Americans, what could this 1 trillion have spent on?

A clean fusion power breakthrough?
A nuclear space drive taking thousands of US astronauts out into the solar system?
A reforestation drive greening the world's deserts and reversing climate change?
Eradicating poverty across America and the world?

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Mostly likely half for Israel half for Gibs

ah soooo cynical....

USA could buy those things if they wanted them
they don't want to buy those
kys kraut, what could you have afforded if you didn't invite niggers and muslims to the EU?

A trillion less towards the debt the kikes are running.
It would mean interest rates would be .25% higher.
That's all.
The US didn't spend surplus cash.
They added it to the debt.
This was a gimme to the defense industry.

this, fuck you kraut go feed more somalis

what does this hunk shit even do that so great compared to the Tom Cruise airplane in Top Gun?

The Wall.

By cancelling F-35 they would have also gotten airforce that would have massive problems with old fighters and mass obsolescence within decade.

Who knows? Computers and non-working "stealth".

The raptor was better than the F35 and they retry much phased out the raptor. Ugh. More billions. Spend a trillion on a new space shuttle, something that can make it to the moon or mars,

1 trillion dollars could buy about 14,000 F-18s

nobody cares, America is irrelevant in today's world.

The US could have purchased $1 trillion of gold and tripled our gold holdings.

>1 trillion
We could use that to fund free sex change operations and abortions.

Why feed Somalis when you can create farms owned by Whites? And make them only use the USD?

Because they couldn't possibly just make more F15's, 16's, 14's, and A-10's, while incrementally improving same, at lower cost.

Instead they had to make one that combines the worst attributes of all, for a trillion dollars.

And to top it all off, the F-35 is a joke of an air frame.

>Talking about relevance.
You are a glorified Chinese colony.

What’s wrong with funding abortions and birth control pills and implanons? What you want is Africa to get to European levels.

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The latest buzzword in the military is "A2AD", or Anti Access Area Denial, which sums up the various layers of defense such as air defense systems, coastal defense systems, long range missiles and artillery, EW, etc. All of those things are cued by radars and other sorts of automated electronic detection systems. Prior to the F35, we really didn't have anything that could penetrate the A2AD bubble reliable without getting shot fown immediately. F35 is a key asset in opening phase of full conflict, as it will be able to move in and rapidly identify the mobile elements of the A2AD in real time and cue other systems to take action.

It's a bogus claim.

Most of the money that went into the development went into americans' pockets.-- Without the F-35, they wouldn't have jobs.

On top of that, we sell the F-35's to other countries for big sums.

I get my all info from youtube the post.


Essentially, this thing was built for Kaliningrad.

killing niggers

This plus you can't just turn aerospace engineers in to nuclear fusion scientist or any other more complex field for that matter.

>what could this 1 trillion have spent on?
Could means nothing, better to ask what it would have been spent on. Which is pretty easy to answer:
>welfare for niggers and spics
>aid to Israel
Might as well waste it on a mediocre plane instead.

isnt like stealth technology is all about straight and rugged corners?

why is this jet so curvy

It's just a fact, right?

I'd rather have tons of F-35 projects that encourage more people to become engineers, and increases our military might... than spend the trillions of dollars that we spend on welfare, for example.


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could spend that debt on something productive like giving fibre optic internet to 85% of US households or giving the US a decent rail network or something

And how much tax payer money have we sent to israel alone? How much have we sent for free to other countries in the world total? All without taxpayer consent.

>reforesting deserts


ps the flight software (the f35's most persistent problem) is probably all done by indians these days

True look at what they spend their money on already, niggerball, dumb inefficient trucks super hero movies and garbage fastfood. and he is complaining about an aircraft.

He saw that on youtube it sounded "scientific".

How does f35 fare against nebo m radars

>$1 trillion
>german poster
Things which just add up!

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>fibre optic internet
yes, but then we'd need to nationalize isp's right?
That would be a politically contentious move.

idk, we used to have more railroads, but people don't really use them. I think it's just too slow and too expensive to maintain compared to air travel which is much much faster.

I'm not opposed to rails in principle, but it seems like the US consumer doesn't want it.

F-14's and A-10's production tooling are long gone and those planes are hopelessly outdated. F-15 and F-16 are reaching limits how much those can be upgraded. Nope, building more that wouldn't be any cheaper.

