why is there a resurgence of far right ideologues among college youth? I am writting an article for my school’s paper
Why is there a resurgence of far right ideologues among college youth? I am writting an article for my school’s paper
It’s called the knockout game, and white people got sick of playing it
Nobody enjoys diversity.
Because the Jews have pushed too far, and people are waking up to it.
It’s in response to the same thing happening with the far left. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out
>Writting an article
No wonder you have to do your research here.
They'll never wake up. I have zero faith in humanity.
Those fucking digits
I have heard this referenced during a tedx talk. could you elaborate?
Digits don’t lie
Because whites are a global minority and on their way to extinction. Every white country is being targeted with "replacement migration" to "combat low fertility".
basically take this video:
and replace the words "crying game" with "knockout game"
and there you have it lad.
A very important thinker and freelance journalist Samuel Hyde laid out predictions for the next several decades. One of these was race riots and white people growing tired of the proverbial knockout game, referencing a 2010’s trend where people would knockout others, typically with racial motivation.
Far right was term created by bill nye friends, the right wing is positivist and the left is anarchist. The students are just liking their fathers more, respecting authority, enjoying beauty, something that didn't happend since some 30 years
Evil shills on the Internet
Is there an increase in far right ideology among college youth? Most things I here turn out to be fake hate crimes, or idiots thinking a piece of string is a nose or some sit. Some people, gasp, might even make joke some times, or act like edge lords.
>far right
Maybe because undergrads who know what two plus two equals and taking required humanities courses are unwilling to do the doublethink we had to do to keep from getting flunked or expelled?
>National Socialism
>Far Right
Pick one.
As a postscript, budding gerbalist,
>I am writting an article
and get out before it's too late for you.
You should realize that an op-ed in a college newspaper is completely worthless. It will be read by nobody. If you put that you were "published" in your school newspaper on a resume it will negatively affect your chances of landing a job. It's like putting that you can multiply. I really hope you are just baiting. Honestly, if your major is English or Journalism then you would be better off dropping out tomorrow. Just do yourself a favor and check how many entry level journalism/english major preferred jobs there are on indeed.
Its a reaction to the zionist cancer
Pretty simple. The left is such an overbearing steamroller, it’s bound to create some form of pushback. You can’t jab at people 24/7 without them eventually getting irritated.
anti white racism
justification of violence against RWers
accusations of racism for having a different view
defense or coverup of facts such as crime rates
censorship of RWers
devaluation of degrees
difficult job market for low and mid to low income jobs due to flow of illegals
memes that spread easily and are eye opening regarding all of these issues
People don’t like communists. It really is that simple
None of your business.
It's simple really, it's the same idea as those kids who became hippies and communist to rebel agianst the captialist American culture. Now the modern youth are rebelling agianst the liberal and jewish establishment. What is taboo will become main-stream.
This website.
It’s a made up “game” by niggers. They just walk up to some random person and try to knock them out with a sneak punch. A few ended up getting second amendmented and the media stopped talking about it after that. At least in the u.s
Because pic related is pushed as safe, and helpful.
This a reaction to the Establishment overplaying its hand.
1965 immigration law PERIOD!
This. It's now illegal in the USA to say bad things about Israel and get government contracts. If you can't question something, Americans immediately become red-pilled.
Niggers and gays.
because society has abandoned young men, and fails to appetise their real and natural incentives/interests...
nationalism or fighting for our community - in anyway - has been both deplored and shamed.
fatherhood and paternal attitudes of family, have been expelled as patriarchial and oppressive - a regressive example of outdated gender roles, which suppress women who should have the same role..
inadvertently we have suppressed men and their natural role..
we have destroyed what most appeals to men, and as they no longer have a cause or purpose, or when that purpose has been cast aside as unreasonable and ostracised those who partake in it.
Society has created a breeding ground for men to seek alternatives, which are appealing
Because the Left took things too fucking far and everyone knows it yet the people can't openly admit it yet due to Overton's Window and Political Correctness.
