Why are the infowars headlines scrambled letters like this?

Why are the infowars headlines scrambled letters like this?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 11.47.55.png (1308x605, 542K)

It has begun...


fake and gay

So maybe it's like this only for some people/countries?

All normal for me. I don't know what's happening in pic

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 11.53.47.png (814x723, 571K)

kurtnimmo.blog is the same way.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 11.54.32.png (1188x765, 588K)

Big tiTTed TT-T-girl

Attached: IMG_20180825_075037.jpg (719x563, 214K)

Submit a screen recording webm of you refreshing the page so I know it’s not inspect element. I don’t get the same thing

The problem is between your chair and keyboard.

both sites working fine here.

Attached: 1544122531652.png (862x901, 531K)

I'm looking at the site on another laptop and the headlines are working. Seems like it's only this one computer that has the problem. Still curious what's causing something like this.

Attached: refresh.webm (1128x720, 432K)

Stratfor didn't get their check

Change browser.

Same thing on the brave browser as on chrome.

Someone get a pajeet in here

Alex is a man of good taste.

Attached: hqdefaultCOYW7MYF.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Learn Finnish

Sexuality is a spectrum of dominance and submissiveness. Making a man submit to you and take your cock is actually more straight than fucking a woman. Alex is an alpha.

>I'm looking at the site on another laptop and the headlines are working. Seems like it's only this one computer that has the problem. Still curious what's causing something like this.
Reset your fonts, they're fucked.