
I have new evidence that will turn your stomach.

Post what you have, and I'll post this once it's bumped enough.

Pic related.

Attached: 1567910274551.jpg (768x767, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The sweetest feeling in this world is fragmenting purity. Dissolving innocence is such a rush that floods the mind with the most intense high.

Attached: 1938679825ih5.jpg (1020x649, 145K)

Ah, it's the loonies again

Nobody cares, shit or get off the pot.

Do anyone have that supposed video of Hillary killing a child and cutting her face? If nobody is able to post It here, i'm going to assume it's fake.

You don't have shit, you nigger


I do, I just don't want to share until there enough non-shills bumping and on the board to save it.

lets hear user

It was. If it was real it would be a news story

I will be proven right. OP is always a fag

Kys faggot

It was fake, cropped and shopped worse than bubble bikini photos.

Did you pack a lunch?

Attached: 1567930477147.png (382x491, 124K)

As long as this gets traction, I'll post. You'll likely claim it's fake, because you're already shilling so hard but that doesn't matter.

fuck it have a bump

Attached: mm.gif (332x332, 1.18M)

Post it, if not illegal to do so by decree of CNN


Attached: 6F72F281-8D64-4C71-B239-14EF897F9D55.jpg (680x440, 69K)

Goddamn what a chad

Why Q blue balls?
Why the desperation to stop No Deal?
Because the two are linked?


Attached: download (10).jpg (888x499, 195K)

Go to sleep boomers, q was always a larp to get you to come here and find some truth.

Attached: Screenshot_20190908-101404_Chrome.jpg (1080x490, 182K)

Attached: download (6).jpg (617x500, 70K)

The only respectable answer ITT


Attached: 39v76g.jpg (800x500, 111K)

post it already, fool

Doubt but bump



Attached: 3.jpg (653x500, 88K)

Anyone who's been watching this subject from before nu/pol/ happened, bump by posting related shit.

If this isn't just a shill controlled board, post something related to this, simple and that's a bump.

I'll post it once that's cleared up, fucking reddit niggers everywhere.


sounds like you enjoy evil. burger boy

Attached: 1567621345167.jpg (911x1200, 267K)

The description of the contents of the video, from when news of it first surfaced til now, has stayed constant. This makes me lean towards it being legit.

Bump, pic related, fuck you mods and jannies this is legal to post.

Attached: Faces of Death.jpg (800x966, 194K)

Anderson cooper
Walnut sauce

>no drop

Attached: 1556327847366.png (687x541, 263K)

My body is ready

Attached: C46EF9E0-5504-4590-8EDF-968233CCB4D7.png (505x533, 511K)

Attached: images.jpg (279x180, 9K)

go on then

How about you stop being a faggot and post it. You don't get internet points here.

Your logic doesnt even slightly make sense.

If you want traction, posting proof of whatever it is youre claiming will instantly give your post massive traction. Moreso than 99% of any other thread ever.

If you want "shills" to pls go, posting proof yet again geys you what you want as it will shut them all down.

But you wont post it. Because it doesnt exist. Now, seriously, please go and implant a bullet inside of your own brain.


Bump. I am 1 out the 100 on this board who is not a shill.

Attached: JIm Watkins.png (720x960, 692K)


Attached: download (1).jpg (577x433, 50K)

Attached: 1543653986244.jpg (1000x1000, 311K)

>I'll post this once it's bumped enough

Attached: waiting.jpg (320x320, 18K)

>6 eleven
>7 eleven
>7 minus 1 equals 6
>8 eleven
>8 minus 2 equals 6

do it faggot

Attached: hillanal.jpg (622x385, 25K)

I'll care when the vid actually appears........ it wont

anyone ever figure out where this website came from. pic related is homepage. There's nothing else on it.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 2.30.06 AM.png (2216x1376, 278K)

Save original pic, use your own computer to zoom into the left bottom frame (Channel 14).

