Why did you post that stuff about the Holocaust on Jow Forums, user?
post more khazar milkers
That one is pre nosejob
Why is it so true, lads?
god i just want abigail shapiro's fat khzar milker cow tits to just smother me until i can't breath
huff stinky jew girl feet
Why does these kike females always have that weird butterface? Pickle nose, ashy skin, that weird mouth... milkers are good, but it's their owner who creeps the hell out of me.
how smell?
like aged pennies in a fountain
Like searing flesh in Auschwitz furnaces. I love smell of cremation in the morning.
not as bad as g*rman girl feet.
Melts your lungs just by sniffing.
*inserts benis into vagene*
Because it was based and redpilled?
Abby I’ve been a very naughty goy. Please don’t punish me.
Insert boobs into mouth, I am just a poor goy, sustain me with your milk my fair maiden.
He's just a poor goy, nobody loves him...
When I see a jewess I feel nothing but disgust and repulsion. Kikes are disgusting goblins.
Holocaust did happen, but sadly ended unfinished
the mean muzzies made me do it mommy deport them right now
all jewish women are literally perfect
fixed the fixed