I am an atheist but I can help pondering on the correlation between Protestant Nations and hard work/success and other degenerate nations.
When we talk of Europoor or lazy Southern Europeans it’s clear that the Catholic religion is strong in the worst places.
The higher percentage of catholic’s the poorer the nation. Obviously I am not saying their are subhuman like Arabs but there must be something in the theology that makes them lazier than their successful Protestant neighbours.
What is the cause of this? What are you Papists learning that makes you lazy?
Protestant nations dont perform ANY better than nearby Western European catholic or atheist nations, almost as fi that had more to do with genes than a work ethics less than 20% of the population cares about hey?
>kick your children out, leave them nothing and make them pay rent in your own home So based
Jack Morgan
This Op is a retard
Andrew Wood
Are you being serious? Out of the 10 countries, four are majority Catholic.
Justin Wright
North Italians are white, south Italians are not and have never produced anything, hope you’re making the distinction here
Christian Lee
France is even above your shithole and it’s enterilu atheist/catholic with no protties, so much Protestant cope
Can we on the other hand examine the relation between national cocker and protestantanism?
Dominic Barnes
>focusing on material gain way to miss the point, schismatic scum
Gabriel Robinson
I will accept Austria as not fitting the generalisation. France is now a mix of catholic’s and Muslims and rapidly going to shit.
Isaiah Hall
I realise that your nation was once great by this papist nonsense combined with your Browning by the Arab/Turk invaders has left Italy in a worse state thebfurther south you travel.
Jackson Phillips
France is a mix of atheist and catholic, mainly atheists
Muslims aren’t part of French society and they dot work, they just live in closed of cities and leach off welfare
Xavier Diaz
I am not. The difference between northern and southern italian is minimal nowadays. It made sense 200 years ago. Now the difference is between true Italians and the deracinated sons of the lie.
And besides both north and south were doing pretty well up until the unification under the (((Savoia)))
Wyatt Butler
Nigger I live in the north. The difference between the average northerner and the average southerner is all in the shitty brand of weed they choose to get high on to soothe the pain of being human waste.
This DnC bullshit has no meaning anymore.
Brayden Green
I am an atheist but I was raised a Protestant. The work ethic was ingrained in family and community. I lost the religion but kept the idea that hard work and endeavour are the way to success. Not lighting candles and praying to Virgin Mary on your knees like a beggar.
Josiah Morris
Yes and out of the 28 how many Protestant countries have their hand out begging?
Christopher Jackson
This atheism may explain Frances successes in-spite of the blight of catholic’s
Robert Cooper
Is the migrant crisis a success to you?
Ryder Stewart
>The difference between northern and southern italian is minimal nowadays. It made sense 200 years ago. Every single index of développent says otherwise, also the fact that south Italians are 50% North African and Arab
I have north Italian friends and they all call Italy “Africa” and want to secede, again look at ANY map of Italy that shows any index of development, then look at maps of the genetic composition of Italy
South Italians are shitskins that speak Italian nothing more
Nolan Watson
The Catholics tried to wipe us out, especially the French Huguenots. Perhaps it was an "only the strong survive" situation? Input welcome
Nathan Fisher
Also, hello anglobro.
Kayden Kelly
And I bet those northern italian all vote based salvini and do not hold any conversations deeper than a shallow puddle. I know the type,this beautiful plains are filled with these retards.
Oliver Bailey
Being an autist that thinks Jesus wants you to work hard is probably useful, but mostly Southern Europe is shit because it's still suffering from the collapse of the Roman empire and the Arab conquests which made the mediterranean unsafe for trade, pushing important cities and merchants northwards to the Frankish court and so even today the areas bordering the north sea suck less. Southern Italy, southern Spain and Greece suck the most, again for the obvious reason they were repeatedly invaded by muslim shitters for 1500 years.
Chile only ever had one or two coups in 200 years while the rest of latin america was subjec to constant revolutions and caudillismo, enabling the Chileans to weon their way into a stable society and economy.