Adjust contrast, brightness, exposure, etc etc etc.

This is just a rough edit, and just a crumb.


Attached: 1567865900187.jpg (1000x500, 95K)

Bump this thread while your at it. Some decent memes to collect for sure

Attached: 1567850291655.png (768x384, 49K)


Attached: 789C89B4-23BC-4AB4-B1B2-237C3FAE56F7.jpg (272x379, 32K)

OP stop being a faggot and drop it if you have it, someone will save it before it gets deleted. Actually idk why I'm even replying to a fucking larp. OP please neck yourself


I just dropped a crumb for you faggot.

A blurry bunch of nothing. Impressive.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 2.35.10 AM.png (666x504, 114K)

anyway (you) could do all the tedious work while i have fun and shit post some more?

Attached: download (2).jpg (577x433, 51K)

Your editing skills suck.

Ok you gave your crumb, now give the whole loaf faggot. Do you have anything better than a blurry picture?

I guess you're going to have to just enlighten us then.


Attached: 1567863964631.jpg (748x1007, 166K)

Once someone actually discovers this clue by editing, I'll drop some video.

I doubt that will happen because this is a lazy shill board now.

We all know about the dismemberment room and sitting naked on buckets
Are a nigger. Die in a fire

Why don't you post the edited pic here then, why the fuck are you making thjs so hard and drawn out. This is how we know you're a larp. Anyone with actual evidence would just drop it all

delete this. last warning

Looks like a dungeon with blood on the floor

maybe you should have prefaced this by saying "calling competent photo editors" jfc, who's actually the shiller?

You're trying to tell us that it's a dead body or a skeleton or something spoopy based on the vague silhouette in the dark and blurry image. Not only is this not surprising to anyone or tell us anything we don't know, but the picture isn't even good enough to tell for certain.



Attached: 1567863186214.jpg (1200x943, 189K)

To weed out the shills and glow niggers.

Anyone can take the information I've posted and post some scary as shit, I'm not just going to drop it all here when I know how many glows and shills are lurking.

bumb, let's be disappointed yet again

I think it's safe to say you have interest OP. Post what you got.

Lmao these stupid ass Qlarpers.

looks like there's a reflection of someone with glasses

you are the glownigger

I'm waiting on a competent user to take the information I've already posted in this thread, and figure it out.

Once that is posted here, I'll continue. Otherwise, I'm just assuming it's shills and glowniggers.


these people are stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid:)

Attached: download (3).jpg (795x499, 89K)

I'd still love to know what was in that note.

B U M P for evil to come to light

I see that reflection too

This is what OP wanted. Here have some attention.

Attached: SUPERSPOOPY.png (1927x1364, 639K)

Some digits.


Attached: 39zrjq.jpg (805x500, 109K)

haven't seen this one yet, is this an 'official' version? i hope you're not gonna tease us for like a year or so...

Unlike OP, I don't tease. Follow this youtube link, then skip to 50 seconds in the video, continue until at least the 3 minute mark. I might be banned for posting this, but if I am, ask yourself: why would something legal to post on youtube be banworthy on Jow Forums?


Attached: download (4).jpg (977x500, 115K)

For his next trick, OP is going to show us a piece of homemade toast with the likeness of Jesus on it.

uh no. don't be so fucking naive, its not real but if it were it would never be in the news and she wuoldnt be prosecuted. She's untouchable

when did it go up? i thought it was 'on sale' about a month ago, i could be wrong... it's probably the site they will drop it on

it is highly illegal, the most illegal level of child pornography. It could never be posted anywhere without being deleted very quickly

Attached: feelsbad.jpg (223x226, 9K)

>these people are stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid:)

Attached: 1526731762638.jpg (1536x1098, 324K)

no that's the fake

I first saw it months ago. Never knew any backstory.

That's a toy doll of some sort, with a bear in front of it.

Take your meds

this has been done like a year ago, it's not detailed enough, you will see what you want to see