Honest thoughts on Italy and Italians? Why is there a rivalry between north and south Italians?
Honest thoughts on Italy and Italians? Why is there a rivalry between north and south Italians?
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italy is full of drunk tourists who shit up the place and leave trash everywhere. also all the cars are dented and even the hospitals and supermarkets have stray cats. stray cats fucking everywhere.
I see you've been to the South.
Northern Chad here, anything below Emilia Romagna is a dead wasteland that doesn't deserver your attention.
A shitty mafia ridden subhuman uncultured money sink.
gibs Italian tiddies
I believe you.
>even the hospitals and supermarkets have stray cats. stray cats fucking everywhere.
I've never seen a stray cat in my entire life, where have you been?
>Why is there a rivalry between north and south Italians?
Arabic/subhuman admixture in the south vs Celtic/Übermensch admixture in the north. It's like you are comparing Switzerland to Algeria.
>A shitty mafia ridden subhuman uncultured money sink.
Is Naples as rough as everyone says?
If you can't guess, I wont ruin the surprise for you.
Italians love muslims very much
Italians wish they were Islamic
I would have guessed Sicily or somewhere else in the south but full of drunk tourists is more of a Bologna thing, maybe Rome
>Is Naples as rough as everyone says?
You know what's funny (but not surprising)? Italy is now cleaner overall than Germany. Im a german and as a kid my family and I travelled to Italy for the holidays (as so many germans do)every year and apart from the beautiful landscape and culture the one thing that always stuck out was the dirtiness. Now it's the opposite. Germany is wasting away while Italy, though still quite dirty and corrupt seems to be getting better and better, also voting more intelligently than us. Im genuinely thinking about migrating to Südtirol (german speaking part of Italy).
Naples is still a shithole by the way but so is any large german city by now.
Which end of Italy was this picture taken?
>ermany is wasting away while Italy, though still quite dirty and corrupt seems to be getting better and better, also voting more intelligently than us. Im genuinely thinking about migrating to Südtirol (german speaking part of Italy)
What changed between then and now?
Rougher. It's the "me first" mentality, the complete lack of respect for any kind of state authority, the idea that being a criminal is "cool" and "the way to go". They live off what greater people before them built, and have zero interest in preserving it and keeping it in a functional state.
They live with the idea that Naples is the best city in the fucking world, the most beautiful, the most inventive, it's people open minded, wholehearted and loving. It's not. It's a lie. Go check any news in Italian and just type in "Napoli". Scams, robberies, assaults, murders. That's all you'll find.
And the worst bit? It's never going to get better.
Many have tried to fix it. But Naples is never going to be fixed. It is a stain. It loves its own stench.
Somehow these people manage to produce great designs and really tacky
and shitty designs at the same time.
Mostly mass migration of third worlders into Germany plus a total loss of any sort of cultural identity of the locals (as in 'we are germans and therefor we like it clean and tiday' etc.).
Esiste una razza settentrionale e una meridionale, perfettamente distinguibili per caratteristiche fisiche e culturali .
Per questo l'unico futuro per l'Italia è il
You failed to protect your countrymen from Islamic invasions and now you shit on them? They may not be the crème de la crème of Europe but they are your brothers all the same. They suffered greatly and nearly lost their Italian heritage and yet they prevailed. Show some respect!
Area around lake Como and Lake Garda and in specific Menaggio and Bellagio are very nice.
The rest is kinda meh imho.
Took this picture last summer of Varenna
Checked. Is it any better in the East? I've heard the number of migrants is a lot lower and that Eastern Germans aren't as fucked in the head as the Western are.
Italy unification... wasn't fine, wasn't wished, wasn't completed.
Purposely was done this way, a truly united Italy with a dominion on the Mediterranean Sea wasn't good to have for the rest of European rulers...
Still we managed to DO something even badly united as we are, until Euro (France and Germany with USA) crushed us.
northern Italy is productive, modern, reasonably clean but more influenced by the cultural aids of Europe and USA,
southern Italy is kind of a shithole and I pray every day that the Vesuvio erupts
It's not genetics. It's culture and education. It's the way you are brought up. I know Sicilians and Neapolitans that act like they're from my place, and i know Piedmontesians that act like they're from Nigeria. It's just that culturally, up north acting like a nigger is considered bad and openly opposed. In Naples, the blacker the better.
