Are they willfully ignorant? Is it some deeper philosophical problem where they must connect dots and take everything to its logical conclusion? They seem so confused and unable to discern between different factions of the right, or Hell, anyone further right than them: Leftists included. They are literally writing books and entitling them in such a retarded manner. With the picture I provided, I see the author's surname and get it, but please don't start. The writer is clearly a moron first, Jewish second. There is no conspiracy in this case: It's just the left being retarded.
Why are they so retarded? That is the question I pose frens.
The Proud Boys are not Alt Right and do not advocate a white ethnostate. They are obfuscating clear and distinct lines. Is it intentionally, or is it stupidity?
Ayden Price
Christcucks, Global Warming, Flat Earth, some video posted 2 years ago on YouTube of sheboon flipping out in public. Topics of this nature all take off, but post something asking for a real political discussion, and it's dead.
Caleb Sanchez
Let's come together and try to better understand these creatures.
They're not just confused, but delusional. Do they not understand who they are up against? You tolerate and even accept certain people who never would have found that in the past, and they suddenly turn on you and want you dead. They're really overplaying their hand, and it's about time we raised the stakes to a bet they can't match.