Nations which frequently have violent changes of power, invasion or piracy are unable to create a stable environment to build inter generational wealth. This is why the West is collapsing now that we are willfully 'invading' ourselves with parasitic foreigners who drive down wages, drive up costs and make entire cities unsafe low-rent shitholes.
Austin Butler
If the boats were sinking that would be a success. No the mass migration into Europe is a fucking disaster.
James Collins
Protestants success stems from them actually reading the Bible and studying the words of the greatest economist, Jesus Christ. Most of his parables dealt with wealth and power. So they weren’t guilty about becoming rich. The Catholic Church set itself up to provide legitimacy for a ruling class to preside over a lower class. There was no room for the middle class. The Catholic system fit in nicely with the feudalistic system. Nowadays it plays the same role in communist and socialist systems.
Elijah Smith
Good day to you sir. It seems my explanation on the semi nigger aspects of Catholic’s has not been received gladly by the Southern European Arab/nigger rape babies.
Jacob Gray
The proximity to Muslims has definitely affected Southern Europe.
Nolan Martinez
I had no considered the class aspect. That was a good point. They have success or failure rather than a stepping stone approach to self improvement through work and enterprise. Maybe the leap is too far or the obstacles to large.
Owen Cox
I understand your frustration, but we mustn't infight.
Protestants success stems from being far away from any unavoidable conflict. Almost every shit they ever got in was of their own making. Scandinavians had it even better. Nobody burnt anything to the ground there for the last 1000 years. I'd be surprised if they weren't rich.
Jaxson Jones
>it's the muslim that pretends to be an italian again
Kevin Roberts
>muh friends I doubt north Italians wants anything to do with a shitskin like you. P.S. Your prophet a pig and a pedophile.
Gavin Johnson
But how did the Catholic Church afford those buildings?
Jaxon Myers
>>it's the americans being happy about divide and conquer threads again
Go suck a dick fag.
Christopher Rodriguez
That's a complete retarded meme spread by retarded weber Austria, Belgium, Northern Italy, Northern France are all historically catholic
Henry Smith
>I am an atheist And I am not listening. Fuck off back to plebbit and return when you have the balls to join an actual community.
Dominic Ross
>crying divide and conquer when you are unironically anti-salvini when a majority of italians are pro-salvini
Kys ahmed
Ayden Anderson
You're full of shit and just proved it to everybody
Cameron Diaz
Looks like the Protestants are winning to me. Fucking piles of rock all need to be demolished
Grayson Murphy
>majority Dude's been crying and whinging for the last few days. He's clearly a product of his party. Had Almirante been alive he would've choked him with his own spine.
Asher Phillips
The middle class formed in walled Protestant cities. In German they were called bergs. Their inhabitants were called berger, or in French the bourgeoisie. That term is exactly what the Jew Karl Marx ranted against in the communist manifesto. He wanted the bourgeoisie middle class destroyed. Guess who else wanted the middle class destroyed? The Catholic Church. So you see the Catholic Church became the bitch of the Jewish communist globalist agenda. Now what is the ultimate Protestant book outside of the Bible? It is the Westminster Catechism of Faith. Previous versions of it confessed that the Whore of Babylon from the book of Revelation was in fact the Catholic Church. Understand what I’m saying guys?
Lord ——- Catholic Church ——- Peasants
Vanguard —— Catholic Church —— Proletariat
Jews —— Catholic Church —— Goys
Lincoln Howard
Bullshit thesis that got perpetuated by lazy minds.
How lazy could ancient Greeks have been, considering they built a few civilisations on trade and knowledge in the Mediterranean basin? Do you think a religion can change a people so much that they start working harder just because they believe in a particular version of imaginary daddies?
If you check statistics, Germans work on average much less than Greeks, it's a myth that Germanic peoples work more than others. It's just a meme projected by this image of disciplined Germanics vs bohemian Mediterraneans.