>I pray every day that the Vesuvio erupts
Well, it will eventually. Take some comfort into knowing that Naples is doomed.
Lasciatemi cantare
Perché ne sono fiero
Sono un italiano
Un italiano vero
Buongiorno Italia, gli spaghetti al dente
E un partigiano come Presidente
Con l'autoradio sempre nella mano destra
E un canarino sopra la finestra
Buongiorno Italia con i tuoi artisti
Con troppa America sui manifesti
Con le canzoni, con amore, con il cuore
Con più donne sempre meno suore
Buongiorno Italia, buongiorno Maria
Con gli occhi pieni di malinconia
Buongiorno Dio
Lo sai che ci sono anch'io
Lasciatemi cantare
Con la chitarra in mano
Lasciatemi cantare
Una canzone piano piano
Lasciatemi cantare
Perché ne sono fiero
Sono un italiano
Un italiano vero
Buongiorno Italia che non si spaventa
E con la crema da barba alla menta
Con un vestito gessato sul blu
E la moviola la domenica in TV
Buongiorno Italia col caffè ristretto
Le calze nuove nel primo cassetto
Con la bandiera in tintoria
E una 600 giù di carrozzeria
Buongiorno Italia, buongiorno Maria
Con gli occhi dolci di malinconia
Buongiorno Dio
Lo sai che ci sono anch'io
Lasciatemi cantare
Con la chitarra in mano
Lasciatemi cantare
Una canzone piano piano
Lasciatemi cantare
Perché ne sono fiero
Sono un italiano
Un italiano vero
Lasciatemi cantare
Con la chitarra in mano
Lasciatemi cantare
Una canzone piano piano
Lasciatemi cantare
Perché ne sono fiero
Sono un italiano
Un italiano vero
But culture derives partially from genetics. Culture is genetics since it is the output of an ensemble of biological systems.
When I was in the Navy we went to Naples for 6 weeks for repairs. I though that was what Italians were.
Two years later we made a visit to Trieste and it was like another world. Blond haired men and women, most seemed to be over 6'
>a truly united Italy with a dominion on the Mediterranean Sea wasn't good to have for the rest of European rulers...
You don't have a rightful claim to the dominion on the Mediterranean Sea. There is no strong Italian majority beyond the Italian Peninsula
See, that's the problem. Since the south is objectively a nicer place for tourists, first contact with the rest of the world is made in what is possibly the worst place to get an idea of what Italy is, and what Italian culture is.
They were not my countrymen to begin with. Italy was forced together. We may share some cultural traits, but saying that Sicily is the same as Piedmont is like saying that Poland and Russia are the same.
Nápoles y Sicilia fueron conquistada por españoles , nuestra genética es capaz de convertir sociedades vagas e inútiles como Latinoamérica.
Wrong. Italy is an ensemble of different political units held together artificially and in a sick way. Plus when the arabs invaded the south it was literally another country.
Southern Italians are 15-20% sub saharian patrilinealy and 2-3% matrilinealy.
They’re a mulatto race.
you're right sicilia is far superior
italian women are crazy entitled thots. but compared to US women, at least they are feminine and not full of feminism.
italian men are beta cucks
You share the same language, the same faith and the same history. There may be some cultural differences but you find those in every country in different regions
Italians = cornuti.
Sicilians = chad meds.
>italian women are crazy entitled thots
Quite true lol. Fighe di legno.
Missus is half Italian, I told her that Italians aren't white and her mother said she's going to hit me. They're a good laugh
Napolitani carry Spanish blood like me, they're bro tier
>italian women are crazy entitled thots.
are they that bad?
he's just mad they don't put out so easily like euro girls
Just act American.
False. The south east of Sicily has more blue eyes than anywhere in Italy. And we are whiter. Go see for yourself.
because North Italians view South Italians as lazy shitskin leeches who expect the North to pay for everything.
Oh you are right, but have you seen Italy?
We are a fuckin dam on it.
Geography is not an opinion
No they just dont fuck with mangiacakes and nordfags.
Opinion discarded.
Rome became the first cosmopolitan city in the world and Italy was ruined forever because of it.
You can't fuck them if you're not a 9+/10 chad with a huge social circle, you're rich and if her parents and or female friends don't like you in some places.
Plus often you can't literally fuck them if you don't know them since months and already went out together 10-20 times (all sponsored by the male of course).
If you're not Chad the financial investment increases.