The biomass created on 20 million square miles of forest could be used to build housing, lower fuel costs and generally augment our diet. It also sequesters CO2 in the atmosphere.

Other questions?

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How about spending it on something important, like fusion research, you dumb kraut hippie retard?

Are you korean communist?

I have the impression that extra dollar sign is used to make the number look bigger.

Why would a nation do that, and forgo the opportunity to rule the skies? and for your information even if you reforested the Sahara and the Australian dessert you still would not undo global warming.

Corrupt politician s who suck off their Jewish masters have invited them, not the German people
Brainwashed kike puppets don't classify as German

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>isnt like stealth technology is all about straight and rugged corners?
No it is not.
That kind of design was due to the simulations being not powerful enough to calculate the cross section of the complex shapes, like this one. So they just built whatever shape computers back in the day could handle.
Now it's different.


>Why would a nation do that, and forgo the opportunity to rule the skies? and for your information even if you reforested the Sahara and the Australian dessert you still would not undo global warming.

Actually, yes, you would. Read about it. A million square km sequesters a shitton of CO2.

According to a research by Tom Crowther et al, there is still enough room to plant an additional 1.2 trillion trees. This amount of trees would cancel out the last 10 years of CO2 emissions and sequester 160 billion tons of carbon. This vision is being executed by the Trillion Tree Campaign. According to research conducted at ETH Zurich, restoring all degraded forests all over the world could capture about 205 billion tons of carbon in total (which is about 2/3rd of all carbon emissions, bringing global warming down to below 2 °C). Greening the Sahara could triple this figure to around 600 billion tons of carbon sequestered. Adding the Australian desert would sequester more than all CO2 emitted by mankind in all its history within 30yrs.

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could have maybe paid to get me a gf

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simple, yet perfect somehow.

Niggers probably.
Transgender studies.

what are you basing the .25% on?
The FED sets the interest rates.

It would mean more niggers and ghouls .

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You will reduce the world Albedo, thus causing more solar energy to be absorbed on earth.

20 thousand BRRRRRRTS. or 400 planes for each and every State in the Union.... oh and a wall too.

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Its a trillion over its lifetime (2075 ish) adjusted for inflation. OP is gay.

So? Who cares? A warmer climate is good, it’s just that we don’t want to be health affected by a 3000ppm CO2 concentration.

I take a 3C warmer global temp any time if we keep CO2 concentration below 500ppm (optimal for humans and most plants).

>Talking about relevance.
You are a glorified Israeli colony.

Btw you are being that typical autistic German with great plans to "better" the world, but who lags the intelligence to foresee the consequences of his will.

t. 15 yo kraut that believes he can make a difference

Did you just finish watching Top Tens from fucking 2002 for the first time? Do you realize our adversaries are building 5th generation fighters to compete with the F-22 and F-35? Fucking idiot.
GAUtists ought to be shot.

That trillion and a half dollars is the F-35's TOTAL PROJECTED COSTS UP TO AND PAST 2040. It isn't how much has been spent. Fucking god fuck, military threads should be banned on pol.
The fact is that building more F-15s and F-16s isn't the solution. The United States' goal is to remain ahead of our adversaries such as the People's Republic and Russia, and the F-35 is the most sophisticated fighter in the world. Top Gun doesn't make you an expert on aerial combat, sorry to fucking inform you autists. The USAF is purchasing a whole new batch of F-15s, called the F-15X and F-15EX to SUPPLEMENT the F-22 and F-35 as advanced 4th generation missile trucks while stealthy 5th gens perform target acquisition. It's not a matter of upgraded 4th gens vs 5th gens, the Air Force wants to use them together with each performing a certain task as part of a combined system. If anyone has any questions, I'm happy to answer.
And muh BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT xddddd isn't a valid reason to keep the A-10 in service.

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>Most of the money that went into the development went into americans' pockets.-- Without the F-35, they wouldn't have jobs.
So they're taking taxpayer money to give it to other people to build something useless. So in the end its still a waste of taxpayer money.

We could’ve given gibs to all da homies out dere u feel? Like daaaam how a niga finna git weed

how much would it have cost if all those corporations weren't profiting from it?

