I'll start
ITT: Images that piss off commies
8/10, not enough sauce on the meat to the far right
Only possible explanation is that you're a drug dealer. So that means you're either a Nigger, Spic, or in Highschool.
Do you ever get sick of posting the same thread using exactly the same image and text every time?
>commiefag detected
Your envious salt is delicious, keep it up.
You are, however, partially correct. I own a cannabis dispensary.
>You've won a free helicopter tour!
Not really because these threads are endless salt mines
Not envious just stating facts. I was right 1/3 but I bet i'm right 2/3 you nigger.
People have trillions now, user, if it pisses commies then it's because you are too dumb to notice how poor you are and how you don't act accordingly to your point of sitting.
lmao no.
cope harder, little faggot
The absolute state of modern communists.
Carry on so if it makes you happy user. Hope I didn't sound like I was trying to rain on your parade.
it is this faggot again, yikes
whats your favorite thing about sucking cocks? how many cocks per month do you suck? do you spit or swallow?
no worries user
I too have done bank runs for fast food
t.pissed commie
You forgot to turn off your memeflag, shitdick. Thanks for the extra salty post though, it tickled my frenulum.
memeflag stays on cockgobbler, post dick pics
no u
Yeah, how fucking braindead you are.
i still dont understand communism :/
Fuck man looking at big stacks of money depresses the fuck out of me. I remember the times when i looked at pictures of stacks of money and how i was dreaming because i knew 100 percent i was going to have that money. but now am stuck how did you create your business? was it hard? how much money did you have to start of with
>i still dont understand communism :/
dumb, poor people think it means "free gibs"
Ultra wealthy people know for a fact that the gibs are for them.
it's a bait and switch...
>Aren't you tired of all of these ultra wealthy people sucking up all the money?
>Well, Communism(TM) makes it so the government can confiscate their wealth, and redistribute it how they see fit!
>Okay, thanks, give me all your shit.
>But, I...
>I mean, give me all the states shit that you are hoarding!
Soft and tender
My old lady has
Stronger hands
Mmmm so tender
It was incredibly difficult to get started. There are so many government regulations in the cannabis industry, and if you fail to follow them you could get fined a minimum of $10,000 or even have your license revoked if the offense(s) are egregious enough. Obtaining the licenses is also difficult, expensive, and time consuming. Now my business has been running for 5 years, and I only work 1 day a week while my management staff keeps everything running seamlessly.
Commie hands are rough and calloused.
still how much did you start of with?
i still dont get it, that just sounds like welfare
>not white
I started off with $500k and needed another $500k to get started. Luckily one of my former colleagues had started a venture capital firm, so paying him back was a lot easier than using a bank. Paid my last payment to him last year.
People who feel the need for displays like this are small fish. Real players have no need. Hello little man.
500k yh nice am absolutly fucked. like where the fuck do you even get that fucking money fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Why are people hoarding cash all of a sudden? As soon as the treasury prints $100 and $50 bills, they disappear from circulation, and they have to keep printing more and more. More hoarding of big bills now than anytime in history. Are people afraid of a SHTF scenario coming soon???
favorite characteristics of the penis? favorite things about performing fellatio? most memorable cocks you've sucked? does you tongue the balls?
Not pissed off at all.
>Canadian commie
Like clockwork. Stay assmad, pinko fag.
This isn't a hoard. It's my monthly profit from August.
Your salt is palpable. You are precisely the reason why I keep making these threads.
Selling dope to people deserves a rope.
>The People are incapable of deciding for themselves what should or should not be legal
You shouldn't be! In a communist USA you could buy at least two loaves of bread with that!
Still not pissed off.
cmon bruh were all friends here. open up about that time you took a hot shot to the back of your throat. did you hold the cock with your hands? did you really love the penis or quickly realize where it all went so wrong?
Pissed enough to keep hitting F5 every 10 seconds
how was it in your bum?
>What is auto refresh?
Hey Trotsky, can I pick your brain for a moment?
This is hilarious. Keep it up!
the cocks you've sucked, discuss them.
Even still, you responded less than 30 seconds after somebody replied. Makes you seem obsessed
Drugs hijack the brain shutting down the frontal cortex directing thoughts to more primitive "feeling" centers. Drugs make people feel good.
