25 year old Idaho lesbian dies in alcohol related car wreck after leaving gay club

25 year old Idaho lesbian dies in alcohol related car wreck after leaving gay club

You decide what headline I use for this story on my blog. And I'll share link.

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This could have been avoided if I had just went the STRAIGHT WAY.

>Gay club
Looks like we need to deport Californians and other degenerates.

Drunk carpet muncher dead.

Bar Patron dies in fatal crash

what's so hard about that?

Idaho in Mourning as Tragedy Strikes

Baked Potato gets Mashed in Car Crash:

Why women should stay in the kitchen where they belong. More details at 11.

This one worked pretty well.

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Sorry, not sorry. You chose to drive drunk

Trump Responsible for Self-Inflicted Hate Crime Death


if that lesbian was taking a dick this wouldn't have happened

that basically what I posted

Share your link I got an Idaho blog too but I'm lazy and had ore kids so I never update it even tho I have content just sitting on my hard drives for it


>Dyke dies on the turnpike

>Roastie Dyke Hits The Wall Five Years Earlier Than Expected

her death was immediate; she died lickety split.

Driving drunk : car crash after leaving (x) bar.

sexualty isn't and doesn't matter.

Toasty Roastie Scissors Car Into Dyke After Leaving 'The Smelly Clam'

Drunk driving causes many more deaths than mass shooitngs

Drunk Dyke Dies Driving, Duh.

lesbians arent real, its just for attention/lonely. All lesbians are one rich man away from being straight.

death to homosexuals

Woman leaves behind a wife

who cares if not true? its the best thing

A queer ending.


OP posts this same thread every few days (and numerous other "caption this corpse" threads). He's changed her supposed reason of "death" multiple times--from suicide all the way to car wreck. It's all made up. He's a necrophiliac that jerks off to all your comments. Once his balls refill, he reposts the thread and the cycle starts all over again. He's not going to share a link to his nonexistent blog.

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a dyke called mike
ran a red at the turnpike
regardless the toll was paid

I wanna fuck a lesbo so I can turn her straight. They all want dick, they just don't know it.


Ford and Budweiser Team Up For No Homo Event in Idaho

Dyke Dies Departing Degenerate Disco

Since when are drunk driver fatalities headline news? they happens all the damn time.

quick way to check.

Hey user. Prove you're not a total faggot by posting a link to your blog's homepage.

Wait. I can do better.
Ford and Budweiser Declare No Homo After Successful Partnership

Dyke dies driving drunk

Drunk Driving Dyke Dead


He spams these threads on /b/ all the time, too (pic related, notice he changes the cause of death). Guaranteed he's furiously fapping right now.

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Persono who checks all the boxes gets checked

You say deport
I'm thinking report


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car wreck for a carpet muncher


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