A public service announcement

A public service announcement.


If you want to be more feminine take horse urine pills aka Premarin.

Attached: estrogen.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

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have sex

What? Horse urine pills, if the dose of anything is strong couldn't it kill you? It's designed for horses not humans, retard.

But women already are feminine. They don't have to eat horse piss pills.

titty skittles.

Attached: sammytranstittyskittles.jpg (881x1024, 91K)

It will help ugly women look better and guys to be better traps.

Attached: trap.gif (500x274, 557K)

Attached: sammytrans95hrt.jpg (230x219, 8K)

I literally puked, wow. I’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit, disgusting shit, and even some disturbing shit, yet this is what it takes for me to puke wtf.

lol pussy,

On the off chance that I was swept up in government surveillance programs of extreme super scary right wing timebombs, I think those of you surveilling me need to take a close look at OP's lactating tits.