Quick story

be me
>Work at factory
>It's good work, I make boxes and stuff
>New guy shows up at work
>He's a bit quiet but he seems alright
>Notice a tattoo he has when he takes off his jumper
>1488 tattoo
>Oh boy, this is Gunna be fun
>Ask about his ink
>"Uh, it's my luckily numbers"
>Over the next few days I start throwing a couple dog whistles around in conversation
>He takes the bait
>All he can talk about now is 'muh jooz' and 'muh coloureds'
>Even talks about some of our female coworkers and how 'they will swing with the blacks' one day.
>enemy spotted.exe
>Tell my boss about him, explain to him the meaning of the tattoos and what he's been talking about.
>I know my boss isn't gonna be happy, his grandfather was a victim of the Einsatzgruppen
>Boss invites him in for a conversation
>He blows his cover
>Boss just fucking laughs and fires his ass
>I even managed to take some of his tools before he had to leave.

Another Nazi ousted bois

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Fucking based

The original airdate of this particular simpsons episode was February 3, 1994

Cool LARP.

>working at factory

come back when you will have normal work wagie

Things that didn't happen

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Australian wagies make more than top tier prostitutes from your shithole memeland

>Tell my boss about him.

lol are you proud of your accomplishment? did you get a raise? FASCISM BTFO
dirty jew rat.

>and then George Soros flew to Australia to congratulate me

>things that never happened.jpeg

Cope harder bro, I didn't do it for the money, I did it cause he was a fuckwit

That never fucking happend faggot

And then everybody clapped. Honestly, you belong on r*ddit

OP, you are a brainlet cunt. Go back to

This faggot needs to take his cuck ass back to R*ddit. I wouldn't be surprised if this post is part of their pathetic little campaign against Jow Forums.

and everyone clapped.

> another 150 replies guaranteed bait thread that Jow Forums keeps falling for

You’re so cool and brave, OP. I bet you sleep well tonight.


See the Antifa logo and I wanna puke right now.

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And the everyone Clapped

>and then everybody braaaped
You do realize that Soros funds antifa/ggots, The guy who was a literal Nazi collaborator.

Ha ha. Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.

Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most

You then received the Order of Lenin. Get back to tumblr, faggot. I hope your fucking factory explodes.

>be antifa
>work at factory (probably didn't happen, and is posting from some cafe near bondi beach while sipping a mocha soi chai late paid for by mommy and daddy)
>larp like I'm for workers solidarity
>fuck over fellow worker for arbitrary reasons
>collude with management to fuck over fellow worker, because that's totally how you seize the means of production maaaaaaan
>"workers of the world unite" uh, you know, except when they have actual working class sensibilities
>do the work of fortune 500 HR depts for free
>buy the narrative of corporate media against the interests of average working people, the ones you might actually have some workers solidarity with
>doesn't realize that when all the workers are same ethnicity its easier to organize and achieve some goals of gaining fairer wages
>tfw when somalis at an amazon fufillment center in Michigan have more workers solidarity because of people like you

And that bosses name was Albert Einstein

Actually have a very similar experience to this

>be me
>get job at copper factory
>lots of spics
>tfw spic
>outside of factory the trash cans have "1488" drawn with white rocks
>every white person there is either a jailbird or white trash

>Silences other for ‘wrong think’
>The other guy is the ‘Nazi’
Dude that sounds a little hypocritical

I didn't science him, I just exposed him as a fuck wit, if he didn't want to get fired maybe he shouldn't have been so fucking vile to me and my work mates

I don’t silence my coworkers for being trash, because I believe you should respect others opinions on topics. Even if their opinions are shit

> story involves user literally ratting out his fellow worker to the bourgeoisie
> and then everyone clapped

I don't think you understand what Australian work environments are like, the boss is like a brother to us all

This is so me right now
>pic related

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He was being pretty abusive dude, were not gonna tolerate some dumb fuckwit who won't respect his peers, to be honest it really wasn't the Nazi shit which got him booted, it was the whole "fuck women and fuck coloureds", we have a few as our workmates

Excellent work, user. I hope that piece of shit is on the blacklist now and will never get any paid work again.

Your employer didn't lift a finger and still managed to pit one worker (you) against another. Face it. You sold out your fellow worker for free to get a pat on the shoulder from your master. Like a good little slave.

>the nazi punk is your fellow worker
No, it is not, you spineless nazi cuck. The Nazi punk is toxic vermin that poisons the workplace. Cleansing is required to restore order and peace.

One day faggot. Your probably a tranny Huh. I fucked with some homo antifascist guy at my work. You guys are the worst. My grand father was a maxi in ww2. My great grandfather fought for Germany in ww1. You are the enemy. I hope you run into that guy on the street and he beats your faggot ass. Queerbate.

