Guys you have other idea to stop Islam?

> [

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Did she just brap on you filthy muslims?

America's plan for stopping the Muslims is to wait for Europe to get to the Economic collapse from civil war from Muslims starting civil wars in your borders.

Then America will have Europe over a barrel and we can dictate terms and have an excuse to deport all the Muslims to Eurabia. So don't worry, we have a detailed plan to use Europe as the example of how a socialist democracy dies.

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Translation? Looks like a good video? At least the tl;dr

that plan is Evil.. whatsup??

where you got this Information from?

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You're doing it to yourselves, faggot.

as if we aren't importing the 3rd world ourselves.
the problem is democracy itself.

too many voices pointed at eachother while the jews who pull the levers get what they want

I just read the Quran and holy shit there's tons of scientific truths inside, either Muhammad is a time traveler or he's a true prophet

It's common knowledge here. We know Europeans are a bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Maybe you'll have another Christian Crusade, but you never seem to get to activation.

Europe will have 2/3rds majorities of Muslims by 2035, and even if you stop all Islamic Immigration now, it won't matter, white people will become a minority in Europe in 10 to 15 years. This isn't magic, it's just a straight line trend on birth rate. Your women aren't reproducing and Islamic women are having 5 and 10 kids each.

The plan is that America is going to break your non US Dollar currencies, send them to hyperinflation, and bring your assets under ours, once you demand that we rescue you with our military power, since the Muslims will have a hand on your throne by the time you cry uncle.

No real source as this is predictive statecraft, you need to see internal documentation in the pentagon and whitehouse, I'm just a man, like you, who tries to predict the future 10, 15, 20, and 25 years out.

It's not evil, it's just business. If Europe is going to commit suicide by becoming Muslim, we won't stop you. Look on the bright side, Sharia lets you have four wives.

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They will make for good allies for this war but we will need to eliminate them next.

Converting and enslaving niggers was a huge mistake.
A ton of them moved into the north because of it.
Anyhow, you are doing a bad job of shilling for the Chicoms, Chang.
If you wanna shill for the Chicoms, you should bring up the social credit system and how you guys are colonising Africa.

What you say is partially true.
But America will be torn apart long before Europe ever becomes Muslim.
White Americans are already a minority.
So, you won't be around to gloat about it.

Think about the Great replacement manifesto....dude was right, still is.

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Kinda hot

lmao you'll be submerged under the nonwhite hordes before that happens

also nice boomer meme, fuck capitalism and fuck jews

I don't wish to stop it. The adherents of Islam on the other hand, have shown themselves to be rapacious savages. How does anyone deal with an infestation of rats?

Convert and become the Imam of the mosque in your community

You westerners are the biggest faggots!!!!
Eastern Europe and Spain even "shitholes" like Romania kept this bastards at bay for centuries.


That brown bitch would have been beaten to a pulp by the Jandarms in Romania

Kys and livestream it

You're a literal kike.

i dont speak german so saged

Brothers in circumcision making utopia of dicklets and less pleasure for everyone, yay baby blood and pain.

>Do you have any other idea to stop Islam?
Stop voting for pro immigration politicians?

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Even the ones who campaign on reducing immigration go along with in once they are in government.


Name one retard

you people were nazis and now muslims patrol your streets,


like this?

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ban muslims from european countries and deporting all of them,
among other minority groups that threaten the homogeneity of western civilisation

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Sirius double star
Water cycle
Description of foetus
Earth is not perfectly round but egg shaped

I know right, that bit about him flying to the moon on a unicorn is absolutely spot on.

Mohammed's mother was a Jew. What does that make him?
Islam is only a symptom of the disease. Remember (((who))) is cause. Remove the cause: end the disease.

In the next 3 years the stans will erupt giving China a big problem
Screen cap this

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Search up the muslim birthrates in countries with muslim minorities(especially India, Singapore, China, and any European country).

remove circumcision and you wreck em both, covenant is foundation of judaism and sunnah of islam, if you prove covenant is wrong judaism is done and if you prove mohammad is wrong same goes for islam as well.
Circumcision is the Achilles heel of abrahamic faiths, focus on that and they will fall.

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post more christ chan lewds and I will participate in your thread

Fixed your graph

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European Christians don’t circumcise. That’s an American thing moron

>European Christians don’t circumcise. That’s an American thing moron
I know brainlet, the question is how do you wreck islam and jews, circumcision.
But on the christian note, let me ask you, isnt Jesus one and only god of bible? And didnt that same god order circumcision at some point in time, doing evil and wrong thing at some point?

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What's wrong with Islam? It's anti feminism

Everything bad about Christianity but worse and less refined(keep in mind both are shit).

Why don't we just return to Islam instead? Then we can rape and beat women all we want. No more incels!


Boomer posting this hard.

Finally, a based leaf poster.

It has been renamed Shitlam. Please use correct word. Thank You.

>promotes healthy gender roles, can stop feminism
>promotes mass reproduction, can save the white race
>forbids usury, fights against the (((bank)))

Why would you want to stop Islam?

