>Every Roman Empire film/tv show ever is played by anglos LARPing as Romans
Stop whitewashing my fucking culture you lousy motherfuckers. Romans were BROWN swarthoids not white Englishmen.
Every Roman Empire film/tv show ever is played by anglos LARPing as Romans
This is actually true.
they were olive skin tan not britain cunts
>every Roman anything played by anglos
>I will bitch at anglos for making things instead of making them myself
Remember when we were savages painting ourselves in the forest, and you had an empire with aqueducts and a colosseum and so forth? Crazy times, Romafren.
The Romans best resemble modern day NORTH Italians. Not Sicilian niggers like you, OP.
>modern day northoids
>barbarian invaders and anglo mutts
Romans were just a conduit for the Greek culture which came through Magna Graecia, ie southern Italy and Sicily. Cope, indeed.
The fact of the matter is that when polled Italian women said they wouldn't attend a theatre to see swarthy manlets playing proud warriors, but when provided an example - merely a drawn image of the LARGE and MUSCULAR ANGLO dressed in the attire of her ancestors they would bite into their lips hard enough to draw blood and attend those very performances in droves!
ANGLO BVLLS play Romans not for themselves, but for ITALIAN WOMEN!
Who gives two shits about women, you can cast a balding dwarf on the stage and they'd still slobber over it so long as they can get attention whoring out of it
Yes I know, but the PEOPLE living in that area where lighter-skinned than they are today. Do you understand how populations in certain areas can change? If you were living 2000 years in the future, you'd be saying the achievements of the French in the 18th Century were due to it's black inhabitants.
But if that was the case they'd have cast swarthy medlets?!?!?!!
>tfw the people that sacked rome are larping as Romans in the 21st century
we wuz Romans and sheeiit
>barbarian invaders
primarily the invaders came from the arab world in the last couple millennia you dense mother trucker.
even gods were painted as brown so dunno
based. Greco/Sicilian master race
>tfw you will never be an ancient roman
>tfw you will never discuss philosophy and women inferiority with fellow based roman bros
>tfw you will never dump a load in your virgin roman wife for the sole purpose of procreation
>tfw you will never go into germania to hunt cute blonde slavebois
>tfw you will never capture a cute blonde germanic boy and make him your ganymede slave
>tfw you will never anal rape a cute blonde germanic boi. filling his guts with your based roman daddy juice as he screams at you in his retarded snownigger language
fuck you jews and your dead kike on a stick for ruining our good shit and based pagan europe
>be me
>be germanic
>be craving for mediterranean soft tight boipussy
>tfw you will never shag a cute med trap in your tent after having looted a whole village
>tfw you will never stick your thicc pink cock in that cute boipussy before praying to Odin
why even live guys
germanic bois belong to big med cock
Modern notions of race didn't really exist at the time
med bois belong to big nord cock
Romans constantly dunked on barbarians with their bable language and beards
snownigger btfo
mednigger btfo
They really weren’t.
In what world is that considered brown?
how about you stop being a bunch of lazy bastards sat on your arse smoking cigarettes and make your own tv shows then?
Do you have ANY evidence to back that up? You realize north Italy had massive amount of Germanic migration from the collapse of the roman empire. There is a good chance they could even be lighter skinned today then in the past.
You were the one who learned to speak English and consume media which uses the English language because no one gives a shit about Italian and you don't speak Latin.
this. bring back cinecitta pulp. pic related is actual roman representation of alexander. oh my he is so blonde and slender with narrow shoulders like a true englishman is supposed to be. beware my javelin anglo scum.
t. brown illyrian swarthoid
>Stop whitewashing my fucking culture you lousy motherfuckers. Romans were BROWN swarthoids not white Englishmen.
Only albanians are illyrians, you whitty piggu
seething snownigger. knows I could just whip my big thicc medcock out and fuck his pink butthole and havin him call me daddy. you faggot
stay mad seething mednigger
Actually the romans got raped when they dared crossing into germania, which is why they built the limes after they gave up entirely.
whatever you germanic twink
seethe more brownie
>proceeds to get owned by a forest and spearchucking übermenschen
i thought we were through this debate
you ahve to go back achmed.
moortugal boipussy
the memeflag mongrel trying this hard on the shilling ((( )))
Nice bait friend. Here's a (you)
seething arab
>fighting in a forest up north
barbarian there's nothing up there worth fighting for, you literally cant grow olives or grapes it's shit.
just watch the border to keep them from getting our olives and grapes.
based romans (italians), till thse days.