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The nazi from your story doesn't exist, no-one believes that you're not a neet or else you wouldn't think that tatooed skinheads just walk around in public talking about jews.
And yes, within your own story, you sold out your fellow worker. Even the original German NSDAP started off as a worker's party and remained a worker's party, because it put the interests of the worker above those of the capital. Your ilk is only tolerated by the bourgeoisie, because you don't practise what you preach. If you did, you would band together with him to work towards a better wage for both of you. But you would rather sell him out to help solidify a low wage at high profit.

Your world is over, the free people of today want nothing to do with your old world.

And then the woke 8 year olds clapped.

What do you do for fun in your spare time?


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Reading, that and hiking, why?

What do you normally read, and where do you hike?

Sums up da bs

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Lot of old existenialist books, Camus, Heidegger, Sartre... You know, the classics and I have a few mountains around that I like to hike to.

I see. Ever go skiing when you're hiking the mountains? Find anything cool out there?

There is nowhere to ski in Australia except for 3 places for about 2 months

Ever been to Tasmania? What happens there? What's the biggest difference between Tasmanians and Aussies?

You're genuinely retarded, aren't you?

Cool story bro

Yeah I've been, once when I was young, Tasmania is beautiful, lots of natural beauty, Launceston is a wholesome place, most of the people I met there seemed cool


Sounds noice. Never hear anything about Tasmania and sometimes wonder if they're hiding a paradise. What is the most beautiful part of Australia in your opinion? I've heard the northeast is super comfy, but don't know much about daily life there.

>antifa snitches to jew boss and steals shit

seems legit

Haven't been north east, furthest east I've been was probably Tasmania, I usually stick to the south

Sure buddy

Tell this story to your black son maybe he'll believe it

>"we stand for the working class"
>proceed to do everything that hurts the working class
gommies, i tell u hwat

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> he's already got nothing left
Pathetic in every regard.

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Thanks for answering my inane questions. I'll stop bothering you now.

>Manufacturing industry
>in Australia

orly, nigger?

That's how I know its bullshit, not any of the other bullshit.

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> gommy faggot steals shit and hurt the working class.
Pottery. You're cheap bootlicking whore.

>job involving physical labor

something doesn't add up here

I'll take that as a yes. Go yell your crazy shit at trees or chemtrails or something.

They’re r/drama faggots


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so you ousted a muslim?

why tell your lunatic story here, do you expect praise or good boy points?

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And then everyone clapped

>his grandfather was a victim of the Einsatzgruppen
In the oven, jewposter

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>I just exposed him as a fuck wit
so you hate muslims?

you're a fucking nigger. I mean the guy is a retard but antifas should die too

cringe LARP

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cool story bro

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Your story was believable right up until I was expected to believe an antifa worked for a living

you just admitted to felony theft
expect a visit from your local LEO

>Work at factory

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Did everyone clap?

Getting someone fired because of their beliefs. How tolerant.

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>1488 tattoo
People wear that shit on their heart, not their sleeves.

You and nazis are the same kind. Don't think you're any better than them cause you're not. Commies committed more crimes than nazis ever did or will

>He's a bit quiet but he seems alright

Well done, faggot. You just got a quiet and decent worker fired because of differences in political ideology.

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So instead of talking with him perhaps and either trying to convince him through argument your side of politics, or better yet, find commonalities and common enemies to rally against such as the economic system rigged against you and those responsible for making conditions worse than they need to be, you would rather try to get a fellow worker and lower classman fired and weaken your collective bargaining power and potential for action even more. Yep, sounds like antifa-level intelligence.

>You and nazis are the same kind.
Because he fights back against them? I have no doubt that you'd rather let them fuck you in the ass, princess.
>Don't think you're any better than them cause you're not.
He has a job and pays taxes. The nazi roach is a burden on the welfare system.
>Commies committed more crimes than nazis ever did or will
B-but whatabout?

Joos, this was a low effort bait. We deserve better.

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Now it sounds like you’re making details up, as that was not in the original story

anti fa is just a bunch of ignorant house niggers sucking their slave master's dick and hating the people who want/wanted to free themselves from them.
your ignorance does not make you righteous it makes you an perpetuator, a contributor to the REAL racist, hateful supremacists, the jew.
Figure out what they say about non jews in the Talmud you child.

This is either a top notch shitpost or hilarious leftie larping. I think this is a new pasta. It’s Jake the Killer tier.


> Now you gonna get beaten to death
> murdered
>then your whole family
And Jow Forums would celebrate.

Fucking grassing nonce .

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please tell me more shit that didn't happen

You just said earlier in the thread you did it because he was a "Nazi" now your claiming you told on him cause he was mean.
You tattled because you disagree with his politics, like a passive aggressive woman, if it even happened at all.