Fuck you, heil Hitler. Slavs are eternally untermensch
So many cringe slav apologists here
Shut the fuck up purist.
>Muh hitler.
>Muh slavs are inferior.
>Wtf why did they beat us?
National Socialists deserve the rope, they divided Europe and forever plunged into decay.
Imagine still using the "natsocs lose so bad!!!" argument holy shit. The eternal angloid strikes again.
What if I told you Hitler didn't hate slavs and people of slavic descent actively served in Germany's armies by the millions?
>Whole political line is based off the lie that Aryans are the superior people.
>The one time they have to prove it they fail.
Nu-Nazi's are subhuman, go back to your closet you faggot.
Shut the fuck up commie.
I would say your flag should be burned on a cross.
Seig Heil
So many fabricated quotes by now you have to be skeptical with the main narratives about his view on them. Also I assume all these pro slav twinks have just never had to be around them
They are by all accounts you fucking tard.
if Hitler had not come to power and created a national resurgence within Germany we would all be more fucked by now. But yeah say natsocs deserve the rope because Hitler invaded shit, faggot. Your point of view is forever just gonna be a stain on our shoes. It has no popular support within this community. Also, since you're anti purist i assume you're an ugly aussie mutt lol. Fuck you to hell, Germanic people are the superior race
Bro dont post photos of the impressive german army! The slav loving whitoid will curl into a fetal position and cry all day for that one.
Hitler never called Slavs inferior in Mein Kampf. He lamented that the creative Russian intelligentsia was gutted by the Jews and because of this the common Russians had no one to help them resist the Bolsheviks, resulting in a proud but troubled people becoming forced goyim slaves.
The dialogue that Slavs were being gassed and exterminated was a Jewish invention. The only Russians that would have been moved east of the Urals were non European Russians.
>Your point of view is forever just gonna be a stain on our shoes.
Nu-Nazi's are worse than women. They just see some other retards discussing "muh aryans" and believe that everyone on this board agrees. You have no actual free thinking, you just go along with the flow. Argueing with Nu-Nazi's is like talking to the mentally handicapped. Once we hang the degenerates, Nu-Nazi's will swing with them.
yeah im sure youre gonna hang the degenerates bud, this larp is especially cringe when you remember the Natsocs came to power through a bloody struggle and revolution the likes of which you will never see. Go fuck your livestock, convictboi
>Bloody struggle and revolution.
Oh shit, I didn't realise that rigging elections counted as a revolution.
true fact, the bones of that impressive army are in slav clay.
Based to a point. The army didn't deserve the deaths they suffered because of Hitler's retardation.
Lol. Faggot Nazi.
Go back to Buzzfeed or Reddit, tranny.
This board is for men who win.
Memeflag, don't hide mutt!
>NOOOOO b-but da allies we’re joos
When did being a jewish slave counted as winning you cuck?
mad hohol is mad
Honestly, if the Jews are as powerful as the many conspiracies pol incels claim(like how the Jews want subjugate or destroy the white race), don't the Jews sort of deserve to win?
I'll never forget that one German general that said whoever was printing all the anti-Slav propaganda in Germany needed to be sent to a concentration camp.
He considered them vermin and hated Poles/Serbs as much as Jews ( only these were to be executed with the former group used as slave labour )
Everyone to the East was Untermenschen to the Reich because they weren't Germanic
>meme flag
Love you much, Slavia
D&C thread #7328
While I don't entirely agree with OPs hatred of Slavs, it's an indisputable fact that they're inferior to Germanics.
Thanks to the war-rapes of 1945 and t*rkrapes of 2000s/2010s, czechs are now the most g*rmanic nation in Europe.
Unfortunately there are no real Germanics left, and no real Slavs for that matter. 20th century wiped them all out, what's left are just kikes' golems with different flags painted on their heads,
Don't worry, when I say Slavs are inferior, I don't mean you. You're just Germanics in denial. South Slavs, especially Croatians, are fine too, they're racially dinaric.
>Thanks to the war-rapes of 1945
Mostly resulted in abortions, thank god.
>Mostly resulted in abortions
Do you have a source on that? Genuine question.
So you are a cuck?
Kek, this shit is so hilarious
Slavs are untermensch and American Indians are Aryans according to the Nazi Party
What if we don't want to leave our native lands you murrican retard ? Germans want to stole them and enslave us
>plenty blonde-haired slavs
>plenty of green and blue eyes
>genetic stock that made Rome and gave 20 emperors
>not white
user, comedy night is not today.