Then why dont you make high budget productions?
Cringe. Fuck you shitskin subhuman.
t. superior Iberian man.
I dunno maybe because those shows are made in English speaking countries in English.
Also, why do you medpoasters act as though literally everyone south of the Alps all look a single way that is completely different to the rest of Europe? PIc related.
They do grow grapes in Germany though you retard
OP is right.
But this show was pretty good.
his wife was a milf
The upper classes of both greece and rome were all nordic looking people, just like every other culture the higher the class, the lighter the skin/hair/eyes. One can even see this in modern italy where all the industry and wealth is in the north and all the corruption and mafia is in the south.
Kys snow nigga. North Italians cluster with Iberians and Southern French, not you Germanic Nodicks.
This is also bullshit. Seriously, nordicists/vargtards and medposters are both so retarded its unbelievable.
I knew brainlets who argue over which subsection of white is better were supremely gay but I didn't realize they would be THIS obvious about it
we are the gayest
kek, you know that the romans had 1 word for blonde and noble.
brown? indians are fucking brown, your skin is tan, olive. you're a white man don't call yourself brown you tard
I feel ya , brother.
t. sicilianu
She was indian
>the grapes of today as the result of genetic engineering and centuries of selective breeding are the same grapes as 2000 years ago.
the romans went where the wine and olives were. and the pant wearing beer drinking illiterates didn't have any. the only exception is Britannia. and areas that had some other cool shit. but mostly they wanted wine and olives to sustain their own way of life.
you can look up german towns that existed in roman times and still exist to day and plot them to see for yourself. they concentrate on south and west germany today, where you can grow grapes somewhat, and were once part of the roman empire.
Greeks and Romans looked like this. Can't believe they claim that E and J swarthoid admixture can make anyone superior. Albania tier.
And in no way darker than pic related.
Salutamu niggers , We all know sicilia is the last stronghold of the white race. Seethe
Except geemany and britain were aignificantly warmee back then and you could grow grapes
>white Englishmen.
fucking kek
What the fuck is your point? They grow some pretty good varietals in Germany like Riesling, Gewurztraminer, etc. that wouldn't be suitable for a warmer climate. Of course its selective breeding, all modern domesticated vines are the product of selective breeding, that's how agriculture works you smoothbrain. Whats relevance of which areas and products were economically important 2000 fucking years ago?
It's called a tan.
It's called /med/ superiority
Well considering my original joke post was about fighting in a forest up north against germanic tribes not being worth roman military effort enough for romans to fully conquer germanic tribes because it wouldn't be a sufficient contribution to roman way of life.
pretty fucking relevant potato nigger.
 saluti romulus, Sicilianu parri?
Meanwhile what they actually looked like.... kek.
How does which areas were worth conquering 2000 years ago have any relevance to the argument over whether northern or southern Europeans are superior in the present day?
it has relevance because it relates to my joke post meant to serve as an excuse for failed roman military endeavors against Germanic tribes.
the entire thread is bullshit posts about romans and germans.
are you too stupid or too lazy to read the thread?
As an Anglo, mess are superior and nords are mud hut dwelling niggers.
Nah I'm just really self-serious and take this kind of stupid debates too seriously. Or maybe not. Memetic ideas form a large part of how people who browse this board form their actual ideas about history and politics. I'm pretty sure there are a not insignificant number of people on the dissident right or whatever the fuck you want to call it who've taken to heart an inverse version of nordicism because of these kind of threads.
ITT Triggered Anglos/Nord cucks attacking /med/ master race
Stop posting this shitty discord ,it's overrun by zoomies
Hermann the German lured Varus into the Teutoberg forest and destroyed three legions, nailing their heads to the trees.
But Hollywood portrays it differently in Gladheateher and they wouldn't lie.