There are no rational thoughts when it comes to dope.
When people used to care about each other they knew this, and looked out for each other.
They tried to prevent the contagion.
People that profit off the misery of others deserve the rope.
How many kids went to bed hungry because your clients spent that money on your dope you piece of shit?
That's a lot of cash in the OP.
How much money is that?
The groups of 100s must be like $50,000 each.
How smart would you say your average client is? Every person I’ve seen walk into a marijuana dispensary is a compete fucking loser and mentally retarded. Congrats on ruining people’s lives
you're dodging the issue. talk about your favorite cock sucking experience. the amount of semen, its flavor, etc.
you must be a nigger to think that's a lot of money
I only suck uncircumcised dicks. Well, 'suck' is a generous term. I usually just dig my tongue under the foreskin so I can suckle on that sweet, sweet dick cheese. Sometimes, if I get a large enough curd, I'll store some in my cheek and let it slowly dissolve over the course of a few hours.
*gathers IP address from picture
its possible. be careful. not a threat just a warning because people can analyze location data from photos
That timestamp is fake. It's a perfect rectangle cropped on top of the money image.
it's welfare for the ultra rich.
they are the ones who keep trying to sell communism, after all.
disgusting. what a faggot.
It looks like you don't have enough diversity taxing your funds.
Would you say the same thing to people who run liquor stores? What about convenience stores that sell tobacco?
What was your previous career?
Hey Jow Forums here's me with my $3m USD worth of gold bars.
We've made an uneasy truce with alcohol and tobacco, those ships have already sailed.
Why expand the suffering when we don't have to?
"Nyet tonight darlink. I am having eine kopf acheski."
so everything that comes from china is cheaper?
Hey retard I spent 120 on medical marijuana that lasts me three weeks. I make over 60k after taxes. My kids get fed just fine.
Nah, each bundle is 100 bills. So 100x100=10,000. Cash in the pic totals $105k
Over 90% of my clientele consists of boomers from Texas and Oklahoma, so yeah they're pretty fucking stupid.
Nah, I'm just in it for the cheese
>$100k per month isn't a lot of money
What a salty little faggot you are!
That's why I took a screenshot. No location data in screenshots
It's an adhesive label, used for printing bar codes in my store. Zoom in.
I own property, guns, crypto, gold, mutual funds, and nonperishable goods. I'd say that's fairly diversified.
You must suck at judging people. The dispensary I go to is mostly middle and upper middle class white people
So what's with the fake timestamp?
the label has no horizontal angular change. it's fake.
Satan has spoken.
I have a strong desire to become rich, and would like to speak to you about how you got started. I’m working wage shit rn but I’m amassing around 10k right now to try and expand my future horizons
You guys are retarded.
>there's no horizontal angular change
Look at it, there's even perforation. My hand even smudged the ink.
Don't ask me. I got started in the 80s when a white man could get a well paying job with a pension without much effort. That pension plus the connections I made over my career allowed me to start a dispensary.
you have faggot hands it's obvious you have never worked a day at anything remotely related to labour in your life and never will.
Help me become rich user, I will essentially do whatever I need to do to make you money as long as it sets me up to become richer In the future idk if the shit takes 10 years I’m going to move my entire family’s future from lower class to upper.
Feels hopeless man. Work 40+ hours a week to afford a place to stay and have money to put away.
My fault for working at a gas station at 22, my grades were all right, but I had no familial support as far as finances went and I didn’t want to take on the massive amounts of debt
The ink doesn't matter. You took a picture of a label and cropped it over a picture of money.
I don't give a shit anyway. Here's a picture of me with my $3m. Your fiat doesn't mean jack shit to me.
>you have never worked a day at anything remotely related to labour in your life and never will.
Is that supposed to be an insult?
Step one is to get out of that gas station. My son waits tables at a fucking PF Chang's and makes at least $15/hr, sometimes more.
Better yet, learn a trade. Learn to code. Learn a skill that makes you marketable. What are your skills? What is your passion?
I was really good at math so I went the engineering route, but I went to college in a time when I could get a quality education without going into debt at all.
You sound kinda salty user
Every single one of these is true
also BUMP
You're still making these threads? I would have found something to do with the money other than shitpost by now shit man