It's just something I read at some point, I don't remember where.
The eternal German racology. South slavs are not even slavs, they are closer to Italians and other south Europeans . Polacks , Russians , Belorussians and Ukrainians are the only slavic nations
>South slavs are not even slavs, they are closer to Italians and other south Europeans . Polacks , Russians , Belorussians and Ukrainians are the only slavic nations
Why yes, that's exactly what I was pointing out.
I assume you're just a shill trying to D&C again.
Because "X isn't white" threads really serve no pragmatical purpose whatsoever.
To be fair, the germans DID have a kill ratio of 6 to 1 despite being outnumbered. I wouldn't exactly be going there.
Nice try rabbi dividing cousins. Nice ID btw RAT
Also , Nazis said that Arabs and turks are aryans and Russians are subhumans . You should enjoy your life in one country with your aryan brothers now .
allowing yourselves to be outnumbered so much that you can't win even with amazing KtD ratios is a pretty retarded strategy though.
Soviets lose 13 mil soldiers , and Germans lose 8 mil on the ostern front , so k/d was about 1,5 . Btw, mostly because stupidity of soviet generals in the first period of war.
There was only one Arab who was ever made honorary Aryan. While you're obviously below Germanics in the racial hierarchy, you're still far above the sand people. Turks are Aryan Greeks mixed with non-Aryan Arabs and Central Asians. In some individuals the Aryan characteristics prevail, such as Atatürk, in others the inferior traits are dominant. In that way, they are not too dissimilar to you Slavs.
what about chinks?
not true.
>Unterschmenschen exists in all people
t. Reich
East Asians obviously aren't aryan, but still have a very high racial quality.
>but still have a very high racial quality.
t. retard who only ever sees asian tourists
Eastern Slavs are doing a pretty good job of keeping ethnic homogeneity at least. How's Germany?
Their civilizational achievements cannot be denied.
t. weakling that 100% would have trouble deadlifting 2 plate
Most Americans lift that by doing a push up, europoor
I don't care. They're ugly and subhuman. If a virus wiped them out, it would be a gift for us.
>While you're obviously below Germanics
We have the same genetics , bro . Why Germans can't admit it ? Also , our IQ is pretty same
I seen only Asian tourists and I can say that they are the worst , loud and not polite .
Nice grammar. This is 80 iq rusnigger
>bringing up grammar
you're either really young (less than 20 years old) or are really insecure to the point of basing your own worth on your english language skills
either way losers mentality, I hope for your own sake you get rid of that shit
why are uralics so intimidated by their Slavic neighbors?
If you are incapable of putting commas and dots to correct places then such person shouldn't be talking about iq.
Keep sucking ruscock. Your mouth is already dripping from semen.
Hate is not fear
how does it feel then to be eternally kicked by the untermensch?
Seems like Lithuanians are not hate Russia , as other balts . Is it because soviets give you your capital ?
We could admit maybe the top 30-40% of Slavs at most.
>If you are incapable of putting commas and dots to correct places then such person shouldn't be talking about iq.
ahahahah oh my god, are you incapable of rubbing two brain cells together and understanding that english is not his native language?
god, the irony of you talking about who should and shouldn't talk about IQ, holy fuck
Knowing that space doesn't go before comma or before dot isnt about knowing the foreign language, low dicksucker
well if you want to go down to the pre-pubescent level of grammar dick measuring, let's analyze your messages!
>comma or before dot isnt about knowing the foreign
why didn't you put an apostrophe in the "isn't"?
>putting commas and dots to correct places then
should be "commas and dots in the right places"
by your own logic you have a double digit IQ and shouldn't talk about IQ
congratulations, you played yourself like the insecure retard you are!
>How's Germany?
half of our politicans are jews and the other half sucks jewish cocks.
its like in America but we are still majority white unlike you
I have news for the Germans the Russians and Slavs raped the whiteness out of them at the end of WW2 during the occupation, they are now eternal cucks beyond any hope of redemption and their best option is to suck start a shotgun.
The pre-WW2 Aryian Germans are extinct.
what are you talking about, I only see pure aryan masterrace in that picture.
damn, Estonia got schooled on sunday.
Gigachad is literally russian too, btw
ok mr. goldberg