass-roots hero to the nascent tax protest movement.
That's a lot of shit i'm not going to read.
mike maloney explain this
Taxation is a kike tool of enslavement. All taxation is theft.
Americans hate reading, what a surprise.
I like reading, but what you linked is not a law stating you have to pay taxes, because there isn't one.