Women’s hair covering in religion

Why does Jow Forums only focus on the bottom left one? Is the truth too inconvenient for the racists on here?

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Honestly we don't care about the hijab. Shit, I wanna fuck a muzzshit in a hijab
It's the women dressing in tents that need to fucking go.

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It's the murderous religion it represents. Given this fact, the woman that's wearing it means she is a either or a combination of a) stupid enough to be unaware of this, and does what is expected like a basic bitch, b) that she is aware of the history and excuses and believes in the violence and stupidity of her religious beliefs. In any case she doesn't belong in the west and is worthy of public criticism.

Speak for yourself.
I think it has more to do with integration. We'd find any one of those head coverers out of place in our Western society.
The hijab sends a message: "I refuse to assimilate"

It is strange that it is epidemic within Western Christianity, and lately, also much of Eastern Christianity that women's heads are bare. How do the different churches rationalize the lack of this for women?

What? Jow Forums thinks all women should have their heads covered as a sign of modesty.

Before demon jew feminism in the west, even your great grandma covered her head.

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Because bottom left is the only one that is flooding our countries with foreigners hostile to our native cultures. Well, second row from the bottom right is doing it too, but we focus on them as well.

i dont get why so many idiots are obessesed with muslims it probably has to do with their sense on inferiority since they know they are going to be repleaced and that only muslims are allowed to be masculine

No, I am not obsessed but certainly concerned. They massacre the innocent.

The glory of the man is his beard. But the glory of the woman is her hair.

don't the kikes have a practice where they shave a yenta's hair off and give her a wig as a type of head covering?

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Only the very traditional Orthodox Jews still do that, mostly.

Christian nuns wear habits as a choice. Muslim women - all Muslim women - are forced to. That's the difference, retard.

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>t. Mohammed
We just hate the facts you cunts like raping our women, and grooming our kids.

and yet (((feminists))) and (((human rights advocates))) don't mention this injustice
really makes me think

its very easy actually, the only one i see is the bottom left one.

Because only the bottom left get stoned to death if they choose not to wear it you dumb faggot

christian women aren't supposed to cover their hair for religious reasons. their hair is their veil which is why they're supposed to grow it long as opposed to men who are supposed to cut their hair short

Where's the burka?

That whole thing about long versus short hair seems to be culturally relative, no? The ancient Greeks and Romans mostly had short or shortish-medium length haircuts, but there were cultures in Ancient times and the Middle Ages that had men with long or relatively long hair compared to current standards. Throughout the 18th century in many places, such as Colonial America and Europe, most men had long wigs, or long hair to emulate the wig styles. Even into the 19th century, quite a few men had somewhat long hair by the standards of the 1900s through 1960s era, and then when long hair came back, it suddenly became rebellious or unusual, getting normalized throughout the 1970s, mostly just regarded as a young people thing in general.

yeah that is what you get from being stupid and letting them in because you want cheaper consumable goods

>christian women aren't supposed to cover their hair for religious reasons
yes they are and they did until recently

All Abrahamic religions must be banned.

Left is the only one you commonly see. They are around to walk around in a personal tent, while others may be asked to remove so much as a baseball cap.

>1 post by this absolute retard

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