The problem is if you want to analyse things based on productivity, GDP/hours worked will not tell you much about how hard people from a country work, it will tell you how expensive the products they sell are. And since Germans got specialised in selling cars, not mozarella, their products have a higher markup than products made in Mediterranean countries. Carmaking is a low-margin business, but the price per unit is so high, that your profits will be much higher than cheaper products like cheese or luxury clothes.
Jordan Johnson
>Bourgs where protestants Wow, a great show of American education here. Also, the bourgeoisie changed definition. Etymology isn't fixed.
Josiah Powell
I think it's more of a case that those countries are Germanic rather than protestant, perhaps that being the reason for them following the same religion in the first place. For example the Angles are extremely industrious wherever they go, be it England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the USA etc.
Denmark, Netherlands, West Germany, Sweden, Norway are protestant. You are fucking anglo, a mutt mix of victorian-era pussy pedestaling combo'd with MUH QUEENZ'N'SHITE. It ain't no religion, this is state hijacking religion for its own purposes. Get fucked britbong
Jason Collins
Doesn't make them lazy, but you're onto something. Capitalism werks in countries with a protestant ethos (where it originated from), never worked for catholics or orthodox which have different cultures. For a system to work, its principles must make sense for most of the population, in this case they don't. Catholic countries worked much better with (semi)-dictatorships: Portugal - Salazar France - Napoleon III Poland - Pilsudski Chile - Pinochet
Dylan Edwards
I feel like this is one of those correlation instead of causation.
It’s almost like you have the cause and effect backwards. It’s not that the theology makes them backwards and lazy. It’s that the Southern Europeans we’re catholic. They attempted to force the Northern Europeans to be catholic through the Holy Roman Empire. The Northern Europeans reject this through different Protestant reformations.
It’s literally in the name “Protestant”
“Protest” is the key word there. They’re protesting the lazy do nothing catholic Southern European influence. They want their own version of simplified strict Christianity. Not the catholic dog and pony show. They want a simple church and to whorship god. Then they want to get back to work. They don’t want some lavish gigantic gaudy fucking Italian church. They don’t need marble tiles and stone columns and stain glads bullshit.
They want a simple white steeple and a bell. Some plain wooden pews. That’s it. Low cost, low Maintenance and most importantly it compliments there more conservative style of dress and attitude.
Connor Diaz
All atheist European nations are currently about ten years from becoming Islamic caliphates. Coindlcidence?
Aaron Hill
15% of our ethnic population being christcuck doesn't mean we are a christian country
Joseph Green
>fact that south Italians are 50% North African and Arab
But that's not a fact though
Cameron Nguyen
This guy gets it. It's an ethnicity difference, not whichever branch of the same religion they follow.
Easton Perez
Most "atheists" in France are actually deists, you might want to go to Sweden, Czechia or Estonia to find real atheists
Caleb Butler
>Protestants success stems from being far away from any unavoidable conflict
Other than the wars of religion from 1518-1648 amirite? Protestant Europe used to be a lot bigger before Jesuits and dagos slaughtered, raped, ethnically cleansed, and brainwashed the children of protestant French, Dutch, Germans, and slavs.
Anthony Scott
>characterizing any right-wing leader trying to get shit done and pointing out that bureaucratic fucks are deliberately screwing up the system to slow things down is "whining"
Yeah I don't think anyone cares what a leftist like you who pretends to be a nazi has to say. Go suck off a refugee.
Cooper Walker
>And besides both north and south were doing pretty well up until the unification under the (((Savoia))) This is wrong, get back studying history
Blake Brown
Catholics save money to build cathedrals, serve the Lord, pay the artists.
Protikikes save money in order to give it to their jewish masters.
New York has more synagogs than protestant temples and there are more catholic churches than protestant temples in New York. This means that protikike's faith is nothing f they do not build at least beautiful churches. Even Joos build beautiful synagogs, but protikikes prefer save money to build synagogs instead of great churches.
Btw UK is not protestant but worse : anglican. And they beheaded the Stuarts who tried to restore christianity.
