I don't feel any attachement to the rest of Canada and I don't know why I should. I couldn't care less about what happens in Toronto or Vancouver or Halifax. Whenever I visit Canadian cities outside of Quebec, I feel like I'm in a totally different country. We're only paying taxes to the same federal gibsmedat.. it's the only thing that unites us.
Quebecer here
Other urls found in this thread:
Quebec is racism.
Canada is diversity.
The Bible was written in France and the book of revelations was written between 1895 and 1952. I discovered a conspiracy in the Bible that speaks of a mass genocide that is going to take place on the province of Quebec. They will even remove the children with flying saucers created by the man. all is conspiracy of the Jesuits and Freemasonry, because they know how the matrix works and their purpose and to revive the great architect of the universe in the city of Long Eye in Quebec. Nothing is left to chance. the animal representing Quebec is an owl like the bohemian club. Quebec will undergo the great work of the illuminati to create the Philosopher's Stone. he will sacrifice with the universe of this flat Earth. You will not be able to flee when they go wrongly accused the Lizard in the eye. All religions are a creation of Jesuit Illuminati subgenius. In the end the whole world will be Canadian French when their architect is reborn. This is the beginning of the nwo after. But in 1984 he had already prepared their FEMA concentration camp plan to genocide Quebec in order to revive it and then control the entire planet. The 1988 economist cover shows the phoenix with a lily on the head that resurrects. it's part of their plan. the elites know the truth, we are 1. so they are not afraid of death.
I'm just crazy but hey. This video was made in Quebec and it's not anything
Im a western separatist. Anyone who whos against the federal government is ok in my books. Im not the hugest fan of quebec but as a separatist i support independence movements elsewhere too
Weeeew lad can you even slow down. YOU GOING TO FAST.
It's totaly normal OP. We are blood we are a people. Outside of Québec, it's just a bunch of strangers going about their days without any sense of shared history and blood.
I'd support a call for separation (I agree with western separatist user), but generally you should be concerned about what happens to your neighbours as well. If the rest of Canada becomes 'little India/China', it will have consequences for Quebec as well.
you'll be like Texas when it left Mexico, annexed by America 15 years after independence
America is close to dissolution though
Also id rather america than cuckada worst comes to worse. Also texas had no opportunity to have nukes
I feel the same way about Quebec. When someone there dies I care as much as hearing about some African dying.
I feel that way about basically everything outside my province
>referring to yourself as Quebecer instead of Québécois
You aren't fooling anyone, Zhang
Ontarian here. When I visited Quebec it really did feel like another country. Much different than America was to Canada imo. Its a shame about your location in Canada, but please leave us before we get fully cucked.
Fuck too late
Canada must balkanize. Western Canada, eastern Canada, and Quebec. The Maritimes would be Quebec Territory, and Ontario gets Manitoba. It's the only way.