>Be Centralist
>Think gay people should be allowed to get married because their life choices are none of my business
>Gay people start popping up everywhere and acting like huge faggots
>Fags start getting pissed at people calling them fags
>Fags throw autistic hissyfits in front of the world with dildos strapped to their heads
>Media plays this off as completely normal behavior
>Kids see this cringe behavior and grow up rejecting it.
Democratic politics is a pendulum that naturally sways back and forth, Left to Right to fix any imbalance that might occur. The Left got greedy and tried to seize the pendulum during it's transition to their end but lost control and now are having to pay the price with interest. If there is one thing people should have learned in the thousands of years of history is you can't force people to conform to a determined set of beliefs and morals and expect to maintain power over them for any long periods of time.
Trade school and places like the engineering department are where the right wingers are. College kids are blue haired SJW trash
because they aren't dumb enough to fall for the obvious communist undertone the universities manifest these days
women fall for it, turn into a technicoloured trolls with nose rings
GO DAWGS nigger
It's not "right wing". It's normal
Oh shit, this time they getting gassed for real
The leaf speaks truth
Name your school if you dare you fucking faggot.
And I'll tell you why
It's because you faggots push so much bullshit on our throats
You preach about diversity and inclusion but you exclude white men from everything and name him as the devil
Fuck you and jump off your dorm window
And for the record if the FBI is watching I aint gonna do shit
just gonna add another college to my shitlist
because the last one I went to completely destroyed my faith in people
A resurgence of far right ideologues among college youth?? Sounds good.
There is a generation of kids growing up who are forced to deal with the lefts bullshit and are leaning away from the left's views as a direct result. They are doing this INDEPENDENTLY of any propaganda from the "alt right"
Who would have thought that being told whites are evil would make white kids resentful?
well said.
We don't like being forced to bear bullshit labels.
There really isn't, wypipo are throwing in the towel by and large. Texas will be blue by 2024. #feelthebern
Relax OP, he's just drinking a White Claw.
im not really concerned with such issues but what i feel like is happening is that extremes are pushing each other into being more extreme. especially in countries where the political spectrum is rather binary you are somehow forced to pick a side. and evne though you might not be an extremist yourself, just by picking a side you get accused of being one which is just fueling that fire even more
This. Millions if not billions are going to die.
Only the ones that wake up can survive.
Left are trying to permanently destroy our countries to ensure their unchallenged power. They want to destroy human nature and replace it with an abomination fashioned in their own image. We struggle under second class citizenship with no leisure from a hollowed out culture, no comfort from our insane human relations, and no hope for the future except from what we can seize with our own hands.
To be fair there are precious few spaces like that and the most extreme of right wingers flood to those to avoid prosecution, while extreme left wingers have no incentive to leave twitter etc
Your history is hated. You are hated for being white. You are hated for being a white male. You need to feel guilty for something you didn't do because someone who shares a skin color with you did it. You can't point out when a black person does something. You are racist no matter what. You are hated for everything. No matter what people do to you, they are not racist. Any attempt at complaint will be met with people attacking your character, your career, and often your physical safety. You turned everything against us. You demonize everything white and male to the point where people fool themselves into thinking they are other things to win oppression points, because only when one is weak can you truly be accepted now.
You wonder why? People turned against the white man. If you continually kick someone, don't be surprised when he hates you.
This isn't a rise to the far-right. This is people looking out for their own protection because pretty much everyone is against us or will sell us out in a fucking heartbeat.
I just want to be able to have a friend I can hang out with without it being about his skin. Play some sports, maybe some video games together. If he's an ethnic minority, to be able to visit his house and try some of his home cooking, learn some words in his native language if he speaks it.
Most of us just wanted to be left alone and had no problems being friends with other races. I just wanted not to be killed. Now I can't trust them not to turn on me.