Ian Hughes
Bavaria is catholic, Ireland is catholic, Scotland is catholic, Belgium is catholic, Austria is catholic, Hungary is catholic, Poland is catholic, France is catholic, Italy is catholic and merchants and bankers comes from Florence and Venise, Spain is catholic and spained an entire continent, Portugual is catholic.
Landon Gutierrez
You're right. Without the unification the north would have fallen into a economic crisis.
>implying I don't know that
Nigger the issue is that now we are faced with a giallorosso government in the future at a state level. And while Lega might win the regional elections it is hardly the change we need. The entire rotting carcass has to fall before we can even begin to talk about restructuring Italia,and gambles like what salvini did are hardly helping. Meloni has to take charge asap.
Xavier Powell
>right-wing leader Is Salvini right-wing tho? Yes, he refused to receive migrants, but beyond this, most of the time he constantly whined that he wants even bigger gov, even more spending, and the EU won't let him. This, when Italy already has a huge deficit because of the socialists that ran it before. He's been crying for a few years that he wants to banckrupt his country even more than lefties and the EU has no business telling him not to.
Michael Barnes
Yes Salvini has no flexibility. Italy is a gigantic retirement home, the socialist government completely screwed the economy with retirement at 50-52 with 2000 euros of pensions, italian people pay litterraly 80% of taxes for the bloody boomers. Salvini might be anti-immigration he can not cut all pensions to old people. Italian economy will sink deeper and deeper until a major debt crisis in Europe occurs 5it might happens in France earlier because of the nigger probleme).
Tyler Harris
Here in the UK a lot of the protestant organisations own all the industrial land and most of the big businesses in construction and that sort of thing. Its because they dont have fun or enjoy themselves. They work 6 days per week and then church on Sunday so they just end up with huge surpluses of money that they invest and get more money.
I expect in Catholic equivalent of that just spends all the money on booze and falls asleep.
We're all fucked. Italian economy is huge and they don't control their monetary policy. If it collpases, the whole EU won't be able to stop the collapse (even with Greece it wasn't a real success). Not even the US will. So I guess the euro will become toilet paper and most of the eurozone will follow.
Aaron Wood
Weber, why are you posting from beyond the grave? no one gives a fuck about your work. you are a marxist. catholicism ethics built the west, not protestant. you heretical fucking loser
John Murphy
It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the f***ing Earth! The most wretched miserable servile pathetic trash that was ever shat on civilization. Some people hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to get colonized by. We're ruled by effete assholes. It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!
Jackson Clark
It's not negative: There is not a teaching that makes catholics or the orthodox lazy, instead it's work ethics that make protestants work harder. In Calvinism e.g. "worldy" success is associated with piety. It could be what made the pioneers in North America productive. But that's an explaination just for a correlation.
And I could name you Ireland, Belgium and France as economically successful, catholic states.
Cameron Green
Scotland was Presbyterian, it's now about half atheist.
Angel Diaz
we receive more than we pay in becase:
1) we dont make as much as you guys. so we cant pay as much as you
2) we didnt force you to make plans that basically say "lets help less developed countries"
If there would be less political corruption in the east the investment western europe puts into us will help us get closer to your level. But then again, your level means niggers and muslims... I kinda dont want that.
Jackson Wood
Half atheist half wahabi muslim.
Charles James
>1) we dont make as much as you guys. so we cant pay as much as you
That is what the entire graph represents.
>2) we didnt force you to make plans that basically say "lets help less developed countries"
If you had got your shit together and developed your own country the EU wouldnt be doing that.
Dylan Harris
>Napoléon 3 Fucking lol Also, what about Venice? Capitalism is only the recognition of private property of production means. So what you say has no sens
Grayson Russell
get educated, gypsy
Juan Long
Brabant in The Netherlands is much wealthier than the mostly irreligious north. Parts of Groningen are among the poorer EU regions.
Jackson Gomez
>If you had got your shit together and developed your own country What then? Would Britain ally with Russia again?
