Attached: NIGGER.png (3019x1438, 1.91M)

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i wouldn't have reacted that way but i would NOT eat food that had been prepared in that nasty ass sink. would YOU? if so, you might want to ask who the nigger really is...

Would not eat those wings but would eat her booty

Attached: Pizza Cutie.jpg (1218x1080, 187K)

She's right though that's disgusting

Also sage

Points of order since this video is a dupe.

1. The sink in question isn't a sink, it's the basin area beneath a grate. There is no faucet, there is no drain, it's not a sink.

2. The black hominid posing as a human arrived just before closing, and they were in the process of cleaning and were disrupted. Thus the employees were peeved.

3. The entire kitchen area has been suffering from a lack of cleanliness, perhaps because they were doing the final breakdown-clean.

4. The employees never once broke protocol for the preparation of the food and they are blameless in regards to what they were doing. The latex gloves are optional.

5. Dominos has been banned in various countries like Denmark for unsanitary practices, so the Large black hominid has a tiny point in that visually, the area appears messy.

6. White guy is a chad for giving her hell, Blacks are realizing their shit is filling up to the top and reaching a boiling point. It's time for these niggers to go back to Africa and get rid of their citizenship, so they can finally go home and be happy.

7. Black nigger hominid is fishing for a lawsuit. I forget the name for this term but this is quite common. Niggers making problems for white people fishing for gibsmedats.

This is how 10 million Germans democratically elected Hitler for purifying the races. Getting rid of these lower lifeforms is a huge edification to any population.

Attached: mars_colony.jpg (1068x601, 142K)

good break down user

Attached: truth_bruce.png (1280x1280, 2.1M)

You want subway?

It's called a counter and that "dirt" is cheese. Why are you defending the chimping out of an irrational negro. If you don't want dirty food then don''t eat fast food