Larping american on vacation.
>Southern italians
>Italian heritage
Southerners are greeks, hence why their micro-economy is totally fucked and dragging centre-north down with them.
many North Italians speak German dialect with each other. They just know how to speak Italian.
>Southerners are greeks
In the south you are literally risking your life approaching the wrong girl.
In what sense?
In Italy we have a problem with the bimbiminkia.
I think you in America and english-speaking nations you call them isis-lovers and anti-whites
Do north italians have any mafia?
Yeah I know of one guy who died for looking at the wrong girl kek
Mafia goes where there is money.
Definetly a southern woman
Way less and if present it's of the "corporate" kind.
Im not Canadian, Mario. I work in tech unlike you living on your tomato farm.
Not in italy, Stockholm fashion week 2017
Northen Italy is awesome.
Isaia clothing boosts your looks by x10.
Ladies are not feminine.
>Northern Chad here
I would love to live in South Tyrol
No, greeks. Thre's like an 8% admixture of MENA in Sicily, but that's it.
Why is Canada such a kino country but pol mocks of them ? What makes Canada the best country in America?
Without the name it is impossible to know certainly but I would say definitely from the far south (or with some eastern countries / greek admixture)
They aren't Greek, Spain was there 300 years.
She might be a terrona in Stockholm haha, looks like one
Siracusa and Agrigento are old Greek towns.
There is a very little bit of Spain, bit of Greece and a bit of Arabia from what I know
Southern Italy is the conduit through which Greek culture flowed, and is the ancestor to Western Civilization. The north resents that, simple as.
they are 100% spanish
they look exactly the same
Canada sucks. Going back to Sicily within 3 years. Toronto is full of poos and chinks.
>Implying that southern italians are still genetically equal to greeks of 2000 years ago
She’s a Moroccan model in Stockholm, brainlet.
>Is it any better in the East? I've heard the number of migrants is a lot lower and that Eastern Germans aren't as fucked in the head as the Western are.
Have you been to Poland? The East of Germany is basically just like Poland. Less migrants, more racially aware (plus side) but also totally whiny, 'muh communism rape', less cultured, uglier cities and general lack of jobs. Low energy basically. I hate the dirt, the street violence, the virtue signalling of the West (Germany) but you coulnd't pay me to move to depression town aka the East (Germany). If you want based, identitarian but also hopeful and happy and german speaking there's only parts of Austria and North Italy.
There have been countless genetic studies on italians... they're greek.
>Ladies are not feminine.
Explain this
On tumbler it's written that she's italian. Fake?
Is French Canada better than the Anglo?
milan was a dump. everyone smokes and nobody picks up their dog's shit
East Germany is one of the most atheist places in the world due to communism and nazism.
A lot of the people are based and it is cleaner (tough most equipment is older).
But they are in no way based traditionalists. Them being so godless takes away some underlying moral assumptions which leads to weird behaviour
Moroccan? Holy shit, the south is fucked
Reverse image it, it’s from Stockholm fashion week 2017. The only thing italian is the clothing design for it was sewed by Chinese hands in Prato.
I am a Slav and am used to ladylike behaviour. Despite what Jow Forums likes to say, our girls are modest, polite and emanate some strong female vibes. Simply put, when talking to a local girl I feel an urge to be galant, tough and masculine. Their girls are good to satisfy lust at best.
>nobody picks up their dog's shit
So true, disgusting garbage of a city.
where did you visit?
>Their girls are good to satisfy lust at best.
Are Italian women that bad?
Why travel across the world to move from a Chinatown to another, I don’t understand.
brutto sfigato , io sono un fiero marchigiano nato e cresciuto sugli appennini fra cultura e tradizione . il nord italia è uno schifo nebbioso dove la mafia albanese la fa da padrone nelle strade e la mafia nostrana comanda tutto l apparato industriale con grevi infiltrazioni a livello comunale e regionale. siete pieni di froci e di infami , una pianura di mmerda con solo nebbia .
insulti il sud solo per i luoghi comuni e stereotipi!
fossi te starei zitto ammasso di merda ! l italia deve essere UNITA da nord a sud gli infami come te appesi in piazza devo stare
I went all over Italy and it was great, especially venice but milan was just shit
They aren't, they are just different. They don't appeal to my taste, would fug nevertheless.
Took a car ride through the country a couple years ago. I like Italy, don't get angry.