Henry Price
For historical reasons Protestantism correlated with Northern European heritage in Europe, but it is the latter characteristic that is responsible for the so-called "Protestant Work Ethic" not the religion in itself.
Southern Germany, Austria and Northern Italy are Catholic yet they all have a strong work ethic.
The majority of Sub-Saharan niggers are Protestant yet they are not more productive than their Catholic nigger brothers.
It is ethnicity that brings ethic, no religion, that is, you are born with it, you can't teach work ethic to a baboon by reading him Luther.
If I was in charge of the UK I would ally with Russia but also have nukes aimed at Moscow. The thing is If all the shithole countries got their shit together we could spend our own money on ourselves for once.
We have homeless people here. We have old people who die because they are too poor to afford heating in winter. We have gay people that need electrocuting until they become straight productive members of society like Mike Pence always wanted. We cant help the poorest most unfortunate people here because we are too busy helping other countries who never bothered to help themselves.
Jacob Miller
The problem is that now Lombardy is chocked full of Siculo-neapolitan colonists of settlement to the point that the autochtonous population is already a minority in its own land.
So the non-existant 'it*ly' is goong ti morph into a giant Naples and Sicily even not taking into account the third world immigration.
Independence and repatriation of Siculo-neapolitans is the only option for Lombardy of we want to exist in the future.
Cooper King
I see a direct correlation between being protestant and being the most vile pit of degeneracy
Eli Gomez
Turn your camel and go back where you belong Calogero.
The hell with you and your damned Siculo-neapolitan dysgenic drain called 'it*ly'.
Lombards are not and will never be like you. Genetics never lie.
Its very simple, has nothing to do with protestantism. It has to do with race. High level of germanic blood = better country. Its just that simple. The less you have, the worse off the country is.
Easton Perez
>posts pic that says most of southern italians are 95% like northern ones >The hell with you and your damned Siculo-neapolitan dysgenic drain called 'it*ly'. >Lombards are not and will never be like you. Genetics never lie.
>Napoléon 3 >Fucking lol Even though he lost the war, France expanded both it's economy and influence during his reign. He also built the relations and alliances that later led to winning ww1. Also, he gained valuable land that's now still part of France. >Also, what about Venice? Mercantilism. I was only referring to the modern period, as capitalism is a modern ideology. OP was referring to the modern period as well, I guess, otherwise this thread makes no sense as southern Europe has been more developed that the north throuought most of history. >Capitalism is only the recognition of private property of production means. All the guys I've listed also protected private property and they're not capitalist.
Blake Garcia
If you include sicily its probably a good bit.
Christopher Sullivan
Not even close. But ok,retard.
Christian Sullivan
Fuck off you don't know nothing about us except for meme tier infographics on a chink image board. Sicily has just 5 million inhabitants out of 60 millions. There's also much more people in the north, Lombardy alone has 10 million inhabitants
Isaiah Jackson
This map doesn't account for the fact that many of these countries don't even practice the listed religion. It only counts the most relevant religion by country and sets it as the representative of it. You can also clearly see that Catholic countries are very productive. France, Austria, Italy, Czechia, Ireland and Hungary are generally considered to be very well off countries. Maybe some certain ones like the Czech Republic are more atheist. Iceland, Estonia and Latvia are barely religious so they can't be counted into the Protestant pool. Sure, the line-up of Protestantism and productivity/quality of life is rather perfect, but how much of it is, if any at all, due to being a Protestant country?
You think Austria has a poor work ethic? What about Bavarians? What about the Northern French? What about the Northern Italians? It's racial stupid, almost all the Protestant nations happen to be Germanic. The people of the North have adapted to the harsher northern climate, as have the people in the Alpine regions. (Swiss, Austrians, northern Italians) The people in the warmer climates have a more relaxed less work focused approach to life. In the height of summer there that's a winning strategy. Look at the Geographic regions of the Protestants, clearly a more northen people, very Germanic. It probably appealed far more to the more individualist character of the Germanic people relative to the more collectivist Romance and Slavic peoples.