Pedo hunting

Why don't we just start murdering these people? It would be super easy too. Just knock on their door and shoot them when they open the door. Or if you are from Jow Forums do some moon's out goons out type shit at night.
>inb4 nice try fbi

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But... why? Maybe the parent sold the child's innocent legitimately.

Why? It's not their fault they like children. They were born like this. You heartless monster!

Would love to, then again I don’t want to go to jail for murder ya fucking mongoloid

>"y-you're glowing"

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> be pedo hunter
> kill pedo
> do life sentence or death penalty
you're not very fucking bright.

Westerners are extremely submissive and will just accept bad things happening. They talk a lot but ultimately never do anything apart from impotent one-day protests.

>do life sentence or death penalty
if you get caught

Umm, if we just take out the jews first we cure 50% of ALL our other problems.

>Why don't we just start murdering these people?
seriously tho, why don't we just form free corps and citizen militias and get rid of all the commie bugs?

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Your intentions are pure but you glow hard

Or instead of agitpropping this board, why don't you do what we pay you to do glownigger and arrest these people.

>if you get caught
hello fbi. 0/10 bait.

>why don't you do what we pay you to do glownigger and arrest these people.
The greater good trumps the lesser evil. It's why people like Epstein and all other parties involved can diddle children under the watchful eyes of the government and the war on drugs never seems to stem the flow of drugs into every community. Of course the greater good doesn't mean shit either, but everyone needs their paycheck.

>anyone who suggests the best way of dealing with these people is a glow nigger

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I think you know why.

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Ever heard of Maxim Martsinkevich?

Define pedo OP. Are you talking about actual kids? Then I see your point. Anyone that harms children needs to be punished to the full extent of the law. If you are broadly calling adults who like older teens pedos, then you are a retarded reactionary.

Why murder them when you can blackmail them?

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because they call everyone a pedo now..all your ancestors are considered pedo according to you pedo posters

also only a glow nigger would suggest pedo is worse than murder

Youd be treated like a king in prison dumbass. Even criminals hate child molestors

hampton brandon doing a live pedo hunting stream sometime tonight, check ip2

Get a life you obsessed faggot.

likely has been him and mossad pushing the idea that fucking some 17.9 yo is broadens the net

What we really need is mobs of 50-150 people, a good chunk armed with guns, going round and killing all the pedos, fags, kikes, and niggers. Can't arrest them all. I mean, it would be so easy to do this, to get like 50 people with weapons in one place, but /pol would never dare. Freikorps 2.0 will rise

you sound like a fucking bloodthirsty lunatic

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>mob justice good, me the good guy, me know who deserve to live and who deserve to die

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Nah, who's that?

You vastly underestimate law enforcement.