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He was initiated into secret societies as they recognised he was useful. All leaders are selected by secret societies. Nothing is grassroot.

His famous Midnight Flight To Jerusalem on a winged horse, and back to Saudia Arabia. Totally legit and backed by scientific evidence.

You can't prove that's wrong. Meanwhile scientists can prove Quran is right

Go home.

That is what I did.

Difficult to keep truth away from people in the age of the Internet. People would convert anyway. You need a proper lack of education about what Islam is.

Nice fanfic.

>sikh pepe
they want to kill muslims as much as you do

And you're a brainlet

O wow, what an informative chart looks very legit. You must be a very educated person with a profound understanding of the subject at hand.

There is no evidence for that though, it is a superstition that there isn't even a rumour from the time to prove it.

Maybe OP is a jew and relies on usury. Or want very expensive real estate. Maybe he doesn't want white people to marry and have many children.

That isn't a sihk turban.

the Jews are setting up the next world war by playing everyone against each other. they've already done it twice before in the last century. this will be their final Gambit.

why do you guys sound like gargling as you speak?

>But America will be torn apart long before Europe ever becomes Muslim.
White Americans have to much power to be torn apart, and most brown people are peaceful. And those retarded SJW won't do shit they are all pussies, honestly this whole thing is over blown.

also not surprising, g*Rmans see some eastern scripture endorsing violence and masturbate all over it. you guys found the Vedas and you started larping as Vedic Aryans and killing subhumans, i won't be surprised if you guys take up the Qur'an and start killing people over that shit and another world war happens.

fucking retards. i wanna see it happen tho.

Do you even know what a "scientific truth" is? science is a methodology not a static outcome.

>promotes healthy gender roles, can stop feminism
incest and inbreeding up the ass
>promotes mass reproduction, can save the white race
in the real world, it's killing the white race
>forbids usury, fights against the (((bank)))
good joke. They certainly don't forbid it toward dhimi, just like judaism doesn't forbid it toward goym.

>Guys you have other idea to stop Islam?
Yes, stop allowing them in. Works fine for us.

Kikes and mutts having wet dreams
Kys before we get you for good next time

Based JP loving mutt

You stupid polaks are not based at all. Just dumb. The germans should've killed you off or expelled you to russia

Hello gypsy.

All were known from the ancient greek

Dawg muslims don’t make that many children anymore the birthrate now is probally on par with whites actually and i would worry more about your own country, if there is one country that would experience a civil war it would be america.

Turks are lower than Dutch people, Moroccans 30 or so percent higher.

>Guys you have other idea to stop Islam?
i'd tell you but i dont want to get partitioned again
have fun

Can you give me the source?

Ahh shit I'm muslim guys.wht do I do

>Guys you have other idea to stop Islam
Pulling a collective Brenton Tarrant would be more than enough.

Based leaf. Reject the ((systems))

Just ban halal and make pork mandatory in diets and they will all chimp out, and have fun getting rid of them.

gee, i wonder who fucked europe user

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Christianity is dying in western europe, but it remains strong in eastern europe. meanwhile it is enormously strong in latin america and sub-saharan africa, and growing massively in asia too. Christianity's future is non european

Christianity was going to adopt circumcision when it was a new thing, but it didn't happen. I remember I saw a video about it, but I'm having trouble finding it...

In other words, it's not a religion specifically for white people which some people in Jow Forums claim. And it's originally a Semitic desert religion that is about Yeshua and Yahweh.

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Death to islam and death to all muslims, white black or yellow.

These mudslime shills are the worst tryhards, using the exact same retoric as the most lefty commie retards.

>Guys have other ideas to stop islam
War, insurrection, coup's, rebellion, political shifts.
There are many.

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You need chinas help? Its not like there is 200million whites in America alone that could help. fag

And ban circumcision in the West, that would make those desert hobos really angry.

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It's a very barbaric form of child abuse!

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Ça se passe bien ton c.a.p. couture au lycée Simone Weil, Mouloud ?

not an argument

It's a universalist, anti-ethnic religion. Same reason I want to destroy Christianity.

the shitskin that spoke with the german dude looks literally low iq. just look at his eyes.

consider the following

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judaism is literally an ethnoclub
maybe marry into a jewish family to cleanse your blood.

Reminder : because of their month long fasting during ramandam pregnant women and young children lack the proper nutrients to properly develop into functional adults
All Muslims are sub-normal because of this


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>remove circumcision and you wreck em both, covenant is foundation of judaism and sunnah of islam, if you prove covenant is wrong judaism is done and if you prove mohammad is wrong same goes for islam as well.
>Circumcision is the Achilles heel of abrahamic faiths, focus on that and they will fall.

Religion is culture and culture is a product of personality traits and intelligence. You cannot untwist these people by removing a symptom (circumcision) when the real problem is their DNA-encoded brain structure. Just look at the white christians posting on pol, they are quasi-schizophreniacs. The only thing that works is physical removal, arab, jew or white christcuck.