Boeing's solution would have met budget from day one. It was structually cheaper to build and the fugly would have been easy to fix.

Wasting military budget, weakens national defense, not strengthens it.

The whole project was designed for the single purpose of taking out Russian radar and missle defenses after the "oh shit" moment when Russia started making missles that could take out air craft carriers.

So the joint strike fighter with international funding and deals etc was an elaborate single purpose project.

Meanwhile no wall. First thing we could have bought with our laughing to the bank Boeing solution.

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People simply fail to realize that a new, large, advanced weapon system costs A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY when it's built.

Same as the dreadnaught class battleships did when first they replaced britain's aging fleet of broadside-battleships.

Does profiteering occurs. Are fucking retarded design decisions going to happen. Is the new system going to suffer teething issues. Yup

Is the necessity for stealth-skinned, strike and air-dominance aircraft with advanced avioincs, secure communications and massive automation going to go away. Hmmm maybe. Maybe if you can persuade every other planet on the earth to throw away it's phased-array radar carrying air dominance fighters and it's integrated air defence systems AND ALSO NOT DEVELOP THE NEW FIGHTER TYPES then it could work.

The reality of the matter is that when you simulate air combat and air-to-ground combat with these new fighters they fucking pop up out of nowhere, murder the enemy air force and then return to pick off the SAMS, and then start picking away at the ground forces. In simulations, aircraft like the F-16 do not even NOTICE the newest gen fighters before they get fucking stomped on. Only then do they have the slightest chance of fighting back - after they have taken the first missile salvo. What was true back in the day is even truer now in the age of guided missiles - he who gets the drop on the enemy fighter wins.

Pol has a severe fucking problem with people who know fuck all about ground, sea and air warfare.

Nothing of what I just said is in support of jewy profiteering. I'm merely stating facts about weapons procurement.

>laughing to the bank
You got that right.

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>every other planet on the earth
military fantasist detected

>Same as the dreadnaught class battleships did when first they replaced britain's aging fleet of broadside-battleships.
Wrong on all counts. Broadside battleships hadn't been a thing since the 1870s, and Dreadnought cost £1,785,683 compared to her predecessor's £1,651,339.

Yup, they could have taken all those enginers and asked them to build new rockets or satellites, instead it went on a useless plane that falls out of the sky like a rock if it's engine stops working.

its not the Dreadnoughts design that almost bankrupted Britain, it's the revolutionary capabilities that made it necessary to invest in more of her class to retain naval supremacy

Just think. We could have bred even more feral savages.

>no Israel would have mean americans saving more than one trillion

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There isn't production line for those, hasn't been for decades. Even if there were, A-10 would be obsolete, it has been since mid-80's. A-10 has operated in defended airspace with properly stocked light SAM batteries for about hour. In gulf war they operated for about hour over Iraqi Republican Guards with SAM batteries that were fully stocked with missiles. Two were shot down, couple more could limp behind friendly lines and couple more back to bases as total losses. After that CAS over areas with proper air defense was done with F-16's and F-111's from higher altitude.

This is before we get to simple concept of inflation. A-10 or F-16 wouldn't be much cheaper than F-35 and far less capable on almost all missions. Latest F-16V Block 72 might be better in peace time air policing missions due cheaper operating expenses and pure air intercept missions due to being faster.

>GAUtists ought to be shot.

>The USAF is purchasing a whole new batch of F-15s, called the F-15X and F-15EX to SUPPLEMENT the F-22 and F-35 as advanced 4th generation missile trucks while stealthy 5th gens perform target acquisition
Nope. Some people have proposed that. ANG basically wants 12 F-15X's to replace out flight hours F-15C's in 2020 budget, last C's were made in 1986 IIRC. I doubt they will get what they want.

>Wrong on all counts. Broadside battleships hadn't been a thing since the 1870s, and Dreadnought cost £1,785,683 compared to her predecessor's £1,651,339.
Those ships had operating and maintenance expenses as well. Crew salaries and shit. Lets not forget about inflation. Cumulative US inflation in time fame is somewhere around 2500%, my guess is that UK inflation is in same ballpark, but it might be even more.

Nope. The Air Force allocated just short of a billion dollars for F-15EX purchases for FY2020.

Based Finn knows his shit

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